Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Heroic blood

Sun Hao’s face returned to normal, and the Qingyunmen disciple stood behind the dust.

Finally, Jian Baishou led the Wan Jianzong disciple into the arena.

The strengths of the four Wan Jianzong disciples were relatively average, and they were squeezed into the first class, but the rankings were all behind Yunzhishan.

Before the sword was forged, Sun Hao reminded him as follows: "Hundred forging brothers, if you can, blood levels should not exceed second class."

The sword hundred forged body was a little stiff, and then passed over, very persistently said: "Glory is my life, although thousands of people, I am going."

Sun Hao...

Sword 100 forged body like a javelin, quite straight, blood hero.

The blood is full of blood, turned into an ancient wooden sword type, rushing upwards.

The ancient sword swayed and jumped to the first class, but it ranked first in the first.

Going back to the dust and sighing a little, the overall quality of the disciples of the South China is not very high, only two special blood.

Fortunately, the two princesses are all one disciple.

With the precedent of Duo and Sun Hao, the blood of Jian Bai Forging is not bad, but everyone is more acceptable.

After seeing his blood level, Jian Bai Forging, a sword rushed into the sky, haha ​​laughed: "Good, good, hahaha, higher than Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang two levels, cool!"

Sun Hao... I saw the last place in the rankings, and my face was a little red.

Other monks also quietly look at Sun Hao, the thoughts of the stranger in the heart, the sword hundred forging this guy is not very close to Sun Hao? Why is Sun Hao so smashed at this time?

It’s just that Sun Hao can’t go down.

Jian Bai forged his face, showing a bright smile.

Very cool and cool feeling.

In other words, in the group battle, how many black pots did he fight with Sun Hao?

The opportunity is rare, the run on the run Sun Hao, how cool!

Returning to the dust, he laughed and shook his head. He said loudly: "Golden Dan points to blood, the hero returns to his place, and the blood is refined. He borrows money from heaven. There is a hero."

The burial of the sky, the hero.

The reason why the hero is so popular is that it has its own advantages.

After the blood-stained hero, there will be substantial benefits immediately.

The hero is a secret treasure. Comes with special function "heavy blood".

Blood smelting, heroes open a large array of blood. With the power of heaven and earth, tempering the monks can directly remove harmful substances from the blood of the monks. Improve the blood level of the monk.

There is no doubt that after the blood smelting. The cultivation qualifications of the monks will be greatly improved.

The hero character slowly opened a page, releasing bursts of golden light, golden light intertwined. A golden light burst formed directly below the hero.

Going back to the dust and saying: "There is a blood drop hero", finish. A smile on his face, look at Luo Peng: "Xiao Peng, you should go first."

Luo Peng nodded. As soon as the body swayed, it rushed directly into the golden light.

The hero is very magical. It has the ability to isolate the gods. What did Luo Peng encounter in Jinguang? It is not known what the situation will be, or even the shape of the slightest person.

Tea martial arts, Luo Peng body swayed, rushed out from the big array, his face has a look of joy, some harvest.

After Luo Peng, it was Li Min.

Hemolysis is the first of the higher the blood rank.

After the tea martial arts, Li Min also smiled and rushed out.

The monks went to the blood one by one.

Sun Hao discovered a law, perhaps because the lower the blood level, the more impurities, the lower the blood level, and the longer the time required for blood production.

If the hero is a bit wrong, then why is the blood? Do you want to refine? Sun Hao’s heart is hard to decide.

It’s the turn of Xuanyuan.

Sun Hao Zhang had a big eye.

If the law of self-guessing is established, then under the true level of Xiaohong’s blood, will the time of blood-smelting be shorter?

Xuanyuan Red flew into the blood squad.

However, Xuanyuan Red's time for blood-smelting was not very short, but it still surpassed the former monk a little, and this was washed out from the big array.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly awkward. It seems that the length of time for blood smelting is likely to be based on the rank of the monk on the hero.

Sun Hao is thinking about this, Xuan Hong's voice passed over: "Sun Hao, if possible, try to refine, the big array is indeed refining the blood."

Sun Hao slightly decapitated.

