Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2728: Virtual and real

The high priest looked at the status of Sun Hao. He did not find too many abnormalities. He nodded and said to the head of the Zhazi: "Okay, you can use crystals to keep it. Time needs two or three fire festivals. You should be able to complete the fusion." You know everything about it, and hope that this resurrection will help him."

At this point, I can only hope that the three young masters can develop better and be able to get enough progress in a very short period of time to achieve a major reversal of life.

Zara worshipped the high priest with respect and respect, and said, "Thank you, the high priest."

Behind the 勐la, no less than one hundred monks said in a loud voice: "Thank you for the high priest."

Sun Hao is not moving, quickly digesting the memory of 勐拉里沙.

The high priest nodded slightly, waved his hand, threw a crystal cymbal, and took Sun Hao's illusory new body into it, and began the final fusion of the shell and the source.

This is a very strange, like a pure black crystal 能 that can absorb everything. After Sun Hao came in, he found that he completely lost contact with the outside world, even his heart and lost his perception of the outside world.

Sighing the magic of the world inside the black hole, Sun Hao did not think much, began to concentrate on accepting the memory of 勐拉里沙, and began to understand this new world.

After a while, Sun Hao’s face appeared wrong, and with a surprised expression, Sun Hao discovered that the black hole world is very different from the outside world, and that the world inside the black hole is afraid of the whole virtual world. It is also completely different from the outside, or that the world view of the whole virtual world is completely different from other monks in the virtual world.

In the past, Sun Hao has been very skeptical of the undead domain, how the massive undead monks came from, how to cycle.

Now, Sun Hao has found the answer that makes him laugh and laugh. The bones of the undead domain, the ghosts, the good guys, are all within the black hole world, and the result of the cultivation of the perfect monks.

For the black hole world, it is a lifelong pursuit to cultivate a physical existence and fly out of this illusory world of death.

In the memory of 勐拉里沙, after the virtual reality, every monk will have a powerful fighting power within the black hole world. As long as it reaches a certain height, it will break the **** of the heavens and the earth and fly away...

Moreover, in this strange world, various laws and rules are also very different from the normal virtual world. For example, time, because there is no sun in this place, the time they use is a fire offering, a fire offering. Time is equivalent to a year of universality.

And each fire festival is divided into a more complex time system that is similar to the world of the virtual world.

For example, the power system is also very different here.

The most common way of practicing the practice of the imaginary world is the refining, and other practices are auxiliary.

Here, there is no refining at all. The monks here are mainly repairing the power of strength and physical attack.

To evaluate the level of the monk's combat effectiveness, it is also to use power to locate. Seeing this positioning method, Sun Hao can't help but laugh.

The system is completely different, and the discomfort caused makes Sun Hao, a well-informed monk who is knowledgeable, feel incredible.

The power system in the black hole world is like playing with it.

Before the completion of physical power, the power of all monks is called virtual power. This kind of power has five realms: small virtual force, great virtual force, strong and weak force, invincible force and broken power.

After breaking the power, enter the stage of strength.

Strength, in the black hole world is a symbol of combat power, and after Sun Hao saw this criterion, he couldn’t help but think of himself as a low monk.

In the black hole world, the first stage of strength, the ultimate in annihilation, in fact, Sun Hao found that this power is weak to the extreme, similar to the power of various small animals, such as hares, such as squirrels, etc. power.

In the second stage of strength, there is no enemy force, in fact, it is the power of a shackle.

The third, fourth, and fifth stages of the future are the equivalent of the black warrior's strength, and the black scorpion is vigorous; the horror of the death knight's power is vigorous, and the practice of the black hole world is intolerable for the black hole world. The power is extremely strong, and the heavens and the earth are invincible.

Seeing this power system, Sun Hao really does not know what to say.

I remember that when Sun Hao was just building the base level, Sun Hao practiced the power of the real dragon, and he also built a lot of dragon power.

Is it necessary to get the black hole world? Is it not invincible?

Feeling, the power system of the black hole world is really strange. What is even more amazing is that the so-called soaring of the world should be a breakthrough into the normal virtual world. Moreover, if Sun Hao is expected to be not bad, the monks here will soar. After that, it will become those undead monks in the undead domain.

Hey, sinister... It should be flying from the black hole world.

Realizing this fact, Sun Hao doesn't know what to say, the black hole world, the so-called death **** domain, feels like a special pit.

Continue to digest the memory of 勐拉里沙. After a long time, Sun Hao’s heart has produced an inexplicable emotion. At the same time, there are some more conjectures about the reincarnation of the monk.

According to the knowledge of Zha Li Lisha, combined with his own understanding of spiritual practice, and the experience of this road practice, Sun Hao came to a conclusion that made him feel a little uneasy.

The source of the soul of the black hole, the fire of those souls, the fire of the soul that does not have any memory, without any imprint, seems to be very pure. In fact, it is very likely that the soul after the death of a large number of monks was taken into the black hole. After turning into the most basic particles, re-ignite and generate the flame.

According to the understanding of the practice of the 勐拉里沙, after the death of the monks and mortals, the soul will turn into a vain gas and fly infinitely. In the process, it will not be observed. It seems that something that does not exist is normal, but the death **** domain can capture The gas of the soul, and will ingest them.

In this process of ingestion, most souls can't resist the enormous oppressive force, and the collapse becomes a soul particle without a little imprint. Only a very small number of souls can light the fire of the soul because they are strong enough.

Every once in a while, the black hole will be like the other end of itself, spewing out some soul fires, and those soul fires will experience a reincarnation after a break-up and reorganization.

The theory that has been obtained, together with some things that Sun Hao has experienced, Sun Hao feels, it seems that he has experienced some real, core reincarnation mystery in the virtual world, and Sun Hao has a conjecture.

Will it be the other end of the black hole is the white hole connected?

Because Sun Hao knows that many strange phenomena in Baidong are just the opposite of black holes. Moreover, in the white holes of the witches, various resources are often sprayed. The result of engulfing the black hole.

With this kind of conjecture and cognition, Sun Hao gradually settled down. According to his own analysis, there are at least two ways in the future, and two ways can go out from this world.

One is to cultivate the ultimate strength, break the shackles of the black hole, and fly away from here. If Sun Hao guesses well, in all likelihood, he will fly to the undead domain, or other places like the undead domain in the virtual world, thus getting out of trouble. Out.

There is another way, that is, you simply pass through the other end of the black hole and return to the virtual world through the white hole.

There are two ways, no matter which one, you can go out, but Sun Hao thinks that the first kind may be more reliable, and by virtue of its strength, it will definitely appear in places where there are people with monks.

Out of the white hole, I don't know where it will appear.

If you appear in a dark area without any life that you can't sense, wouldn't you be lost in the starry sky and you can't find a way home?

The perception of the black hole world and the existence of the black hole world have caused Sun Hao to have a lot of thoughts, especially the thinking about virtual and real, but also let Sun Hao have different general cognition.

More importantly, Sun Hao produced some different general ideas for his first soaring.

The monks in the world of black holes, after being built into limits, soared, and their understanding was to fly to the magical, incredible fairy world.

Well, Sun Hao knows now, in fact, they are only flying to the virtual world. Do they calculate themselves?

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