Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2678: Time and space

Zu Wu wants to break his head, and he will not think that there are people. It is accurate to say that a dog can ignore the ubiquitous, huge and extreme repulsive force, and go to the depths of the white hole to find the sand of time and space. .

Although the sorcerer's guess is slightly biased, but the meaning is similar, Sun Hao is not as hard as the ordinary monk, but in accordance with his own cultivation, strong pressure, slow progress, this state of cultivation It is also a matter of doing what it takes, and naturally it has been supported for quite some time.

In fact, compared with Zu Wu, Sun Hao may be slightly inferior to the cultivation, and there is a slight lack of accumulation. However, Sun Hao has a unique advantage. In the body of Sun Hao, he has cultivated the network of branches and techniques. There is no unparalleled construction wood in the alien space to constantly absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth, can constantly make up for the real yuan consumption in Sun Hao body, talk about the endurance ability, Sun Hao is not inferior to anyone.

Moreover, Sun Hao has a huge advantage over the ancestral witch, that is, Sun Hao practiced the nine-in-one technique, and the nine major practice systems within the body of the buddha merged into one, so the foundation is more than the ancestral witch. Firm, in fact, the resistance to white holes is naturally much stronger.

The pressure in the white hole has a very magical feature, that is, the pressure is similar for the existence of the same size.

That is to say, when the ancestral witch is now suppressed by the strong pressure and is almost as tall as Sun Hao, in fact, the pressure faced by the two is almost the same size.

If the ancestors saw this scene, the heart would not be so calm.

If the ancestors saw that Sun Hao could actually advance in the past, it would not be calm, or even screaming.

Sometimes, even if it is the height of the Mahayana monks, when you look at things, there will still be some fixed and rigid thinking patterns. For example, the ancestors did not think about it. Sun Hao is in the white hole. Will the resistance exceed your own problems.

Because in his habitual thinking, it is impossible to exist. Whether it is the familiarity with the white hole or the level of cultivation, the ancestors never think that Sun Hao will be his opponent. In the subconscious, Sun Hao actually It is still a very advanced, somewhat advanced junior, junior, can be cultivated, but to catch up with their own standards, it is estimated that it will take a long and long time.

Zu Wu did not expect that Sun Hao himself did not think that, in Sun Hao's thoughts, the ancestors of the imaginary world were sorted to the same masters, and must be the existence of a terrible ghost. At this time, they should have gone deep into the white hole. The place has gone, I can come in so far, and for so long, the ancestors should have no problem.

Time, just in the midst of this cultivation and the contrast between the two, a little bit passed.

I don't know how long it took, and Sun Hao discovered that his Zhang Liujin body really became perfect. He used to enter the scope of Zhang Liu. Now he is very close to Zhang Liu. The excess is compressed by a little bit. And the height of his entire body is also short enough, like a whole small circle.

Zhang Liujin is afraid of being truly perfect. Sun Hao’s heart is full of joy. This is an unexpected joy. It is also an unexpected harvest that Sun Hao got after he came to the Wu people. It seems that he must be treated well in the future. After all, I have also received the favor of the witches.

What Sun Hao did not know was that when Sun Hao was pleased that his Zhang Sixjins practiced rapidly, Zuowu had already frowned at this time, and he was somewhat annoyed at Sun Hao’s treacherous and ignorant.

In other words, the ancestors have already found a grain of time and space for Sun Hao, and have been persisting here for so long, time, it has been so long, the ancestors themselves are a little bit stunned, this kid is still completely There is no movement, isn't this a pleasure?

Is it still necessary for the old man to be the first to be introduced?

Although as long as a monk is excluded, the white hole will fail and everyone will be excluded. However, when the two monks go out, there is a huge gap in both the state and the order.

If a few big wizards outside saw that the ancestors were the first to be excluded, then where would the old face of the ancestors go?

I thought about it in my heart. I can tolerate you standing outside to watch the drama. You can tolerate your treacherousness. But when you are treacherous, you are not at all cute. You don’t know that you respect the old and love your child. I may also be unable to hold on to my ancestors?

