Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2646: Reasonable

Sun Hao did not deliberately explore what news, but in the process of practicing the five elements of martial arts, by the way to understand some information.

Very unexpectedly, Sun Hao had two very unexpected discoveries in the East and West Kunming. He saw two familiar monks, and these two should be the two pillars of the Terran.

The Holy King of West Kunlun, the soul king of East Kunlun.

Before Sun Hao did not return to the Terran, the top strength of the Terran was the Sixth King of the Emperor and the King.

One emperor is Hao Anyi, the double king is the holy king, the soul king, and the six princes are the six combined powers that were not convinced by Sun Hao last time.

At the last meeting, the two kings were absent, Hao Anyi did not remind, and did not give any explanation to Sun Hao.

When Sun Hao practiced the five elements of martial arts, he accidentally ran to the two holy places and sneaked a glance at it, suddenly discovering a fact.

That is, things like Kunming seem to be very familiar, seemingly seen somewhere, but seriously think about it, but there is no clue.

After the perception of the Holy King and the Soul King, Sun Hao once again had a sense of familiarity, and after judging where the familiarity came from, Sun Hao suddenly realized.

The reason why Xikun Xuan is familiar with Sun Hao is that he is very similar to the West Kunlun Holy Land in the human race. The reason why Sun Hao could not see this similarly is because Xi Kun is actually very similar to Sun Hao. In the Tianling mainland, the first strength of the mainland, Tiangong.

There is nothingness, hiding between the white clouds, and if the heavens are in the palace, it is for the human race, Xikun, and the appearance is similar to the sky. After the general design, it is an enlarged version of the Zhongxu West Kunlun magnified numerous times.

The master of Xikun, the Holy King, also gave Sun Hao a familiar feeling. He felt the Holy King. Sun Hao knew a little why he didn't see himself.

On him, Sun Hao perceives the breath of metaphor. For so many years, a monk that Sun Hao almost forgot, if Sun Hao is a great man, his memory is extraordinary, and when he meets the trigger conditions, he will come over with another monk. It’s really not always possible to perceive the old people of the past.

To be precise, there is a huge difference between the Holy King and Yu.

This difference can be compared with Hao Anyi. Hao Anyi said that he is the evil spirit of the emperor, and that the emperor is divided into the lower bounds to find the existence of the opportunity.

Goodbye to Hao Anyi now, Sun Hao's feeling is very natural and familiar. Although there are many differences, there is no doubt that what appears in front of Sun Hao is still the existence of Hao Anyi.

On the body of the Holy King, there is a completely different feeling. There is only a hint of unintentional temperament in the Holy King, and it is very likely that the Lord’s will have nothing to do with the will to do not.

Perceiving the breath of the Holy King, Sun Hao soon wanted to understand two things. One is why there is no news after he wants to fly. In the past, he thought that after he was soaring, he encountered any force majeure factor and fell on the practice. On the way, now it seems that the fear of being a dislike is actually a distraction of the Holy King, and it is put into the lower bounds.

After flying, Yu did not want to return to the king.

The second thing is that just because the unwilling ontological will has been directly swallowed by the Holy King, and he should know his origins, it is estimated that the mood is more complicated, do not want to see himself, do not know how to face himself. .

The king is so, the king of the soul, the situation is very similar.

Moreover, on the other side of the soul king, Sun Hao did not know what to say. In the past, Yu did not want to fight with himself. He used to be one of the most effective helpers around him. When he was walking in Nanyang, he was his own. The ship's deputy, the feelings are relatively deep, but after all, it is only his own helper, and the soul of Wang, what Sun Hao perceives, is that he has no apprenticeship in Tianling mainland.

I remember that after the ascent, the first stop of the soul is not drunk, but also in the virtual, and in the Zhongxu has become a few more famous monks, Sun Hao did not return to the Zhongxu people, but also with Xia Qingyu, Lushan, Wei Xinbing, together, is known as the four stars of the Terran New Star.

Later, Sun Hao returned to Zhongxu, very regrettable, failed to see the soul is not drunk.

