Nine Cents Refining

Chapter 707: Shangren Dan

The group battle was ranked and the dust settled.

When time is up, all the remaining monks will take off and fly into the field.

The eight major sects opened a group battle, and the elite Jindan forty people.

The real person has been practicing for a hundred years, and only 20 are left.

Among them, the monks who fell directly on the battlefield reached more than ten.

We must know that the Jindan real people who can participate in the Zongmen qualifying war are not carefully cultivated by the ancestral halls.

Nothing is contemporary.

However, the world of monks is so cruel. On the road of practice, there is no way to lose sight of it. If you are not careful, you will lose your way.

A few happy couples.

Qingyun battle boat, happy.

Xuanyuan Yaqin opened his eyes and smiled.

Before the team battle, Qingyunmen predicted the rank of the team battle is the sixth.

After the war, Qingyunmen actually took a step forward from last year and rushed to the second.

On the heroic character, the order of the southern gates of Zongmen has come out.

Wan Jianzong topped the list and got a score of 50 points. Under the three golden words of Wan Jianzong, the names of the five divisions such as Jian Bai Forg were lined up, and they were also shining.


Qingyunmen ranked second, with a score of 36 points. The Qingyunmen three characters lined under the three words of Wan Jianzong. The font was slightly smaller and glowed yellow. Underneath, it was Sun Hao and Yun Yeshan. Xuanyuanhong, the name of the four people to Daewoo.

At the end of the team battle, Chen Yifan has been eliminated.

After Qingyunmen, in turn, Qi Tianzong was thirty-two points, and returned to Yizong, Huang Daozong and Baihuamen.

The Millennium Valley and the Wuyue Cave have been bleak and the whole army has been wiped out.

Jianbai Forging looked at the three characters of Wan Jianzong, who was on the top, and his heart was proud and excited, but also had a sense of bitterness.

The hero character only gives the result, not to the process.

Wan Jianzong ranked first. The main reason is that because the battle flag has not been lost, it is said that the battle is not the same as Qingyunmen. However, his mother’s, Shen Xiang’s good things. All the black pots were forged on his back.

It will surely become history for him to be permanently backed up.

Wan Jianzong got the first place is good, but the southern martial art was basically offended by himself.

Wuyue Cave, Millennium Valley, and Huang Daozong must have thought that they had attacked and killed their Jin Dan, and they hated it.

The original one was pulled down by himself, and he must not drink his own blood and eat his own meat.

Bai Huamen was really killed by himself.

Will Jiuye misunderstand that he has blackened his exploits?

Well, Jianbai Forging feels all over the place, and the days of Jin Dan’s qualifying battle will not be too good.

Even the ancestors of the Zongmen, sighed from time to time. There is no sense of excitement in the first place in the group.

Black, too dark, black is a word, the most suitable for Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

However, his mother's own, the black pot of his own back is still willing to be willing, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's black pot handed over, he seems to be still fart. Happily backed up.

The result of the group battle ranking came out and there was a short rest period. After waiting for other levels of Zongmen Jindan who received the hero, the second stage of the Jindan qualifying battle will officially begin.

During the rest period, each of the Jindans can strengthen exchanges, exchange or not, and enhance friendship.

Because of the relationship between the group battles, the eight major sects naturally formed three small groups.

The three monks of Guiyi, Huang Daozong and Baihuamen walked closer.

The three monks of Wan Jianzong, Qi Tianzong and Qingyunmen often meet.

The Wuyue Cave and the Millennium Valley monks are warming up.

Although the group battle lost. Wuyuedong and Qianqi Valley have been eliminated. However, the two warships have not left, but continue to watch the battlefield and pay attention to the results of the second phase of the Jindan qualifying war.

Not paying attention to it. If the next-level Zongmen has a generation of Tianjiao, and forced to enter the top ten of Jindan's qualifying war, then their two rankings will be greatly threatened, and the area of ​​the territory will be greatly reduced.

Sun Hao has a deep influence on Jian Bai Forging and Du Yi, two guys often visit, and the character is also a perfect match.

Jian Bai Forging is very straight and eager to add one.

The cynicism of the singer, the cynicism of Li Min, and the arrogance of Li Min have formed their own unique temperament.

The fear of the sword hundred forging is also on the road of unique temperament.

Two friends are actually not simple.

