Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2538: Madness

The sacred body of the medicine **** barely sneaked away, even moving a short distance in a blink of an eye, but the billions of wooden swords like long eyes, simply did not let him have the opportunity to escape.

Almost instantaneously, the body of the drug **** was filled with a dense wooden sword, which turned into a huge wooden sword ball.

The drug god, which was tied in it, burst into a scream of screaming, and the body jerked, rushing out of the ball and fleeing.

However, I did not escape a few feet away, hehe... It was a large piece of wood sword flying over, and I couldn’t help but say that it was **** and instantly became a huge hedgehog ball.

In the screams of screaming, the scattered wooden sword fled, and did not work out, and was once again chased and killed, and became a hedgehog...

Repeatedly wounded, the body of the drug god, once again not adult, riddled with holes.

White-whiskered white hair has also been dyed into his blood color, a red with a hint of greenness, covering his body.

Now the medicine god, a desolate, all over the body, there is no trace of a good place, lost the eyes of the eyes, it is a look of sorrow, mouth slightly, as if constantly breathing gasping.

In his heart, at this time, I regretted why I had to make so many wooden swords. As a result, these sharp swords were actually turned against each other and all were tied to myself.

The feeling of pain is even more frightening. It is a feeling of desperation. The opponent seems to be omnipotent. The magical powers are vast. Any moves of his own are not worth mentioning in front of the opponents. They are all real worms.

This is a kind of despair that falls into the abyss and is powerless!

In the scream of screaming, the **** of medicine fled everywhere, and a piece of blood rain was sprinkled in the air.

Sun Hao looked at the struggle of the call sign, the drug **** in the midst of madness, and raised a contradictory and complicated mood in his heart. On the one hand, the flesh was raised with great enmity, and the feeling of incomparable feelings; on the other hand, as a peerless Yes, Sun Hao also has a lot of pity. After all, the practice of medicine is not easy. Now it is a bit cruel.

I want to think about it, pity and pity, but in any case, today, Sun Hao can not have the slightest hand, not destroying the drug god, Sun Hao’s deity, will definitely be indignant.

Undead medicine, Sun Hao’s will will be quite uncomfortable.

Only when the drug **** is destroyed, and it is still the kind of complete revenge that makes it suffer from the inferiority of Awu, the instinct of the flesh will be willing, or else, if it is not done, the phenomenon of the body will be arbitrarily determined, and instead Not beautiful.

The face showed a chill that could freeze the dark clouds, waiting for the last batch of wooden swords in the sky to disappear. When the medicine **** just rushed out of the hedgehog-like wooden sword, Sun Hao said coldly: "The technique of medicine, has not yet End, the old vinegar, don't think this is over."

As soon as the voice fell, Sun Hao did not show mercy, and the big hand stretched out and grabbed the past.

The drug **** did not dodge, and Sun Hao pinched his neck with one hand. Without the body of the limbs, after being pinched around his neck, he could only sway in the air in vain.

Even if it is a practice to fit, even if it is already possible to breathe, it can be completely circulated. You can not open your mouth or worry about suffocating, but after being smothered by Sun Hao, the drug **** is actually like a mortal. I was squeezed out of my tongue and hanged from the outside.

The blue light flashed, and Shen Xiangjian passed by the tongue of Yao Shen.

The drug **** opened his mouth and screamed silently. He couldn't close it for a long time. Sun Hao had another hand and a wooden peg appeared in his hand.

Unrelenting, Sun Hao held a wooden peg and slammed it into the ear of the drug god.

With a bang, the peg was poured from the right ear of the drug god, and it passed through his left ear. It penetrated his head deeply and nailed him to a pair.

The torture that Awuxi received was not in the same way. Sun Hao retaliated on the body of the drug god. This is called a tooth for a tooth!

One hand grabbed the neck of the drug **** who kept silently mourning, and Sun Hao’s face could not see any expression. After nailing the nail, Sun Hao threw it and the medicine **** was thrown high.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, Sun Hao flew up and squatted on the drug god, just like kicking the ball, kicking it far away.

The sleek medicine god, like a projectile, tumbling away into the distance like a fly, in the sky, among the layers of dark clouds, crossed an arc.

