Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2615: The rise of pharmacy

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The Antarctic old man stared out from the bottom of his heart. The foresight of the drug **** adults, the thunder of the drug **** adults, the treatment of the drug family by the drug **** adults, so that the Antarctic elderly star is convinced.

Without comparison, the gap could not be seen. After the return of the drug god, within a few hundred years, Yaoshenshan led the entire drug family to change dramatically.

The drug family really began to rise.

The generations of the new generation of medicinal families have sprung up like mushrooms, and generations of geniuses have emerged. It will become the real backbone of the pharmacy in time.

The sin drug blood lake, everyone thought it was just a warning sign that the drug family did not make mistakes, but after the real opening, this place became the most important dojo of the drug family monks.

The blood lake is composed of the sap of the medicinal monk, that is, the blood. There are thousands of kinds of medicines inside, and the word sin medicine can give people an infinite warning effect. For hundreds of years, it is on the edge of this blood lake. The cleaning of the Big Dipper witnessed no less than thirty of the robbers and monks who had passed through the robbing of their hearts, and advanced to distraction.

He also saw several monks including Wu Xianlang and Zhu Dezheng, and stepped into the fit period from distraction. In particular, Abi, in just a few hundred years, has gone straight from the robbery period to the distraction period, and it is still the magical monk who has passed through the nine thunders.

Abi’s achievements are regarded as miracles by the pharmacy, but Sun Hao’s heart is a little bit sorry.

In contrast, Abbey was much weaker than Ao’s, and even if he used all means, he still couldn’t accumulate 12 thunders. He could not accumulate Zijin Dalei’s ring. The foundation is much weaker than myself and Awu.

However, when Abi was robbed, Sun Hao knew it in his heart. Abi’s catastrophe was much smaller than Awu.

More importantly, Abi did not have the kind of drug that Awu needs to encounter. Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why Abi did not really consolidate into the purple gold thunder ring. When I was thinking about it, I even crossed 12 thunders. After I was distracted, I immediately encountered Jordan’s pursuit, and I broke away. After a few thousand years of silence, I was able to weather the storm.

And Awu, after the robbery, encountered the drug-giving drug of the drug, and finally, Awu failed to survive the disaster, and fell into endless pain.

It can be seen that the twelve purple gold thunder rings should not be easy to appear. Every time they appear, it may mean that they will die for a lifetime.

Although Abi’s Nine Robbery has been weakened a lot, it is still a lot stronger than other monks. The stamina of the practice is still not weak. After the distraction, the cultivation speed is still not slow.

Sun Hao officially appointed him as the most important star of Yaoshen Mountain.

In a word, the pharmacist monk has a blasting talent explosion period, the overall level of the monk has been greatly improved, and the number of upper monks has also made great progress, and the change is called ever-changing.

However, the most important thing for the Antarctic old star and several sweeping and teaching stars to be punishable is that it has become an important part of the rise of the pharmacy and has become an important cornerstone for the rise of the pharmacy.

After sweeping for five hundred years, I taught for five hundred years.

The Antarctic old man star dust servant patrolled back and forth among the pharmacy territory, and it took him five hundred years to completely wipe out the medicine.

Five hundred years, after five hundred years, several big stars have completely sunk into the tasks that the drug gods have arranged for them, and they have entered the state diligently.

Five hundred years is also a magical five hundred years.

Five hundred years of mulberry field, next to the sinister blood lake, the stone is also covered with moss

Wildfires are burned, covered with snow and ice, and five hundred years of spring, autumn, winter and summer, it seems that the years have passed, and a heart has been completely peacefully unconsciously.

It is just the day when the five hundred years have arrived.

Deeply simple, the drug **** who retired in the temple of medicine suddenly appeared, and appeared in the sky above Yaoshen Mountain.

At this time, the drug god, from one move to the other, comes with a boundless power, a station in the air, in an instant, all the monks of Yaoshenshan perceive his existence, and the heart instantly has an impulse to worship. .

Sweeping the floor, teaching the star ambassador, and the Antarctic old star who just patrolled back to the mountain are no exception. They also involuntarily bowed to the ground, facing the sky, respectful daggers, and five hundred years later, the power and contribution of the drug god, already Let them be convinced.