Of course, Duo and Jian Bai Forg also think that Sun Hao is not very simple, especially Jian Bai Forg, and he is respectful to Sun Hao.

Three contacts, their three top monks are not the most eye-catching.

It’s a bit of a chicken and a dog jumping. It’s a bit of a joy to show off the home’s appearance.

Sun Hao did not expect that his own boring gourd apprentice actually had a day of being entangled, and he was still a master of the Tang Tianzong, a heroic and refreshing woman.

In a pavilion, Sun Hao and Jian Bai Forge sit opposite each other, sipping tea, talking and laughing.

Lying on the horizontal stool of the gazebo, she set up a leg with an unknown weed in her mouth.

In the distance, Qi Xiaoai was screamed: "Big wood, where to go, give this lady a stop..."

Sword hundred forging while sipping tea, while whispering said: "Jiu Ye, saying Jiuye, I feel that your Miss Qi should be moved to love, be careful that he was turned away by the incense of the incense."

The singular stunned and stunned, and screamed in his mouth: "I rely on you, you are so loud, it really looks a lot like it, and the little hobby is like the sultry Hulu of Shenxiang."

Sun Hao smiled and took a sip of tea.

Jianbai forged his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Jiu Ye, then you still don't chase the younger sister? Jiuye, I support you spiritually, go, go, get the sister, please drink the wine."

Struggling with a hand, stretched out a long, and patted the shoulders of Jian Bai Forg: "Brother, really a good brother."

A grateful look.

Then, there was a haha ​​expression on his face: "However, there is no relationship with me."

After that, the grandson screamed and laughed: "Agarwood, the good disciple you cultivated, Grandma's, Laozi was harassed by little love for decades. Now, finally someone has replaced me, one hundred forging, one hundred Forging, isn’t there a good wine for your mother, and the brothers are walking...”

Sun Hao smiled.

Jianbai forged smiled and shook his head, his wrists shook, and a white jade bottle appeared.

I screamed and rushed.

The sword was forged on the side of the body, and the two men slammed into the air.

Not far away, Li Min stood proudly, behind him, several top Jin Dan Qi Qi looked at the pavilion.

Huang Daoyuan and Kangle Qiqi laughed and said: "They started again."

Yi Xiaobai also smiled and said: "Ha ha ha, a noisy, a straight, a quiet, really do not know how the three of them came together, really a few interesting guys."

Luo Peng looked at the three people in the pavilion with his eyes.

Li Min arrogantly, thrown into the eyes of the pavilion, flashed through the silk to appreciate, the mind thought: "The difference between the realm is a point, the state of the three people below, you can not understand, summer insects can not with ice language."

Sun Hao took a sip of tea, his face smiled lightly, looked at the sky, and Li Min’s eyes slammed together.

Slightly smile, the teacup in one hand, and then, if nothing happens, look at the solitary and sword hundred forging.

In the midst of trouble, Jianbai Forging is a real side, like a young child, dedicated to playing, but the gaze of the singer has smacked the sky intentionally and unconsciously, aiming at the lively people in the air, and then with the sword Hundreds of forgings should drink.

Within one field, several Yuan Ying ancestors also surrounded the people who went to the dust and listened to the people.

Going to the dust, the beard, the white beard, with a kind smile, his hand to the bottom, said with a smile: "The younger Jin Dan, each extraordinary, and even a few of them have already come to your front."

Yuan Yingzhenjun looked at the bottom and listened carefully to the explanation: "After Yuan Ying, it is for the gods, this monk, the true monarch is the apex, the **** is hard to see, but often the powerful people can It is a sacred idea to perceive the state of mind and form the prototype of the Tao."

After Yuan Ying, the progress is not easy, and it begins to involve understanding the avenue.

But A lot of Yuan Yingzhen still can't go one step now.

"The younger Jin Dan, the real strength of eight people, in general, can be divided into two files," said the dusty person leisurely said: "One file is led by Li Min, proud of the domineering way; the second is the second, the world is free and easy The way; hundred forging again, the pure innocence of the red; the last of the agarwood, seemingly unclear, seems to be nothing, not yet clear..."

After evaluating the top four Jindan descendants, the people who went to the dust no longer commented on other Jindan one by one. Obviously, other Jindan were poor, and there was no interest in comments.

Even Luo Peng, he was automatically included in the second gear.

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