Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2486: Waiting for my big sister

The second four eighty-six chapter and so on my big sister

Switching to other monks may not promise to help the unreasonable demands of the black calendar, and the weight of the yellow calendar is definitely not so heavy.

But Dandan Awu is really not a friend in Gongshan.

Rain Wo is the only one. On the same day, Yuhe stood up and helped Awu to speak. Later, Dandan Awu Alchemy asked for some herbs beyond the ordinary scope. It was also the way that Yuhe had tried to get some.

Heibu Ge is also very right. As long as he can become a core disciple, Yu Wo’s living environment will be much better. In this case, he can pull one hand and it will not cost anything. Run a theater.

Without this exit, the battlefield battle of Gongshan Yaoshan, Dandan Awu followed the yellow calendar black cloth and Wumen Angzhuo into the next theater, the sixth theater.

The idea of ​​Huang Li Hebu coincides with Bamo. It is that there is an assassin in this theater, and it may not be able to organize a large team. Correspondingly, it may be easier to get the nameplate of the theater.

However, what makes the Huang Li black cloth more unexpected is that after the three groups entered the sixth theater, they suddenly discovered that there was a widespread and sparse phenomenon in this theater. The monks had no organization, but the mountains and the mountains were everywhere.

I caught a drug repair, and when I asked about the situation, I had already cleaned up the battle zone twice. Two people and a Bamo pickup team broke out from this theater. It also said that the sixth theater had already been taken out. Nearly 500 battlefield nameplates.

There were only eight hundred nameplates in the entire theater, and they were taken out for a large part. Naturally, they were very sparsely populated. It was not easy to find a drug repair.

Dandan Awu has already opened up three war zones and obtained the qualification to enter the Nami War Zone. For the time being, regardless of whether Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo want to kill, at least one hundred battlefield nameplates must be harvested.

One hundred does not seem to be many, but it has become relatively difficult to reach the sixth theater.

After all, those less powerful, poorly hidden monks have been removed, and the remaining three hundred monks are strong, especially good at playing guerrilla warfare, these guys are like a mouse, distributed in the vast war zone, It takes a lot of time to find them.

One hundred battlefield nameplates are not so well collected.

Huang Li black cloth shouted a misstep, saying that this is a miserable, and it is impossible to let him dig a hole to find a mouse. He really has no such ability.

Dandan Awu showed a small medicine and said with a light smile to the small medicine: "Small medicine, if you can see if you can find nearby medicine repairs, they are well hidden, but we can't find it."

Huang Li black cloth looks good at Dandan Awu, which is a fascinating material. I don’t think how powerful the little guy can be.

But what surprised the Huang Li black cloth was that the small medicine floated empty, the body was only slightly hovering, and the horse sprinkled a layer of starlight.

Starlight passed, not far from the front of the yellow calendar black cloth and Dandan Awu, the three medicines stood in amazement and stood in the ground, and said in a mouth: "How is it possible? How can you find us? We are really The land is hidden under the ground..."

After the words were not finished, Dandan Awu had already thrown a green cage, and the three monks were tied into a scorpion, struggling, how can they break free.

The monk who spoke shouted: "Give me a loss, I admit defeat, please give me a hand, let me throw the nameplate out?"

They have been trapped, and they can't even throw a nameplate. If Dandan Ao is too embarrassed, they will be able to directly return them to the prototype.

They have persisted in the present, and there is no problem in staying in the outer door. However, they do not care about the nameplate, as long as the body has nothing to do.

Huang Li Heib found that he had easily got three nameplates again and again.

Under the leadership of the small medicine, the three-person team flew in the sixth theater, rushing east and west, scooping holes, digging mice, and accumulating battlefield nameplates.

At this time, the battlefield nameplates of several monks such as Bamo picked up gradually came.

In addition to Dandan Awu is still high above the top of the list, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo have gradually been chased, and ran to the back.

