Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2523: Endless nightmare

Entering Dream Dafa is a strange practice of Sun Hao's practice. The purpose of practice is to use various dreams to temper his own mind. Updates are fast and no ads.

For a long time, when Sun Hao was a little stable, he always gave a glimpse of the gods to practice Dafa.

Dreaming of Dafa has become an important means for Sun Hao to refine his mind and refine his spirit. With the improvement of Sun Haoxiu, the dreams are becoming more and more real, many dreams will come to life, and the characters will no longer be proficient, various forms, various repairs. For all kinds of personalities, everything is available.

To practice the heights of Sun Hao, the dreams of dreaming in Dafa are as real as they exist.

However, Sun Hao feels that, in any case, there is no time when his dream of practicing Dafa has this lifelike reality.

This should be one of the signs that the practice of self-cultivation has reached a perfect conclusion and is breaking through. The practice of entering Dafa has also reached a key point.

A magical dream that broke through the bottleneck of the past.

This dream is intermittent, but every dream is a continuous story, even if there is no dream of the Dandan Awu, when Sun Hao dreams again, he will naturally understand the story of Dandan Awu in the short period of dreams. And then dreaming.

Sun Hao's dream is because it is the practice of refining the mind and refining the gods. Under normal circumstances, it will naturally simulate the life of the world. Naturally, people or things in the dream will encounter some powerful difficulties and obstacles.

Sun Hao is already blaming this!

In the dream of this series of plots, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that after experiencing a beautiful dream, Dandan Awu in the dreams flew into the sky, and after becoming a pharmacy, the dreams turned sharply, horrible, and incredible. As the dream came, Dandan Awu fell into a layer of conspiracy.

Sun Hao stood by and watched. At the moment when Dandan Awu entered the Yaoshen Mountain, he had already felt the extraordinary state of affairs from the anger of the sky, and felt that he was about to enter a nightmare state.

However, after being cultivated in depth, Sun Hao no longer forcibly interfered with the direction of dreams. Even if he was killed in a dream and was chased, Sun Hao often faced it calmly.

Only after experiencing it will have a personal understanding. No matter what kind of nightmare, Sun Hao feels that he will not forcefully intervene and will not forcibly unlock it.

Dandan Awu entered Yaoshen Mountain, and Sun Hao’s consciousness of ruling dreams has been thoughtfully known. Judging it, his nightmare is afraid of being a small one. In the dream, he represents his own deity. A small drug, as well as a small drug companion Dandan Awu may be in this dream, will encounter extraordinary difficulties, and maybe there is a catastrophe.

Sun Hao’s willingness to hold a cold-eyed attitude, not in a hurry, or even a game, optimistic about the mentality of the play, watching his own deity and his companions begin to experience various tests, and this缕 缕 ,, but from this test, draw the experience of refining the heart and refining the gods.

Then, the nightmare of **** is coming.

Yaoshen Mountain, there are medicines, and there is more than one. In the dream, I have sensed thousands of thousands of medicines that have been taken up in captivity.


The end of these medicines is even worse than that of human beings. People often can't stand this kind of torture and die. The end point of the medicine is to be returned to the original form, turned into a spiritual medicine, and refined into various kinds of spirits.

For thousands of years, Yaoshen Mountain did not know how many souls were tortured and tortured. It is no wonder that there will be resentment here.

Even in a dream, Sun Hao’s will is slightly frowning. How can he dream of such torture? Is it that I read a lot of books, and I remembered the toilet gods of the ancient Han Dynasty. I was shocked by people, and I had a dream in the night.

Maybe it is.

The direction of the dream has begun to affect Sun Hao’s ambition and look at the dream. Sun Hao’s ambition is that he will not, the body of his deity and Dandan Awu will encounter the drug. Bitter?

Unexpectedly, with the unfolding of dreams, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the cruelty of his dreams far exceeded his expectations.

