Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Third

The reason why Jindan’s qualifying war was chosen to be held in the same family, without him, on the South China, only one of the genres could have the ability to play the heroic ability.

Generating special combat space, even if it is just a temporary battle space, if there is no dojo support, and it is a high-level dojo support, it is difficult to do it.

Looking at the blue dojo in the air, Sun Hao suddenly remembered the Battle of the Soul Palace.

The Hall of the Soul does not know what it is. The Battle of the Soul is definitely a very high-ranking dojo. The Twelve Houses of War are actually twelve different, and the hardened space, the difficulty of its generation, I am afraid that it is more than a hundred times the battle scene in front of me.

I didn't wait for Sun Hao to think about it, even if I didn't wait for Sun Hao to remember the memory of Wang Yuan and Zhu Zhu, the island of memories of the soul of the soul, the secluded Blu-ray has already been shining on him.

Going to the dust and dusting, he said: "Yi Xiaobai, Li Yuncong, Sun Hao, please enter the battlefield."

Sun Hao’s heart is a little glimpse.

Li Yuncong was also a slight glimpse, his face was a bitter smile.

Looking at it, Sun Hao and Li Yuncong smiled at each other and, like Yi Xiaobai, got up and flew into the blue sky.

The cockroach flashed and the body of the three disappeared.

The dust-stricken person said: "This battlefield is a sea of ​​the sea. From the perspective of the attributes generated by the heroes, it is beneficial to Li Huangshu and Yi Xiaobai, which is not good for Sun Shenxiang. Of course, we will wait and see what the specific situation is."

At this time, in the heart of the dust, in fact, a bit of abdomen, I did not expect Yi Xiaobai to meet Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang in the first battle.

Sun Shenxiang's blood level is not high, but the cultivation is based on Yi Xiaobai. Fortunately, the scene generated by the hero is extremely beneficial and easy to be white. Otherwise, the chance of Yi Xiaobai will be much smaller.

Sun Hao only felt that the pressure on his body suddenly increased. When he fixed his eyes, there was a deep blue sea in front of him. There were many fish in the sea, and he was disturbed by Sun Hao. Quickly fled to the distance.

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly burst into a real consciousness. The heroes and the genius of the occasion, the temporary intake of a sea area, set up a battlefield of three people in the sea battle.

Three monks, Yi Xiaobai, Li Yuncong and himself.

On the surface. I have suffered a lot, but. Sun Hao’s heart is slightly moving, and whoever can take advantage of it is in the sea. It’s really two.

God knows what to do, Xiaozhang Bao Ketu appears in front of Sun Hao.

And a small fire. I don’t want to greet Sun Hao. Naturally, I also drilled out from the empty tower. Standing on the shoulders of Sun Hao.

Curiously stretched out the body in the sea, Sun Hao knows. The boy-like voice sounded: "Boss, are you not doing Jin Dan's qualifying battle? How did it appear in the sea?"

The small fire also asked very curiously: "Yeah, it seems to be in the deep sea."

In the knowledge of God. Sun Hao quickly explained some rules of Jin Dan's qualifying war, and then said: "In this sea area, I have two competitors, one Yi Xiaobai, a small fire packet you should know, and one person is Li Yuncong, although you don't know, but it is my former friend."

The packet quickly said: "Understood, boss, two opponents, a friend and an enemy, hahaha, boss, the sea is the home of my bag, what to do, you will not let you down."

After that, the body stretched in the sea, instantly became the size of a small fishing boat, at the foot of Sun Hao, and Sun Hao with the small fire on his shoulder and the pink octopus under his feet quickly turned into a deep blue of sea water. Color, like stealth, in the sea, lost the trace of one person and two pets.

Sun Hao’s face was lightly smiling, and he said in his knowledge: “First find out where they are, and then, like this, the small bag, no problem.”

"Okay," Xiaozhang Bao Ketu quickly replied: "You will marry me, boss, and promise to complete the task."

At the same time as the gods knew the sound, the boat-like body began to accelerate in the sea, looking at one direction and swam quickly.

As the overlord in the sea, the sea is the home of Xiaozhang Bao Ketu.

Not long after, the body of Xiaozhang Bao Ketu suddenly slowed down and stopped in the sea. In Sun Hao’s knowledge, he discovered Li Huangcong, Li Huangshu, who was careful in the sea.

When it comes to the burial of the Tianxu market, Sun Hao can only say that he is sorry for Li Huangshu. He knows what he is doing and said to Xiao Zhang: "Give it to you, Xiaobao, remember, never hurt his roots."

"Understood, boss", Xiao Zhangfei quickly returned, his body stopped in place, but the eight wrists stretched out.

Careful Li Yuncong suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the front.

Letting go of the gods seems to have seen a touch of faintness, as if there were seven or eight streams of currents entangled themselves.

In the heart, I couldn’t help but scream, Li Yuncong’s secret screaming, his luck would not be so bad, and he did not find a monk, but he first met a powerful sea beast.

