Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2568: Pretty unreasonable

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Even the adults who guard the Forna Harbour are not the enemy?

What kind of road is this young boy in front of him, and what kind of height has he achieved?

The entire viewing area, the entire square, suddenly died in silence.

The young man in the green shirt seems to have a huge and aggressive domineering. It shocks everyone to move and has difficulty breathing.

After an hour, the sky flew over a stream of light, still in the faraway place, this streamer shouted loudly: "Where the boy who is not long-eyed, dare to come to my sea medicine family to make trouble, I will crush you Ten thousand paragraphs..."

The rumor has not been finished yet, and the teenager sitting on the knees above the sky suddenly blinked and screamed in his mouth: "Noisy..."

In the sky, there was a big slap in the air and a flying slap.

The stream that brought hope to many people was like a fly being photographed in a slap. He slammed it straight down from the air and inserted it directly on a spear on the altar. Struggling with the legs.

After a few movements, the head hangs, the limbs are weakly hung in the air, swinging with the wind.

Good guy, give it a fan!

The mind is still a few awake, especially after the guarded Hainan arc saw the monk who was hung, the heart could not help but **** a cold breath.

After the end, the sea is not big, but the direct fan is on the spot.

It is said that the fighting power of the infinite adult is enough to sort the top ten in the sea totem, relying on, the sacredness of the boy, and which one can eat enough, and actually ran to the small shack of Forna.

Waiting for half an hour, above the sky, a huge battleship broke through the air. On top of the battle boat, a monk asked aloud: "What happened? Which Taoist friend is in front, what is the dispute... ..."

Seeing the battle boat, Hainan arc is a little bit safe. This is the famous battle machine of the sea totem. It can go to the sea, can fly, and has outstanding combat power. Should this time be able to run this boy?

I thought about it in my heart, and my eyes couldn’t help but be a glimpse. By the way, the boy actually started.

Sun Hao’s eyes narrowed and his mouth screamed: “This seat is not coming to you, remember, if you meet this seat, don’t fly so high.”

Hula, it was a slap in the face.

Above the battle boat, the five colors of light flashed, the big array was fully open, trying to resist this slap, Hainan arc felt completely able to stop.

After all, the defensive power of the battle boat is super powerful, not at the level of fit, and the monk will not be the opponent of the battle boat anyway.

Regrettably, the reality is still extremely cruel.

Without any suspense, the huge battle boat gave a slap in the face, slamming, the battle boat was hit, and the sky seemed to be shaking.

The huge shock wave caused a strong storm.

The battle boat swayed a few times, could not withstand the huge amount of pressure on the town, and the sound of the thunder, was directly slammed into the air, slamming, the battle boat of the giants was directly photographed in the sea outside the harbor, huge waves Climbing to the sky.

Hainan arc is dumbfounded!

Every Forna drug repair is also dumbfounded.

What is the cultivation of the young green shirt? The battle boat is not an enemy! The famous big sea in the sea, being easily photographed by the sea, this seems to be an unheard of big event.

Abi looked up at the sky and looked at Sun Hao. The eyes showed infinite worship. Xiaohao is so powerful!

It turns out that Xiaohaoge is a seclusion of the great world. It is no wonder that Xiaohaoge dares to go to the sea during thunderstorms. It is no wonder that every time he goes to the sea, he can bring many special seafood.

Also, it is no wonder that I feel that several opponents are vulnerable. Some of the things that Xiaohao Ge taught to him are the real powers. Oh, I really got the blessing of the **** of medicine, the little brother around me. It will be so powerful!

There was a big change in the square. The town of Forna was completely chaotic. The defenders outside were already crowded. Many people were quietly leaving. Of course, some small fishing villages were not afraid of death, or monks with relatives inside. But took the opportunity to run inside.

After the anemone brother came in, it was exactly what happened when Sun Hao shot the battle boat.

