Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2517: Sad Dan

The memory of small medicines is not good. Many things have been forgotten in the past. However, there are still some impressions in the past few hundred years.

Coupled with some triggers, the small medicine can also identify something.

In the alchemy furnace, the small medicine was slightly identified, and immediately said: "Yes, this wind property is quite familiar, and the soul fluctuations are also very clear. If the induction is good, he is indeed Amu Ge."

Awu actually knows the answer. She just can't confirm it. Her former companion, she is most familiar with Amu.

Although there is no special feeling for Amu, but after all, there has been a long time of communication, and Amu's wind attribute is quite rare among the drug family monks. If Awu Ruo did not sense his sigh, he still couldn't recognize it. When I arrived, it was instantly recognized.

The little hand was shaking slightly, and Awu said: "Small medicine, can you stop alchemy? Can you reconnect with Amu?"

The small medicine sensed a little, and the situation in the alchemy furnace was faithfully reflected in the mind of Awu. He said softly: "Awu, the body of Amu has been completely refining, and the wind that has just arrived is also left by Amu. The last trace of obsession, his mind and will have been annihilated in the process of being drugged. When he was beaten back to his original form, he had already fallen. At this time, it was okay to stop alchemy, but Amu was in contact. Not up."

Over the years, small medicines have been practiced together with Awu.

Awu instantly perceives the idea of ​​a small drug. The small drug believes that at this time, the alchemy is suspended, and it is completely emotional. The last round of the second round of raising the **** Dan, only a group of herbs, once suspended, this furnace will be scrapped.

Then the final result is that Awu is not only a refining spirit, but also causes the suspicion of the drug god. If the drug **** has any bad intentions, it will soon be erupted. In any case, at this time, the drug is stopped. I feel bad.

However, Awu also feels that the small medicine has a heart and a love for himself. Awu also perceives it. As long as he decides to suspend alchemy, the small medicine will perform his will without hesitation and willing to greet the next one with himself. The challenge.

There was tears in his eyes, and the little hand was shaking gently. Awu’s heart sighed deeply. After half a ring, he said to the medicine: “Let’s continue, it’s just hidden in your heart, but it’s good, but Small drugs, we are afraid to be mentally prepared, especially you, must retain a certain amount of combat power, at a critical moment, it is estimated that only you can break through this prison of fire."

The small medicine immediately responded in the alchemy furnace: "I know, Awu, you can rest assured that there are basically no cages in this world that can trap my body..."

Awu was silent again. After a long time, the heart said: "The drug **** has seen you and me, and witnessed your deity. If I didn't expect it, this prisoner of fire In the cage, I am afraid that there are some special arrangements for you and me. Be careful."

This furnace Lingdan is only one step away from Chengdan. Awu’s heart glimpses, and the small handcuffs are shot on the alchemy furnace. The wind property inside is hovering and absorbed into the Lingdan, Awuqing. Drinking a "coagulation", two Ling Dan instantly formed in the alchemy furnace.

The small medicine is full of energy and is temporarily turned into a spirit lying in the alchemy furnace.

Awu single-handedly shot the altar furnace, two Ling Dan flew out, eyes closed, Awu opened his mouth and sucked, two Ling Dan fell into the mouth, sitting cross-legged, no expression, the face of the ancient well waveless , Awu began to refine the spirit.

In the heart, Awu’s heart is full of sorrow.

This is a sorrowful sorrow, a kind of spiritual refining made from the body of the former companion's deity. Think about the handsome Amu, and Amu who reveals his friendship, think about the kind of non-he will encounter him. People torture, medicine, and Awu’s heart can’t help but feel deeply sad.

The medicine sputum, seal the spirit of the drug repair, seal the medicinal medicine in the body of the drug repair, let the drug repair and death, then break the medicine to repair the limbs, dig the medicine to repair the eyes, cut the medicine to repair the tongue, use the pig-like way, The maintenance of the medicine, the birth of the medicine and the body of the medicine and the body of the medicine are integrated into one body, forcing the survival instinct of each thread of the medicine to produce a very high quality medicine.