I don't know if Sun Hao has any important measures at this time. Everyone who feels that Sun Hao exists in Qishenshan is on the ground, and some of the fanatics have shouted: "Pharmaceutical God, Medicine God..."

Sun Hao floated in the air, his eyes swept away, and looked at a few stars. His mouth slowly said: "The legend of the Xi'an is recorded in the Journey to the West. In the past, when the ancient heaven was still there, there was a demon monkey, and the Buddha’s five fingers pressed it. For five hundred years, let him learn about the world, and realize the truth of Chunhua Qiuqiu. Five hundred years later, the demon monkeys gradually went wild, and they took the road of learning, and the adult tribes defeated the Buddha."

A few stars made a glimpse of it, and I don’t know what Sun Hao said.

Sun Hao’s face showed a smile, and his mouth said quietly: “Five hundred years ago, Yaoshen Mountain was vigorously rectified by this seat. Once there were six star ambassadors of my pharmacy, I was beaten by the seat to understand that. The sour and bitterness of the human world, now, is the time for your merits to be completed and returning."

A few stars made it a surprise.

At this time, on their bodies, including the Antarctic old star, suddenly it seems that there is an invisible shackle, or a mountain that is suppressed on the body is suddenly loose.

The body was slightly shocked, and several stars that had been lost for five hundred years recovered, and the Antarctic old star suddenly burst into a magical ice blue brilliance.

What happened to you?

Has it been restored? In an instant, my heart is full of joy. At this time, Sun Hao’s clear voice came out from the sky: “Your cultivation has always been there, and I have never sealed your cultivation. Sealing yours is just your own heart. Today, The time is ripe, you can get back."

When a few stars make the heart happy, they are still puzzled. Especially the Antarctic old star, the heart is even more confused, when did he seal the seal? Amazing feeling.

What is even more peculiar is that their cultivation is not only simple to recover, but when their bodies slowly vacate and re-float in front of Sun Hao, they realize themselves and suddenly discover that at this moment, their cultivation is already There is a qualitative leap on the basis of the original.

Unknowingly, the repair of the Antarctic old star reached the perfection of the fit, and it became the power to defend a race. The repair of the Big Dipper reached the late stage of the fit, while the other four stars made their progress to the fit. Mid term.

The face showed a very surprised A few stars made a deep breath in the air, and fell in front of Sun Hao in a respectful manner. The voice was excited and said loudly: I have seen drug gods in sin, and the gods have passed through the world. The means are shocking, the ghosts are hard to measure, and I admire them."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his mouth whispered: “The world’s things are like this. When a person is desperate, the length of time is nothing more than a string of numbers, and it’s okay, and it will eventually disappear. When there is hope, there will be waiting. Waiting, there will be suffering. The long wait is a long torment, this kind of suffering can smooth your heart, can polish your true element, when you come out from this When you die in silence, it breaks out in silence..."

Do you not die in silence, but break out in silence?

This sentence seems to understand, but it doesn't matter if you don't understand it.

Several stars made the audience fall into the air, and they were sincere and convinced. "Thank you for the medicine god, the adults are fascinating, I am willing to follow the grown-ups, strengthen the pharmacy, and raise my medicine in the virtual world."

In the air, Sun Hao slowly nodded and said in his mouth: "Today, you are returning to your home. I am a nine-star pharmacist, and I need to really arrange it. The pharmacy friends listen, under the medicine god, The nine stars, sorted as follows..."

The order of the Antarctic old star, the Big Dipper and the fourth to seventh stars of the Beidou remains unchanged.

Sun Hao took the monks around him, most of the monks who came out to act as spokesmen, and returned to them. They left Wu Xianlang alone and served as the second star of Beidou, which is very important. Appointed the Hague as the third star of Beidou.

Together with Fuxing Abi, the nine stars of Yaoshen Mountain are completely homing.

The return of the nine stars, which means the real rise of the drug family, the expansion of the drug family in Senlu, and even the expansion of the cross-continent has become unstoppable.

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