Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2560: I want to worry

To put it simply, counter-attack is to find a way to surpass your own existence to fight, to fight, Pingba is to find the opponent's needle tip to the mans.

There is also the last kind of tyrant, that is, when the big bully is small, the absolute advantage is faced, when the weak is faced, the overbearing is revealed, and the weak is shivering.

This kind of domineering trend is actually the least technical content. Finding some weak people, making unreasonable fights, letting the weak are frightened, frightened, and afraid to confront, then this domineering trend is achieved.

Think of this kind of tyrant! Sun Hao’s face showed a bitter smile. This kind of domineering is not how to match Sun Hao’s character. Other monks may be very easy to practice. It’s not easy to be afraid of Sun Hao.

In a word, personality makes it so that Sun Hao is afraid to understand the essence of this domineering trend.

Before Sun Hao stepped into the way of practice, under the guidance of his mother, reading poetry and books, he has developed a more kind of habit of doing things for others.

After entering Zongmen, no matter which stage of the practice, Sun Hao is trying to accumulate his own knowledge and read a large number of books. It can be said that Sun Hao’s knowledge is earth-shattering.

These knowledge also created the special character of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao came along this road, and he is paying attention to a stable and gentle, courteous and courteous.

Even as a peerless monk, Sun Hao did not take the initiative to bully and oppress the monks who were weaker than themselves.

On the contrary, this road is coming, Sun Hao is always challenging the master, always fighting against opponents above his realm.

That is to say, Sun Hao's practice of anti-hegemony or Pingba will take it for granted, but it is a bit embarrassing to practice this bullying and bully.

Sun Hao really did not think about the act of bullying others.

Silent smile, Sun Hao's heart is also to judge some points of the hegemony. Shun Pa is paying attention to a "pressure" and a "man".

In a rather unreasonable posture, it is impossible to suppress the manual bombing. It should be the absolute essence of this kind of tyrant.

This is awkward.

Sun Hao used to do things in the past. It is all justified. If people don't commit me, I don't commit crimes. Now I have to be arrogant. Is it necessary to release the criminal sorcerer to practice?

The growing environment of the sorcerer's day is indeed a special barbarian. It is also unscrupulous to do things, and everything can be done. Perhaps it is the best choice to let the sorcerer go to practice this domineering.

Of course, there is another way, which is also suitable for this domineering posture of Sun Hao.

That is, give Sun Hao a reason to worry.

Thinking of this, Sun Hao could not help but move.

At present, Sun Hao is a drug god, hidden in the practice of the drug family. In a sense, the drug family with great suffering is the one with the most reason, the virtual world, many races. There are alchemy or refining techniques, but it is a regular matter to look at the medicine family.

That is to say, Sun Hao can easily find a lot of reasons for worrying about practicing his own hegemony.

From this point of view, I am afraid that I have to continue to practice in the pharmacy for a period of time, and I have successfully cultivated my hegemony and then returned to the Terran.

Perhaps, one drink and one meal are all predetermined. I came to the pharmacist to practice, and promised that Awu should take care of the drug family. Nowadays, the practice of overbearing is likely to be both the need of self-cultivation and the stability of the drug family. The needs of the people.

In my heart, I began to figure out how I needed to worry, and what reason to look for, Sun Hao’s body gradually revealed an inexplicable breath.

The Abi and Anemone brothers began to enter a very natural neglect.

How do you say that Sun Hao is right beside them, but they don’t feel much about the existence of Sun Hao. It is obvious that Sun Hao is the backbone of the team, but because of the neglect of the existence of Sun Hao, many things are three of them. Negotiate and do it.

Sun Hao has no interference at all, nor has he planned to intervene. After all, Sun Hao is only a passenger in a small fishing village. In the future, he will inevitably break through. Many things can’t be replaced, let them do it themselves. .