Sun Hao really did not think about this problem.

Sun Hao feels that the strength of his ancestors is much stronger than his own. He should not be worse than his own ability. He should have no problem with his own.

Anyway, the animal husbandry has not yet returned, and Sun Hao is not in a hurry, continue to stabilize and slowly cultivate.

Sun Hao sighs, the foundation is solid, it is good, you can stick to it for a long time, you can practice better, a strong white hole, if you are not yourself, other monks have long been squandered by the ancestors.

Sun Hao did not know that Zu Wu was now being inadvertently pitted by him, while persisting in the white hole while secretly scolding Sun Hao for not knowing what to do.

Grit your teeth, the ancestors really want to see if Sun Hao will consciously quit.

If Sun Hao doesn't understand this kid, he must always be so embarrassed. If he is the first to be ejected, then he can be sure that the sand of time and space will never give Sun Hao, and he will keep sandpaper.

I don't know how long it took. In the sight of Sun Hao, Bianmu ran back with a small fire and a fart, and still halfway, Bianmu had already yelled: "Boss, you are too strong." Actually, I can support it for so long, admire and admire, Wang Wang, there is an old man not far away, it should be the ancestors, and now the old boy has a red face, a constipation expression, afraid that it will not last long."

Seeing the side of the animal husbandry, Sun Hao’s spirit rose, and his mouth quickly said: “Is the animal husbandry coming back? How do you harvest? Small fire, whether the dog is lazy.”

Bianmu Wang called: "If you don't have a conscience, the dog is busy and busy in the inside. You actually said that I am lazy. What is the truth? What is the truth?"

The small fire leaped from the side of the animal husbandry, and the body swayed gently, and fell on Sun Hao’s shoulder. He snorted a few times on Sun Hao’s neck and said softly in his mouth: “No, Bianmu is very serious this time. It is indeed a lot of sand found in time and space, and you have been using it for a while."

Between the words, the small paws took out a storage bag and handed it over.

When Sun Hao took the storage bag, he felt that his hand was sinking, and the huge repulsive force was also applied to the bag. He was very helpless to see if there was nothing wrong with the fire and the side of the animal husbandry, Sun Hao knew the storage bag, suddenly The spirit is a vibration.

Inside the storage bag, there are a dozen or so small jade bottles. The harvest really makes Sun Hao eyebrows open, looking for things, or need to be more reliable to professionals.

Inadvertently, Sun Hao raised his thumb and said to the side animal: "It's not bad, it's the second dog in the world. It's really the best in the world to find something."

Bianmu screamed and screamed.

The small fire stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder at this time, and he said slowly in his mouth: “But my brother, Bianmu’s kid detained two of the largest, like capsule-like sand, saying that this is not the sand of time and space, to follow me. One person and one equal."

After that, the paws are A jade bottle has been handed over.

The side of the animal husbandry squatted, and the bark on the ground shouted: "Big sister, do you say this good thing, no one said it? Say we are both one person and one person? How do you like this? Really heaven and earth Conscience, is there any reason?"

The little fire whispered: "What? You are not confused. When you speak, I have not expressed any consent from the beginning to the end. Do you think that I will have something to do with my brother?"

Bianmu suddenly opened the dog's mouth and squatted on the silver sand floor. After half a ring, he raised his dog's paw and slammed it on his dog's mouth.

Hey, smart as a pastoral existence, but also often eaten by a small fire and a clumsy head, this smart person, smart dog, is afraid of the guy who recognizes the dead.

Sun Hao smiled and took the jade bottle. His eyes swept over and his heart suddenly moved. This is actually a “space-time sand pocket”. It is more rare than the sand of time and space. It is more powerful and can support the monks in crossing. Time and space tunnel, and stay longer for the Pokémon.

If the sand of time and space can make the monks perceive the space-time tunnel and enter into the realization, then the time and space sandbags can support the monks to truly travel through time and space.

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