Awu step by step into the calculation of the hypothetical drug god. On the surface, the drug **** and the birthday star sang together, one sings a white face and sings a red face, which is seen by Awu, but the real situation is that Yao and Antarctica The old star is basically like the relationship between Awu and small medicine. Even the Antarctic old star has never really cared about Awu from beginning to end. Everything is an illusion.

Not only is the so-called refining of the gods a scam, in fact, the cultivating of the **** itself is a trap.

In each of the gods, there are medicines that are planted by the **** of medicine, a magical subtle seed that is parasitic in the body of the medicine, which is difficult to perceive and hard to find.

These seeds are hidden in the cultivating gods, and as Danu refines a lingo, she gradually takes root in her dantian.

The body of the pharmacist who is like a sinister sorcerer has not found anything. He stupidly left those seeds as an elite real thing in Dantian. In this way, Sun Hao’s will is constant. In the shaking of the ground, the little medicine of his own deity and his companion Awu step by step into the abyss.

Sun Hao is applauding for the medicine **** he dreamed of in his dreams. This guy is really amazing. Playing with a race monk in the palm of his hand, there are really two brushes.

In the cruel dreams, when Sun Hao suddenly saw the Awu Alchemy, he discovered that one of the elixir was his companion.

In the cruel dreams, Sun Hao suddenly experienced the whole process of a monk being refining into a drug.

In other words, Sun Hao feels that if it is the past, not to mention the other, that is, the dream that Amu was refining as a drug, will be awakened alive.

Although I understand the boundless helplessness and painful feelings of Awu, I also feel the same feelings about Amu’s experience, but because I have cultivated myself to be deep, such a dream, I actually persisted.

However, dreaming of this, Sun Hao has felt very bad.

This dream is too evil. How come it is how evil comes, how come horror, how dangerous it is.

The dream is not controlled by Sun Hao, and Sun Hao has no control, and continues to develop in the direction of nightmares.

In the dream, the drug **** personally descended to the alchemy room, with Dandan Awu showdown, let her choose a direction, is to swear to protect the small medicine, or become the real heir to the pharmacy.

This is a dream that Sun Hao did not expect. I didn’t expect that the poisonous drug, the drug **** who killed the eye, did have a real love story in the dream. However, the appearance of this dream appeared. Branches may be.

Sun Hao feels that if in the dream, Dandan Awu gave up his deity then there is no doubt that his own demeanor will feel boundless loneliness, it will be in the dream I feel the helplessness of being abandoned.

This kind of dream, should be a nightmare for yourself?

The strange thing is that the direction of the dream is actually Awu firmly stood by his own deity, swearing to defend his deity, willing to shelter his own deity.

This is the direction of a dream that Sun Hao did not think of. Just when Sun Hao was slightly touched by this kind of dream, it was a little warm.

The endless nightmare also reached a cruel plot.

The drug **** used the means to seal the ability of the avatar to become a tree. The drug **** drove the seed that Yangshen Dan sent to Awu Dantian, and instantly occupied the whole Dantian of Awu, and completely sealed the aussie and the small medicine. In the middle of Dantian.

Next, Awu suffered unexpected events.

This time, the feelings in Sun Hao’s dreams were a hundred times stronger than Amu’s punishment for drugs.

In the dream, Sun Hao felt a wave of sorrow and grief, a wave of sadness, a wave of helplessness and anxiousness, Sun Hao felt that he was actually affected by the small drug of the deity, and wanted to do everything possible. Transformed into a wooden building and rescued Awu.

Sun Hao saw that his own medicine was not willing to roar in the sky, and saw the hard work of his own medicine hysterical. I don’t know why, and my heart also felt the same feeling of enemies.

Very reluctant, Sun Hao uses his most perseverance to maintain his own sober consciousness, so that he does not interfere with the final direction of the dream.

You can understand your dreams and observe your dreams, but you should not interfere with your dreams.

Sun Hao kept telling himself: "This is just a dream. It is really just a game and a dream..."

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