Actually, I realized that after the different exercises of the hegemony, the days of Sun Hao’s departure are gradually getting closer. At most, there are still five years. Sun Hao can fully understand the power of the world’s hegemony and form his own corresponding magical powers. And go.

The small fishing village is always just a small point above the road of its own practice.

Sun Hao thinks about how he needs to practice hegemony and think about how he wants to set off a powerful storm within the drug family. While deterring the Quartet, time flies.

Another year is the spring equinox.

The town port ushered in the first rays of the morning sun. The golden sun is stained with distant sea and air. The tall buildings in the town seem to be sleeping beasts. The fishing boats bent in the harbor are still in the shadows.

As the sun jumped out of the sea, a ray of sunshine fell from the sky and laid straight over the surface of the sea.

At this moment, the sun seemed to be paved with a straight ladder on the sea. From the sun directly to the harbor, Sun Hao was surprised to find that this sun was straight from the distant sea. Illuminated on his own small fishing boat, he dyed himself and the three companions on board.

What does this mean?

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but move.

Perhaps, between the heavens and the earth, there are rules, their own power, some momentum is faintly connected, and their status in the pharmacy is unique. The small seaport that you come to, even the sun, first shines on oneself.

The anemone brothers reflected the sun, raised their hands and shouted loudly, and Abi’s face was filled with a bright smile.

Sun Hao said softly: "Sunrise in the East, the sun shines, Abi, this is a good sign, Abi, I wish you success."

Abi said with a natural smile: "Thank you, Xiaohao."

The anemone brothers, Abi, did not find that they had neglected the existence of Sun Hao in the past, and they naturally accepted the current state of Sun Hao.

Aunt Anemone said with a smile: "Abi, let's go, go ahead and prepare, maybe even occupy a good position."

Abi said loudly, a group of four people jumped from the small fishing boat and plunged to the shore through other small fishing boats connected.

Sun Hao discovered that at this time, on the small fishing boats, there were also monks like their own, who rushed to the square of the town.

Just ashore, a few steps away, a whistle was found in front of him, and more than a dozen drugs were repaired with a bright sword and stopped on the road.

One of them said slowly: "The town square has a limited number of monks, and the foreign fishing villages are only allowed to enter the underage. Others are waiting outside the harbour."

Abi couldn't help but stay a little.

The anemone brothers frowned, but they were eager to see the grand ceremony of the adult rite but when they arrived at the ground, they couldn’t get in.

The medicine repairs in front of the road are all disciples of the Haipong people. They are cultivated to be deep, but they are not comparable to the wilderness of the anemone brothers. No way, Aunt Anhai said with a sigh: "Abi, you go in yourself. Let's go."

Abi nodded, took out the identity plate of his own hands to participate in the rite of the ceremony, arranged in a long line, and walked forward.

Sun Hao's body swayed slightly, followed by Abi, with a smile on his face, and went in without hesitation.

At this time, whether it is Abi or the anemone brothers, no matter whether it is the road-blocking monk in front, it seems that Sun Hao has not been seen. Sun Hao has become an invisible person, and he is unconsciously, and his posture naturally follows Abi. Walked into the town's square.

Abi entered the square and looked forward. I have seen a row of young boys and girls standing in front of rows and rows, with a total of no less than three hundred.

The monks in the town are already ready! Abi saw the black-pressed competitors, and the heart did not have a slight panic.

At this time, Sun Hao’s voice was heard: “Abi, come on, I’m optimistic about you.”

Abi followed the sound and looked at it sideways and found that Xiaohao had a bright smile on himself.

Seeing Sun Hao’s smile, Abi’s heart suddenly settled down, as if it was full of confidence.

However, Abi’s heart was instantly confused, how did Xiaohao’s brother come in? How did you just find Xiaohao?

It’s weird. How did Xiaohao do it? Xiaohao brother is so amazing, right, the kite he made is a small Hao brother to help with the modification, and his own egg is also taught by Xiaohaoge.

Perhaps, I can really have a good performance!

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