Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2750: Tiandao Reincarnation (2)

After completing the understanding and understanding of the human reincarnation, Sun Hao broke through the air and broke into the last level of the six reincarnations, which is the reincarnation of Tiandao.

After all, the six rounds of reincarnation are not really six reincarnations. This is the product of the monk's simulation. Is it true that the six-way heaven is not clear to anyone?

Sun Hao practiced until now, and the six roads that he really touched were two.

Luo Pengfei built one, within the Palais. However, at that time, Sun Hao was forced by the situation to break into the three evils. He finally broke through the 18-layer **** and defeated Luo Pengfei. It was a coincidence that he turned it into his own deputy soul.

Now that he has re-entered the six reincarnations of the undead protoss, Sun Hao finally found the most crucial one, and Tiandao reincarnation.

With the eighteen layers of hell, this is also a conceived, simulated scene. After coming in, I don’t know if the encounter is exactly the same as the real heaven.

When Sun Hao broke out and broke into the heavenly reincarnation. After coming in, the first feeling that comes out is that the heart is full of pleasure.

Feeling, my body, the body of the 10th good man, at this time become extremely clean, free from dirt and dirt, like glass filled with light, his eyes are clear and bright, as if to see through the world .

If you want to eat something, you can see what you want, and you can see what you want.

Diet clothing is like a magical illusion. As long as you have a heart, you should read it.

Is this the heavenly world? What you enter should be the destiny of the reincarnation of Heaven, and you don’t know what you will meet here?

Also, what is the need to experience something in the 28th day of Heaven? Is it a pass?

After floating in the air, after a moment, Sun Hao’s heart moved, and one hand stretched out in the air, thinking: “Give me a piece of virtual crystal.”

This stuff is definitely not what the Death Stars can have. Even the Heavenly Reincarnation of the Death Stars is said to be able to morph and simulate everything. According to the truth, it should be impossible to change itself to nothing.

Sun Hao is very keen to see, he is now in charge of the reincarnation of Tiantian, there will be no crystal, what will he do.

But at this time, Sun Hao suddenly felt that his hand was suddenly sinking.

Unexpected things happened, and there was a piece of virtual crystal that I couldn’t perceive in my hand. If I had experienced the black hole world myself, at this moment, I would be surprised how the hands would be so heavy.

No crystals can come out? Heavenly reincarnation can really be born out of nothing, to meet all the needs of the monks, so that the monks always maintain a happy mood?

Sun Hao is a bit dazed, this field is also amazing.

But immediately, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression. Sun Hao had quickly analyzed it. The piece of virtual crystal in his hand was actually the one he gave to the king of death.

In other words, this piece of virtual crystal is not moved out of thin air, but transferred from the hands of the king of death.

I just don't know that this piece of virtual crystal in my hand is a real entity? It is still the real entity in the hands of the king of death.

If the piece in your hand is an entity, and the piece in the hands of the king of death is already missing, then things are very funny.

Sun Hao perceives the virtual crystal in his hand and suddenly discovers that this thing is likely to be the real entity.

Then, if this is the case, isn’t the king of death already made a poor man?

In the reincarnation of heaven, so many monks consume enough things to drag the king of death to life. Then, Sun Hao began to judge that there must be some secrets that are unclear in the reincarnation of heaven.

If you don't get it, there will be a time when you leave, and everything you get will be left behind.

Is the bamboo basket watering empty?

Sun Hao knows what to do, trying to get the crystalless crystals to condense the empty tower, but suddenly finds that a very strange rule limits his own charging action, good guys, and sure enough, the loophole is not so easy to drill.

If you want to let the undead king bamboo basket get a lot of water, you need some means to do it. Because you are still in the reincarnation of Tiandao, Sun Hao will not continue to take other violent means, just find something and put away the virtual crystal. After that, Sun Hao began to fly forward.

Soon after, Sun Hao saw a huge mountain standing in the sky. This mountain seems to grow from the sea. It is only a small point in the distance, gradually approaching, and more and more tall and no friends.

