Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2622: Void

Just in the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, and when he was a little bit sorrowful, Dao Tianji said in Sun Hao’s heart: “Luo Laomo said that it is equivalent to a metaphor, if it is to treat our void or the universe as a In general, many places will get sick, and the area that causes illness, you can call it suffocation."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and immediately understood.

The so-called athlete's foot, should be an image of the old devil, its more accurate description, it should be the emptiness of the heavenly machine.

Luo Pengfei laughed and said: "It is right to say that this is an athlete's foot. This suffocation appears in the toe part of your perception. That is to say, the suffocation here is very annoying. Just the night Luo said that he is eternal. It’s not exaggerated. Although it’s an exaggerated fact, there’s only one thing. The suffocation here is quite difficult with the mortal athlete’s foot. No matter how you destroy it, you can’t eradicate it.”

Athlete's foot, it is difficult to cure, the morbid headache of mortal people, usually will scribble the roots, the spring breeze is still alive.

If Ruo Pengfei said that the so-called Dark Devils in this border area where he is located, it may be really difficult to completely eliminate it.

With a faint smile on his face, the gods swept away, and Sun Hao’s eyes looked at the obelisk of Marfa, and his mouth whispered, “Niya, do you know what it is?”

Niya said with respect and respect: "Adult, this is the Mayan high priest left, the big prophecy of the monument, and the signs of the arrival of the grown-up."

Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, his eyes looked at the obelisk of Mafa, and he saw the scene describing his coming, not to mention that the obelisk was really beyond his expectations.

It is really predicting the emergence of oneself.

It is no wonder that Jin Hao met his sword when he met, but it turned out to be the case.

Looking at this prophecy, Sun Hao’s heart has produced doubts. According to the truth, he came from the void, and the direction was uncertain. It was only by chance that the immortal silver ship sensed the void mark in this direction.

Why can this Mayan sacrifice leave this prophecy before the age?

In a sense, prophecy should be a peculiar use of time and space.

Under the leadership of Niya, Sun Hao walked to the front of the obelisk with a smile and said: "The true role of this obelisk, or the exact name of this obelisk, the name of the empty mark, its The role is to be able to serve as a void coordinate, guiding the great monks of this family to perceive the place from the void, like the lighthouse in the sea, to find the route of the void to the monks."

Niya looked up at the sky, and her face showed a longing and admiring expression. She said softly in her mouth: "What's in the void? Is there a continent outside of the Aran continent? Where are you from?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I am from the virtual to the Senlu drug family, ready to return to the Terran, just to feel the call of this obelisk, this came to see, just saved the Niya and yours warrior."

Niya respectfully said: "Thank you for the adults. If the adults don't arrive in time, the Alain mainland will be completely framed. The final pure land of Maya will be polluted by the Dark Lord, and Niya may now die." ”

Niya's words are very sincere, and she has expressed her deep gratitude.

After Sun Hao heard her words, her heart suddenly had a very strange feeling.

Without him, it’s too coincidental.

The time when Sun Hao arrived was just right. When Sun Hao was killed, it was really Niya’s most difficult and crumbling time.

If Sun Hao is going to be a late step, if he can’t do it, he won’t be able to see such a story. If he can’t do it, he won’t see Niya.

Things seem normal, but seriously recalling the experiences they have encountered, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that more than once, his time and location are just right.

For example, when he appeared in the virtual, he met the reincarnation of Xiaoqiong and Ziyan; he met Geerlan when he ran to the barbarian holy city; he rushed into the virtual, Awu appeared; he ran to the small fishing village and met Abi...

Now, I accidentally ran this toe part, strangely, met the reincarnation of Jin Yu and Xiao Zhu, and just saved them.

All of this seems to be arranged.

It's like a script that has already been written, just wait for yourself to play a little bit.

But along the way, Sun Hao can be sure that every step of his own practice is random, there is no purpose, how can it happen so often every time?

What is the reason for this?

Standing in front of the obelisk, Sun Hao was immersed in meditation. Will there be an invisible force in the world, and it is about the things around him?

Is there a pair of invisible eyes, always staring at yourself?

Looking up, Sun Hao looked at nine days, and it was dark and nothing could be seen.

Just in the heart of Sun Hao’s heart, when I guessed it, in the knowledge of God, the voice of the heavenly voice came out: “You don’t think too much about Xiaohao. The reason why these things happen is actually some inevitable cause and effect. Because of the fruit, what kind of fruit is what, according to my understanding, no matter where you appear, as long as you stay for a certain period of time, it will produce the corresponding consequences according to the cause."

The voice of Luo Pengfei was also unwillingly passed out: "According to the reincarnation road that I understand, that is, there are many directions in the reincarnation. There are many possibilities. When you pass by inadvertently, the reincarnation Waiting for you in this place, when you don't pass, the cycle is also, but it is in a state of no trigger, that is, it is very likely that many places in the virtual world have reincarnation of gold and bamboo rafts, but You passed by here, so they appeared."

Sun Hao stayed for a while, and asked in his heart: "So, the old devil, you mean, Niya, like some dramas that write good scripts, in this row of drama scenes, arranged the state of the opera, After I come over, trigger this state and move on to the next link?"

Luo Pengfei said in his heart: "It is almost the meaning, you are not the protagonist, this scene may never appear."

Sun Hao stayed: "So, that is, if I don't come, they will always wait here? Like the time and space of solidification?"

Tao Tianji said: "No, their stories here are not solidified. They are waiting for you here, but their stories are always moving forward."

Sun Hao is a bit confused. What the two old guys said, isn’t it contradictory?

Luo Pengfei said: "There is no contradiction at all. The story here is always moving forward. The reason why you can get here is because you are sailing in the endless is completely Twisted, time is also changing, let's just say, as long as you perceive this obelisk, come here, you will pass through the passage of time, at this point in time."

Seeing Sun Hao staring at the sky next to the obelisk, Niya whispered: "What's wrong with the grown-up? Is Niya just saying something wrong?"

Sun Hao reacted and looked at Niya, smiling, and said: "Nothing, I just feel very pleased. Fortunately, I can come in time, or else Alan will fall completely. But, Niya, are you? Do you know what the real purpose of the Dark Lord is?"

Niya softly said: "Xiaoya does not know, but also ask the adults to tell."

At this time, there was a gust of wind coming from the ground. The whisper fluttered in the white, and as if flying, he smiled and said: "Big sister, Shen Xiang brother, what are you talking about, so happy."

When Niya heard the name of Gewu, she couldn’t help but glance at her and said, “I’m not rude in front of the adults.”

Sun Hao smiled slightly: "No matter, she called me Shenxiang brother, I think it is novel, not so serious, the monk's life, long and long, if the whole face is a face, it is also boring, Xiaogewu is, I am Explain what Xiaoya is with Xiaoya."

Gewu heard the words in front of him, and he was very happy to scream: "That is, you are a good friend of Shenxiang, you, my brother, you haven’t said anything, it’s a black magic day, come, tell Gewu... ”

As I said, Ge Wu has walked to Sun Hao's side very naturally, holding one arm of Sun Hao with both hands, shaking hands and shaking.

Sun Hao clearly perceives it, and this girl is thinking: "The old lady does not believe that you are not tempted..."

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