The mouth was so big that it could be stuffed into a big duck egg. The two brothers looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Rely, Xiaohao brothers, oh no, Xiaohao’s predecessors will be fierce and domineering! This is too outrageous, it seems invincible.

After a full quarter of an hour, the battle boat slowly rose from the sea. Above the battle boat, four or five monks looked blue and blue, and with a look of horror, floating above the sea.

When I came up for a check, the opponents did not show mercy, and the battle boat was ruined by a slap in the face of 30% of the defensive power. Almost all the lines crashed, and many places were already leaking.

The enemy is too strong, and quickly report it, damn, how can such a strong monk appear in the Azure Sea?

The sea totems have been handed over to the various ethnic groups in the sea. How can there be such a shot as a monk?

The five monks looked at each other and flew together. This time they learned a lot of cleverness. They dared not fly too high. In the distance, they stopped in the air.

One of the monks said in a distant hand: "Predecessors, I represent the Totem Haizi, and ask the adults."

Sun Hao snorted: "Who is the Hague?"

The monk immediately replied: "The Hague is my sea totem festival, and it is also a large monk with the adults. If the adults are dissatisfied with the sea totem, please look at the face of the Hague, first anger, something... ..."

Sun Hao said coldly: "A sea tooth in the district, I dare to send people to talk to the seat. I am very upset now. Today, no matter who comes, it is the dragon who gives me the disk. It is the tiger who gives me lying. Five of you are no exception. Give me a hang and wait for someone to save you..."

After that, in the air, Sun Hao’s big hand went forward and grabbed the past unreasonably.

The five monks flew together and rushed in all directions.

But no matter how they escaped, they could not escape the palm of their hand. Sun Hao put the five monks in the palm of his hand, and his mouth glimpsed, and the five monks fell on the altar. Also hang on the spot.

Is this too embarrassing?

Too unreasonable, Hainan arc suddenly felt terrible, but fortunately, he did not choose to confront, or else it must be completely finished.

He has already perceived that the two monks who were the first to be removed, leaving only their heads hanging on the spears, have experienced complete undue pain and tremendous shocks, and have been completely desperate, and have reached the edge of the fall.

How can luck in the town of Forna be so bad, how can it attract such a big power, is it wrong to do it yourself?

Another hour passed.

The initiators, the two tried to open their way to their younger generations, exhausted the means to suppress Abi, the monks who had been able to call for the rain in the small port of Forna, completely closed their eyes to death, they could not see Any big hatred is possible.

When they die, what they see is that the opponents are quite unreasonable, domineering, shocking the world, and making them extremely desperate.

And the disciples, the sea cucumber family, and the two juniors of the kelp family, have already burst into tears and squatted on the ground.

The ancestors were killed, their prospects were bleak, and they could be slapped by the unreasonable guys at any time. At this time, they had no arrogance, even crying, not too afraid. Loud, I’m afraid to provoke the killing of God and wipe it out.

Sun Hao sat on the knees at high altitude. Above the altar in front of him, more than a dozen people have been hung.

These monks were not low-skilled, but they were only vainly struggling after being sealed by Sun Hao.

Three hours passed, and when the two ancestors fell, the situation changed very strangely.

The heads of the two ancestors, when they completely suffocated, suddenly changed dramatically, and the human head turned into a rat's head.

Some monks found this change, and they were very surprised and shouted: "The sea mice, they are actually sea mice..."

Abi was shocked and couldn't help but think of the tragedy in the small fishing village. He looked at the two mouse heads and said, is this the infamous sea mouse that killed his parents?

However, how can they be transformed into medical repairs, and they are still hidden in the harbor?

I thought about it in my heart. In the air, Sun Hao’s mouth was cold and cold: “Hey, in front of this seat, I still want to escape!”

When the big hand went forward, no less than fifty monks fell into the palm of the hand, and they pinched it like a pinch balloon. The sound of a pinch of the air blew in the air, and fifty monks were pinched into pieces of meat, and dropped it. The head of the mouse was rolled over the altar.

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