Wei Xinbing, Xia Qingyu and so on did not know what he was doing, silently disappeared for a long time.

In the past, when the time was long, Sun Hao could only be quite embarrassed. The monk’s life was too difficult. If he was not careful, he might not be able to recover. In Sun Hao’s view, one of his former teachers was also down. On the way to seek the way.

However, when it comes to the virtual, when I feel the East Kunxu, Sun Hao feels that the shape of this sea Penglai is very similar to the island of the Soul, and it is also a bit like the Wushen Palace in the virtual, and also found the body of the soul king. There is a breath of soullessness.

Like the Holy King, the soul of the soul, the soul is not drunk, the breath is very light and light, that is to say, the soul is not drunk, in fact, it is very likely that the soul of the king is a distraction.

Perceive the breath of the soul king, Sun Hao's heart is a little bit sorrowful, this state, how to say it, to say that the soul is not drunk, right? Not entirely, he is a distraction of the soul king.

Want to say that the soul is not drunk still? It is also inaccurate, his own will has completely disappeared, and he is part of the body of the soul, including his body, including his memory and thoughts.

Cruel, in fact, it is here, in a sense, the soul king retracts a sacred meaning, which is his own.

However, from the perspective of the soul not drunk, he worked hard from the lower bounds to the level of soaring, and worked **** the way of practice. The final result is the demise of self-determination. In any case, it is somewhat unwilling or It’s not right.

Perceived Sun Hao’s thoughts, Sun Hao’s knowledge, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei all sighed together.

After a certain revision, the sub-divergence of the lower bounds, even the numerous beings, is a kind of peculiar mystery that complements one's self-cultivation and lacks a comprehension.

To the monks who have completed the perfection, more or less, in the long life, there will be a lot of distraction, and the realization will be realized. After most of the distractions have completed their understanding, they will naturally return, but there are also very few distracted gods. , bringing a new opportunity to the monks themselves.

Tao Tianji passed down the old man in the same year. What he did not expect was that the old man was in the side of Sun Hao, because his heart was inexhaustible, and his final life affected his decision.

Luo Pengfei this guy is even more powerful, the deity is sleeping, waiting for the resurrection of rebirth, but put down a lot of distraction, I hope one of them can kill the Lord's Palace to rescue the deity, it is, Sun Hao in the Tianling continent Encounter more than one of his disenchanted incarnations.

The strongest of them is the big nose bear big, actually living and cultivating to the level of fit, and perceiving the existence of Luo Pengfei, trying every means to block this engulfing, rushing to guard the virtual heavenly character, simply not on the middle Going away.

Later, Luo Pengfei became the deputy soul of Sun Hao. He almost got rid of the control of Luo Pengfei. Of course, at the last moment, if Sun Hao did not let him go, if he wanted to integrate him into the flesh, he would not have the slightest resistance. .

Luo Pengfei is actually this opinion, but Sun Hao and God have a good life, he let him a horse.

What makes Sun Hao a little surprised is that the soul is not drunk and has become the nutrient of the soul king, becoming part of the body of the soul king. However, if you think about it, these unexpected things are actually things that are reasonable. Tiangong and the Soul of the Soul above the Tianling continent are likely to be the inheritance of the human race on the lower bound. Then, once the blood of the divine king and the soul king enters these two inheritances, the cultivation will inevitably be faster than other monks.

It is the distraction of the Holy King and the Soul King, but it is a matter of reason.

Perceiving the soul king, Sun Hao’s heart can’t help it. This is a very helpless feeling. The method of the soul king’s display, the soul king has to recover, naturally nothing wrong, but if Sun Hao can know in advance, if Sun Hao has the ability If you stop it, you will definitely stop.

Now, everything is already late, it can only be like this.

In this case, it is normal for the soul king not to come to see him.

In other words, after seeing yourself, whether it is the Holy King or the Soul King may be more embarrassing.

Sun Hao’s five elements of martial arts, together with Sun Hao’s powerful ability, let Sun Hao quietly observe many things about things and things, and learned something that they can’t understand, but from beginning to end, Sun Hao There is no intention to debunk this fact. Reading network

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