However, the specific situation, you need to go in and see the situation.

The monks went up one by one, and the monks also went up, and the time for blood-smelting was still not short.

Then, the hero character may really be the time of the blood smelting determined according to the ranking of the monk on the paper.

Sun Hao calculated it, it was his turn, the last time he was smelting, the time was enough to reach an hour. If the blood smelting really works, would it be cheaper in the invisible?

Also, after blood smelting, will the blood level change?

There is very little information, I will not understand it for a while, and it is the turn of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao flew in and invested in the golden light.

Among the golden light, Sun Hao felt as if he was bathed in the warm sunshine, warm and comfortable, without the slightest feeling of blood being refined.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly puzzled. If this is the case, even if the time is long, the effect should not be too great.

In the knowledge of God, the light voice of Qinglao passed over: "This is the golden light and blood circulation, one of the ancient arrays, and the golden light, there is a special formula of the elixir, which can indeed refine the blood of the monk and improve the blood level of the monk. However, Xiaohao's blood level is too high, and the ranking is too low. Using a low-ordered golden light to refine your blood, the effect will not be too good."

Sun Hao instantly understood.

In the knowledge of the gods, "What do we do? Master."

"Drive the five elements of the wheel, the full force to absorb the golden light, rest assured, although the hero is somewhat inappropriate, but the role of this golden light hemolytic process is very simple, is to refine the blood, improve the blood level and set up, no other famous", the old Said faintly: "If you can, absorb a little gold light to come in and condense the empty tower, maybe there will be some special effects."

After the young man became a singer, he gained a lot of peculiar abilities, especially some ancient cultivation memories seem to be gradually waking up, and he can give Sun Hao good guidance at the crucial moment.

Sun Hao said: "Okay."

The movement of the gods turned, and at the same time, the spurt of the air tower and the five elements of the round.

Jinguang is like a funnel, and the source is constantly flowing into Sun Hao’s body.

Small flames, Mudan, Jinfei, even usually do not move very often, often in the stone fetus silent silence, also act, as if tonic, began to swallow golden light.

The five-line round of high-speed operation, Sun Hao body, several series of real yuan has always maintained a balance, go hand in hand.

On the surface of Sun Hao’s body, every layer of gold light brushed in the past, and gradually there was a faint mud.

The blood is gradually golden with the golden light, and the golden blood droplets gradually form, and the proportion in the blood is getting bigger and bigger.

Refining the blood, for Sun Hao, not only allows the blood to be baptized, but also, with the balance of the five elements of the wheel, Sun Hao's several attributes of the real yuan are slowly improving.

Sun Hao's body, inside Dan Tian, ​​also produced an attraction, no more slow than Sun Hao, but also swallowed golden light.

Within the spirit room, there was an inexplicable smile on the face of the old man, and his body was covered with layers of golden light.

Among the golden light, on his body, a layer of white runes emerged, just like the characters on the refiner.

The old man sits on his knees and puts his hands on the knees of one leg.

Among the golden light, a smile on his face, and the old man is also sinking into cultivation.

However, unconsciously, the reflection is normal, the left hand on the left knee is swiftly swept on the floor of the spirit room, and everything is calm.

Different from other monks, after Sun Hao entered the golden light array, suddenly a large array of brilliance, the hero looks like a spirit of general, ten times more than the radiation, the glare of the radiant, shining, dazzling, golden light.

All the monks can't help but know what the hero means.

I don’t know what Sun Hao’s Sun Xiangxiang is experiencing during the big battle. He can only pay close attention to it and wait for the development of things.

Under normal circumstances, abnormality means difference. I don't know if Sun Haosun's agarwood is abnormal or golden is a good thing or a bad thing.

After Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is scouring, will the blood level be improved and how much will be improved.

According to the routine, according to the time of the previous monk, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's blood smelting should last for about an hour.

However, what happened to everyone was happening again.

One hour, two hours... five hours passed.

The heroic symbol on the golden light is still bursting, and the Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang inside seems to be completely unsatisfied, and stays inside.

Returning to the dust and looking at the air, there are already three heroic characters in the wilting shape, and the brows are not slightly wrinkled.

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