Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2723: Death Star (2)

In the middle of the air, there is no star map, completely strange, if you are not good, you will fall into a darkness and never find it.

Sun Hao’s situation is slightly special, and the existence of the spiritual monument allows Sun Hao to perceive the general direction of the existence of the death star. Moreover, according to Miha, as long as you can find the area where the undead monks get together, you may be able to find the death star field. The star map, according to the aggressive habits of the undead monk, is likely to have a more complete star map, so it is not difficult to find the way back when it comes time.

Sun Hao went away, and the speed was extremely fast. However, it was also a flight of more than 30 years in the condensate tower, which rushed into the strange starry sky from the sky.

After flying more than 20 sacred hollow towers, Sun Hao’s perception of the death star in front was getting stronger and stronger, and suddenly discovered a fact that made him feel scared.

The direction of Sun Hao’s flight was dark and there was no light to escape from it. Moreover, the direction of Sun Hao’s flight also sent a huge adsorption force, as if to pull Sun Hao into the inside and continue to impact the past.

Sun Hao drives the power of the whole body, which offsets the powerful adsorption power, and the feeling of incomparable shock rises.

It is no wonder that among the virtual world books, the Wan people do not perceive the existence of the death star field. It turns out that the death star field exists in a huge black hole.

According to the records of the Terran and the Witch, the black hole is the most horrible sky in the virtual world. Even if it is a Mahayana monk, if you encounter a black hole, the best choice is to turn around and run, if not, once it is forcibly taken in by the black hole. After that, I will never come out again.

Thousands of calculations, Sun Hao did not count, the death of the star field will actually come from the depths of the black hole.

This can be troublesome, can you still enter?

If you enter, if you are not good, you will never find a way out.

If you don't enter, there are also problems. One is that Sun Hao has been flying in a strange void for so many years. He doesn't know where to fly. Now even if he wants to return, he can't find a road.

Without the ability to sense, Sun Hao wants to go back to the known void, and really does not know how long it will take.

Secondly, the ultimate goal of Sun Hao’s journey to the death star field is to cultivate his own pure Yin body. If he returns to the government, how to cultivate the pure Yin body will become a huge problem.

Floating in the air, thinking for a long time, Sun Hao also called the Tao Tianji and Luo Pengfei, and would like to ask their opinions.

Beyond Sun Hao’s surprise, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei agreed at this time that Sun Hao should boldly go in and swear, the reason is very simple, the death star is inside, then there should be undead monks inside. It should be possible to find a way out.

Of course, how to get in, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei put forward a lot of suggestions. The most important point is that when entering the black hole, Sun Hao’s pressure will be infinite, and if he is not careful, he will be really crushed.齑 powder.

Fortunately, Sun Hao has already cultivated the body of pure yang. As long as he can enter the black hole, he should not be completely killed.

But one of the biggest problems is the question of how to do the living in the empty tower.

At the time when Sun Hao entered the black hole, he had to face tremendous pressure to condense the empty tower. I don’t know if it will be able to withstand the air tower. Once the tower is broken, then the problem will be solved. Big, friends around Sun Hao, Sun Hao's Taoist monks can be a pot.

After a long discussion, no way to go, Sun Hao found Miha and asked her for advice.

After listening to Sun Hao’s opinion, Miha thought about it: “When I was young, I especially liked reading, especially some ridiculous ancient legends. In the far-off classical books of the Zombies, I have read such interesting stories. ......"

The story of Miha makes Sun Hao shine.

The core of Miha’s story illustrates the view that “there are many 'dark matter' that cannot be touched by the void, and those are the roots of the existence and practice of immortal monks, so they are endless. The void is the paradise of the undead monk. As long as the monk is turned into an immortal body, in the endless void, there will be a lot of water, and there will be many places where other ethnic monks cannot pass..."

Dark matter? Shuttle to other places where monks can't go!

This is two crucial points of view. It is also the first time that Sun Hao heard about it. After Sun Hao heard it, he couldn’t help but be bright.

However, Miha said with a smile at this time: "Song Gong, the story I saw is actually an ancient legend. Is it really difficult to say in the end, but if it is true, then you can try to turn it into a ghost. The body, according to the rules of the ghost family, the condensate tower in the body of the public will also be transformed into the same form as you, then by then, the black hole may not be a problem."

Miha finished, giggling: "I am a bit of a bold assumption, when it is not true."

Miha is a hypothesis, but when Sun Hao is here, it may be the real truth. Combining some of his previous conjectures, Sun Hao finally confirmed one thing, yes, in the endless void, it looks empty. In the void, there are actually many "dark matter".

There is nothing in the void. This has always been Sun Hao’s conjecture. Now it has been confirmed. Then, Sun Hao can imagine that the so-called mythical story that Miha saw is likely to be a true Zombie predecessor. A peerless book left by the mighty.

The truth is in the hands of a very small number of people.

Sun Hao’s heart moved, his body gradually faded and turned into a ghostly body.

Insider himself, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that his body's condensate tower has also become the same form of the sneaky body, which disappears perfectly into the void, if it is sensed by eyes and gods, indeed It is completely non-existent.

There is no doubt that the current state should be the state that Miha said. However, whether this state can pass through the black hole, whether it can guarantee the damage of the empty tower, but it is an unknown number.

In short, it is quite risky.

The monk explores the void and does not have any adventurous spirit.

Regardless of the March 7th, Sun Hao dissipated his own resistance, following the direction of the spirit of the ghost hand, and flew away from the black hole in the black paint.

The strange black hole, the strong adsorption capacity, makes Sun Hao invest faster and faster. At the end, Sun Hao has not even felt his own speed, and completely lost his perception of time.

It seems that it has been a long time, and it seems that it was only a short time. Sun Hao suddenly felt that he was dizzy and could not help but feel the feeling of being caught in a whirlpool. After a faint turn, he returned to the world again, and Sun Hao suddenly became I found myself in a strange valley.

And my current state is also very strange. I have turned into a very weak soul fire, floating slowly in a white valley and constantly flashing.

When his consciousness awakened, Sun Hao had a very clear perception, that is, in order to give birth to this soul fire, he has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, and it is hard to wake up.

Perceived by his own form of existence perceived his own way of existence, Sun Hao could not help but scared a big jump.

It’s not going to be a self-cultivation, you need to cultivate from scratch, right? Also, if you want to condense the empty tower, will it also be a problem, your friends and relatives, it will not all become their own state, waiting to wake up?

Everything is possible in the strange death star!

When the mind is moving, Sun Hao wants to feel the situation in his body. However, this is the meeting. Sun Hao thinks too much, and the strong fatigue comes to his mind. Good guys, I don’t wait for myself to perceive too much of myself. In the state, Sun Hao has fallen asleep again.

I don't know how long it took, and Sun Hao woke up again.

When I woke up, Sun Hao understood the truth. The most urgent thing for me was not to perceive myself, but to grow myself. If not, I would sleep again.

How to strengthen the fire of the soul? The best way is to devour the flames of other souls. Sun Hao feels that his current situation is very bad. It is like a dream, his dreams are general, his hands and feet are weak, and every move is soft and can't reach the strength. Its own purpose.

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