At this time, Sun Hao flew in the air, suddenly found that under the mountain is a vast continent, each continent is a place for human reincarnation.

A mystery rises in my heart, and this mountain in front of me should be Mount Sum.

The foot of the mountain, the mountainside, that is, the height of its current flight, should be the first world of heaven, the desire.

Sun Hao flew closer, and he has completely lost the power of sensing of Sumiyama. He only perceives a big world.

Soon after, in front of Sun Hao, there was a huge sky garden. I saw a lot of people inside, just like me, very pure and beautiful people, flying around.

When Sun Hao approached, there were many gods flying inside, and he was full of curiosity about Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and expressed his good kindness. He flew into the beautiful sky garden and began his own understanding of heaven.

Before the dawn of heaven, Sun Hao felt unclear and felt very tall. When he saw the beautiful sky garden, Sun Hao was full of curiosity about the Tiandao reincarnation he was about to enlighten.

Really integrated into the heavens and the world, and realized the principles set by Tiandao's desires, Sun Hao was ridiculously found that the Tiandao desire is not too big a problem for himself.

If you are willing to do so, you can even fly away immediately, from the desire to reach the second world of heaven, the color world.

The reason is very simple. Heaven and earth want to be bound, and pay attention to it. Actually, it is the way of yin and yang.

The core spirit of the whole heaven and earth desires to build is the combination of yin and yang, which is the sentence recorded in the far-off classical books: "All things are negative and yang, and they think that they are harmonious."

The meaning of this sentence is that all things bear the yin and yang binary, so that they can stir each other and reach a state of harmonious existence. The survival and development of all things in heaven and earth follow the principle of yin and yang. The combination of yin and yang is the birth of everything.

Heaven and earth desire is the principle.

People have desires, the size of desires, that is, a process in which yin and yang are in harmony with each other. Heaven and earth desires are yin and yang, and they are mutually integrated, and they are born with everything.

Among them, the most typical representative is that the Tiandao desire also has a marital status, and this state is directly reflected in the qi and yang qi.

Separated from a low-level marital status.

Among the reincarnation avenues, the first world of Tiandao, the desire for the boundary, and the appearance of it will be the root and realization of Yinyang Avenue. This is an unexpected and reasonable thing.

Yinyang Avenue is the real world road. Any kind of avenue operation needs more or less the assistance of Yinyang Avenue.

The higher the level of the road, the stronger the road, the more demand for Yinyang Avenue.

The reincarnation road involves people's mentality and ethics, and the requirements for Yinyang Avenue are naturally harsh.

When the heavens and the world are low, the yin and yang avenues are required to enter the road. Nowadays, after the difficulty of the six reincarnations has been adjusted to the maximum, the celestial desire is the need for the yin and yang Dacheng sensation to be able to pass Guys, only this one level, if other monks come over, it is estimated that they will have to sink in the desire for a long time, after a long period of practice, they can break through.

Sun Hao can be broken. After all, Sun Hao has long been built into a yin and yang avenue, and has reached the requirements of the desire to break through.

After receiving such feelings, Sun Hao once again lamented the importance of the foundation.

After thinking for a while, Sun Hao did not simply break through the desires, but began from the four kings of the most basic level of the world, began to comprehend one by one, began to practice one by one, and re-established himself. Yinyang Avenue, at the same time to understand the true meaning of the reincarnation contained in Yinyang Avenue.

There are four kings in the world, such as Wang Tian, ​​Li Litian, Yan Motian, and the speed of the sky, the self-contained heaven, and the freedom of the six heavens.

On these six days, every specific detail has been divided into different small days. For example, the four kings of heaven are referring to the national day, the growth day, the wide-eyed day, and the more singular, and the four-day life of the four kings is 500 years old. .

For example, 忉利天 is also called thirty-three days, good guys, all feelings, then you have to go thirty-three times.

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