Seeing that the medicine **** is flying farther and farther, when there is a state of shooting dark clouds, Sun Hao’s stride across the sky and stepping out of the air, the body reappears and stands at the boundary of the dark clouds, blocking the way of the medicine god, flying up again. It is a foot.

The drug **** is like a ball, and Sun Hao is kicked back and flies back.

In general, Sun Hao vigorously smashed a few feet and completely diverted a drug god. Like a medicine, the drug **** gradually lost his commanding ability to the body, but at the same time, he clearly perceives his own body. pain.

After exploding and kicking a dozen feet, Sun Hao’s body swayed slightly, and after catching up with the drug **** again, his palms extended. Like a mosquito, the palms slammed into the middle.

Sun Hao’s pair of flesh palms did not become bigger, and the body of the drug **** did not become smaller. It is very strange that Sun Hao’s pair of flesh palms touched the body of the drug god, and they completely took the medicine. The body of God is pressed against the palm of his hand.

With a bang, Sun Hao closed his hands.

The body of the drug **** was quickly photographed as a thin patties between the palms, like a human skin, which was pressed into the palm of Sun Hao.

In the spirit of the **** of medicine, there is a kind of pain that is not as good as death, and the bones are painful. In the endless dark space, the drug **** perceives that his body's skeleton is fragmented, and the perception that his own internal organs has been photographed has become Powder, the perception of getting his body into a human skin, tightly attached to the opponent's palm.

Endless pains, the soul is constantly struggling in the darkness.

Sun Hao did not have the slightest emotional voice, which came out from the void: "The old vinegar, do not want to be applied to others, every person who is smelted into medicine, you will encounter a hundred times more than you are now. Pain, do you know the pain?"

The spirit of the soul is struggling, the drug **** unwillingly reveals a sly smile to the void: "I have enjoyed it, Awu fine skin tender meat, it is cool..."

Sun Hao felt that the drug god's stubbornness was not strong, and his heart was furious, and his mouth burst into a burst: "It seems that you are really sinful and sinful. If this is the case, then I will let you enjoy it... ..."

With a palm of his hand, the medicine **** of the human skin was rolled up, and the hand was smashed, and it was rolled into a meat dumpling. He kicked his foot and kicked it, kicked it away, chased it up, and smashed it in the air. Directly trampled the meat to the depths of the ground, like a piece of pizza, laid flat on the ground.

Picking up the toes, the cake was picked up again, and the mouth spit out, and a flame spit out. The pancakes were like a piece of paper.

The orange-yellow flame is very strange. While burning the pancakes, it is also treating the wounds of the pancakes. The cakes are burned, burnt out and tender, and they are treated in time. Repeatedly, they repeatedly repeat the purgatory torture. soul of the **** of medicine, in the dark space, constantly rolling mourning, finally, severe torture, so that he can not bear, endless, painful like the burning of bone marrow, Completely destroyed his pride and stubbornness.

He was kneeling in the air, beheading the void, and only dying.

Sun Hao’s face was expressionless, his eyes staring at the body of the drug god, and there was no intention to stop it.

Awu suffered a lot of torture and pain. In Sun Hao’s heart, he accumulated the hatred of the three rivers. The vinegar is not only dying, but also dying to death. It’s like Awu, in the endless suffering, Gradually worn away the last trace of God's knowledge, completely turned into nothingness.

Actually, now, in the heart of Sun Hao, I have already vaguely regretted a bit, a little embarrassed and somewhat uneasy.

Although the words of the drug **** are not heard, but the heart of Sun Hao’s heart is poked, Sun Hao cultivated Awu so well, so dazzling, in a sense, is to put the Awu frame on the fire, that is Let Awu become Muxiu Yulin. It can be said that Awu suffered a tragedy, and a large part of it was caused by Sun Hao.

Moreover, now that I want to come, Sun Hao suddenly discovers that perhaps when he was designing a broken road, he has already vaguely anticipated this scene, so he completely closed his five senses and completely fell into a deep sleep. Nothing is just that I am afraid that I will not be able to make a mistake.

The madness of the vinegar is just a compensation for Awu.


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