Along the way, Li Yuncong saw a lot of sea fish, and thought that it was normal to have a powerful sea beast.

Eight sea currents rushed over, it should be controlled by the sea beast.

With the spirit, Li Yuncong began to fight.

The eight currents are very different, and the power is too big to say that they can actually rebound his attack.

In the end, Li Yuncong only felt that the body was surrounded by the sea currents, and was wrapped up in the air.

The current is like a huge python, entangled in layers.

No way, Li Yuncong can only use his own magic weapon, and sacrificed the white jade bottle and "dual heavy water". However, he did not wait for him to send two heavy waters. He suddenly felt that there was a fierce and fierce atmosphere in the sea. The face rushed over.

The heart was shocked. Li Yuncong only felt that the body was cold and cold, and he lost his mind. When he returned to God again, he regretted to find that his white jade bottle had been entangled in a current.

His right hand was also entangled in the current, and he couldn’t move the double water.

The heart secretly complained.

Li Yuncong only felt like a ghost. He finally squeezed into the Jindan qualifying battle. The result was too funny. Even the shadow of the warriors did not see it. It was actually in the sea. Inexplicably met the sea beast living in the sea. Expelled to go out.

It is estimated that for thousands of years, a monk like himself is absolutely unique.

The heart is unwilling. But there is no way. Li Yuncong’s sensation of movement shocked the jade of the waist, and then the body loosened and the current dispersed. A little dizzy in my mind, and then set my mind. Li Yuncong found that he had already appeared in the field.

Around the monks, the monks looked at themselves curiously.

His face was slightly red, and Li Yuncong flew. Back to the side of Ying Xuanhu.

"Li brother", should be sent by Xuan Hu. Concernedly asked: "Why, I met Agarwood? I was driven out so quickly."

Li Yuncong was very depressed and returned: "Hey, don't say it. I really want to meet Shenxiang, I am still better. His mother, I was actually driven out by a strange sea beast..."

Ying Xuanhu...

On the hero, Li Yuncong’s name is dark.

Deep sea water. Sun Hao faced Li Yuncong’s disappearing sea water and said quietly: "Li brother, offended."

Sun Hao did not personally send Li Yuncong out of the qualifying war, so he had to hide in secret, let the small bag shot, and later see Li Yuncong also speak.

"How? Boss", Xiaozhang Bao Ketu said in a loud voice: "Is the bag so satisfied?"

Sun Hao patted the head of Xiao Zhang, and the **** said: "Yes, we will continue to work hard and get rid of Yi Xiaobai."

"Well," Xiao Zhang exclaimed excitedly: "I have basically found his place. I said that the boss, the sea, you don't have to take it out yourself, let me fix it."

Just secretly attacked Li Yuncong, Xiaozhang Bao Ketu feels very fun, has not played fun, now take the initiative to ask, to get rid of Yi Xiaobai.

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "Well, I will give it to you."

The small fire in the Sun Hao gods, seemingly disdain to say: "嘚瑟."

Xiaozhang Bao Ketu's heart moved, and immediately said: "Big sister, you will have to help me later, help me to set him, or else I can't make it."

The small fire immediately increased interest and said: "This is almost the same, I will swear at me."

Sun Hao smiled.

The two little guys are full of enthusiasm. In Sun Hao’s knowledge, they will discuss how to get rid of Yi Xiaobai, and they will be full of enthusiasm. They have not put Yi Xiaobai, the real person with real strength, in the eyes.

The result was nothing unexpected.

Soon after, Xiao Zhang Bao Ketu accurately discovered Yi Xiaobai.

Yi Xiaobai also noticed the inadequacy of the sea, and even a little stronger than Li Yuncong could recognize that the sea beast should be a strange eight-claw octopus.

However, what makes him helpless is that every once in a while, the seawater around him will disappear in a large area. Every time he will be involuntarily stiff and be fixed a little.

Then, the octopus wrists will wrap around.

I haven't found Sun Haosun Shen Xiang, I actually met the powerful beast in the sea. Is there such a funny Jindan qualifying war?

Depressed, Yi Xiaobai and the unidentified sea beasts had a tenacious battle against each other, and finally had to break the waist jade.

"Little White", returning to the dust to see Yi Xiaobai appear in the air, could not help but ask: "What is the situation?"

"Depressed to death ~ ~ Yi Xiaobai said: "It was actually driven out by a sea beast. ”

In the air, the hero symbol, on behalf of Yi Xiaobai's blood flower dim down, meaning that Yi Xiaobai's Jin Dan qualifying war is here to stop.

Going back to the dust, I couldn't help but think: "There are strange things every year, this year is especially many, Jin Dan ranks a third person in the battle, it is really rare, I don't know if Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang can stick to a fragrant time. If he was also driven out by the sea beast, it would be interesting..."

After all the opponents are expelled, the winner can win the qualifying battle as long as he insists on a fragrant time.

A musk time passed quickly.

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