Thinking about the inhuman torture of Amu’s experience, Awu’s heart is full of sorrow and anger.

This is a sorrowful sorrow, which exposes the lies of some people and collapses a sad sacred sacred belief in the heart of Awu.

When I was in the alchemy, Awu felt that these high-quality herbs might be the predecessors of the medicines. The brothers of the blue shirts also showed themselves directly. These herbs are medicines.

At that time, there was some resistance in the heart of Awu, and even wanted to stop refining and raising the gods to improve their own spiritual practice.

Just as Awu was preparing to make a decision, the Antarctic old man came over. He told Awu with a strong heart. As a successor to a race, he must have a tough heart. He must recognize the situation of the drug family and recognize the world of the monk. The cruelty is to be stunned.

The Antarctic old star also told Awu very faintly, those medicines, those high-quality elixir are the ancestors of the medicinal family, are the voluntary choices of the sages who are about to fall into the market.

Do not believe in medicine, Awuxin!

Awu once again ran to alchemy, but Awu now perceives Amu and personally makes his companion Amu refined into a panacea.

That means that in fact, Yaoshen Mountain has always been a huge lie.

Amu is almost the same age as himself. It is very quick to cultivate. It is the most ambitious monk in the Antoine, except for himself. In time, there is no problem with distraction, and the fit is also very likely.

It can be said that Amu's practice is far from great, and far from when he went to the market, but Amu has been refining into a medicine.

If the Antarctic old star is not attacked.

Awu’s heart is filled with deep sorrow. Yaoshen Mountain is strictly forbidden to be a foreign monk. It is strictly forbidden for the drug family to repair the medicine. Once discovered, the drug **** himself is at the same time, but he is in the process of refining the medicine and raising the senior monk of Yaoshenshan. Repair.

What kind of lie and deception is this! Do the stars of Yaoshen Mountain know this secret? The possibility of not knowing should be quite small. Maybe this is also a reason why the Antarctic old star has told him that he must be guilty!

This is really a sorrowful sorrow that has ruined my own beliefs and made myself doubt the life and doubts!

Silently sitting cross-legged, the chest is undulating, his face is not moving, Awu, with the help of small medicine, quickly refines two spirits.

The medicine has returned to Dantian in Awu.

After the refining of the spirits, the pure elementary layer poured into the body of the small medicine after the purification of his body, then passed back into the Dantian of Awu.

With the purification and purification of small medicines, no matter what kind of spirits are refining, the accumulated erysipelas are quite small, and the real elements obtained after refining are also very pure.

This time, it is no exception. Moreover, while refining these two special cultivating gods, the small medicine also has an unusual spiritual fluctuation: "Awu, this cultivating **** Dan has some special effects on me. The deity is very helpful, and there is also a strong, targeted help for your distraction. My feeling seems to be to supplement the deficiency in your distraction..."

Awu gently sighed: "It should be, this is the last panace in the second round, the position is very important, and the role should be strong."

Small medicine: "Things may not only be the case. I feel that the medicinal properties inside this lingdan are like the escaping of oneself. Now this medicinal property has returned again, and it has grown and strengthened, so to me. It has a strong strengthening effect, and it has similar effects for you."

Awu sneaked a little, stayed for a while, after a half-sound, said in his heart: "Small medicine, you think about it, do you have the same feeling in the last round of the first round of raising the **** Dan? I remember that A group of spirits is a very rare lightning property."

The medicine touched his head and thought about it. He said quickly: "Yes, the herb of the thunderbolt property is very rare. The feelings of the group of Ling Dan are also different, and the strain of the herb has a feeling of deja vu. ""

After the small medicine was finished, Awu was silent, and the grief in his heart was heavier! After half a ring, Awu said, "You can still remember the medicine that you were born with?"

The small medicine flew in the dantian, and it was like a serious reflection.

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