In a twinkling of an eye, when the first day of the battle was about to end, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo finally got together the nameplates needed to fight the war zone. The trio came to the transfer area and prepared to move to the war zone.

Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo had no abnormalities. They sent them out and went straight to the waiting area.

But when it was Dandan Awu's turn, the accident happened.

Dandan Awu couldn’t start the transmission array. Almost at the same time, the nameplate of the battlefield appeared very strange. “Your actions have caused the core disciples to attach great importance to them. They have sent testers and sneaked in. The sixth theater must be defeated before it can be transmitted."

This is a special event that Huang Li black cloth did not expect. Dandan Awu did not listen to Huang Li black cloth and said to himself, suddenly a bit dumbfounded.

The most important thing is that the sixth theater is so big, where should I go to find the testers sent by the core disciples?

The battles in the Great War Zone are very different from the fighting methods of Gongshan and Yaoshan. The theory, the same disciple of Yaoshan will gather in the waiting area and gather together to a certain strength to form a group to enter the Great War.

There are eight drug mountains in Nami Peak. There are also eight major battle groups, and the battle group composed of the disciples of Nami Peak. In fact, the battles in the Great War Zone are usually between ten and twelve battle groups.

Usually, the number of people in each battle group ranges from 15 to 30.

When Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo arrived, there were already 16 medicines waiting in the waiting area of ​​Gongshan Yaoshan. When they arrived, the total number of medicines in Gongshan was up to 18 people. .

Gong Ya Yaoshan has a total of eight thousand disciples, divided into ten theaters, a total of eight thousand theater nameplates, and a monk to kill the tribute battle zone, at least there must be three hundred nameplates, also said that full play, Gong Gongshan can appear There are also twenty-six people in the waiting area.

Already eighteen, it is not bad.

The theory can reach twenty-six, but in reality, it can reach the limit by about twenty. After all, many powerful drug repairs are not easy to be removed, and there will be many monks left in each theater.

The monks who participated in the war zone could not see the situation of the battle list. At this time, they saw Huang Li Heib and Wu Meng An Zhuo, and they were a little surprised. It is understandable that the repairs and connections of the Huang Li black cloth appear here. After all, he recently hugged the thighs of the An's building. With some prestige, he was able to deceive many people to follow.

However, the appearance of Wu Meng An Zhuo made everyone very surprised. I did not expect that the younger brother of Huang Li Heib could stand out from the crowd. When did Huang Li Heib have such a strong force?

You must know that it is Bamo and you can't bring your younger brother out. Can the change after a core disciple be so great?

A little shocked, a few monks quickly accepted this fact.

Look at the number of people is almost the same, tall and tall, a face of heroic Ba Mo pick up and said: "Brothers, people have almost arrived, we can go to the war zone to familiarize with the familiar terrain, after the war, maybe even Get some advantages."

Wu Meng An Zhuo and Huang Li Heibu are wondering, what happened? How did Dandan Awu fall behind? What happened?

Hearing Ba Mo pick up and talk ~ ~ Wu Meng An Zhuo look at the yellow calendar black cloth, let him take the idea.

Huang Li black cloth face with a bright smile, said in his mouth: "You brothers, listen to me, the younger brother has a big sister, has already got enough theater nameplates, it is estimated that the horse will come to the battle zone, we may wish to wait for her."

Ba Mo picked up his eyes and smiled slightly. "There is still a monk? It can be waited for, but it is best to hurry. If we wait for the war in the war, we have not been able to go in time. It is quite passive." ""

Huang Li Heibu did not know what happened to Dandan Awu, and said: "Swear to God, my eldest sister definitely has enough theater nameplates. I don't know why, she is now stranded in Gongga Theater, I I think, at the latest, before the war in the Great War Zone, she will definitely come out, right, brothers, I can guarantee, everyone will wait for my big sister, definitely will not suffer."

Left one, my big sister, right one, my big sister! Bamo picked up and asked: "Who is your big sister? Is it really so powerful?"

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