Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2480: start fighting

The second four hundred and eighty chapter begins to fight

The small drug sensed her mood, actually floating on top of her head, shaking the leaves, laughing and leaning forward, indicating that her companion is really too much!

Dandan Ao slammed his eyes.

The small medicine floated back, the tree flashed, disappeared in front of her, and appeared again, the little medicine had already floated in her Dantian.

It was also the moment when the small drug entered Dantian. The mood of Dandan Awu suddenly settled down. It felt like his own Dantian was like a pinnacle, which made people feel at ease.

At the same time, Dandan Awu heart also raised a sense of enlightenment, similar to the outside of such a battle, when he is completely in the dark, the opponent does not know that he has already arrived, he is best to plan the corresponding combat link first. Finally, let's get a hammer and fix it once.

This is the combat experience transmitted by the small medicine.

Dandan Awu used his heart to understand some of the fighting experiences of small medicines. If the heart is puzzled, can it be said that the small medicines have also experienced many battles in the past? By the way, maybe when he followed his brother, he did experience a lot of battle.

Who is the brother of the green shirt? Is the famous monk of history? Dandan Awu is very sorry, it is not known, dreams, brothers in addition to imparting various inheritance to themselves, rarely speak, and his origins are not mentioned.

Aside from his own cranky thoughts, Dandan Awuxin planned a combat plan, and said to the small medicine: "Small medicine, pay attention, I want to start, you pay attention to assistance."

The small drug looks like a fighting madness. He heard the words shaking his body in the Dantian of Dandan Awu, revealing a kind of eagerness to try, very excited to look forward to this upcoming battle.

Dandan Awu’s heart moved and his body disappeared from the ground.

Once again, there are not many, no difference, and it appears in its own expected position. Standing at the distance of about two feet behind the monk on the ground, it is just the best position for attack.

The ability of the front monk to respond is also good. Almost the moment when Dandan Awu appeared, he has already perceived the situation. The body suddenly accelerates and runs forward.

Dandan Awu mouth slammed: "Where to go, give it to me."

A big one descended from the sky, and the front monk could not dodge. He slammed into the cage of the Aoki.

Struggling a few times, the strong restraining power made him have little resistance, and he was waiting to open his mouth. The body was suddenly two shocks. The huge darkness passed and the monk completely lost consciousness.

Behind him, Dandan Ao quickly extinguished the small flames of his own hands, and quickly dismissed his own swordsmanship, his face showing a silky expression.

This seems too easy!

In order to deal with this monk, Dandan Awu’s idea was to trap him with the Aoki prisoner, so that he could not escape, and then hit him with a wooden stake, let him faint, then use fire to burn him, let him suffer After suffering, he finally used the sword to frame his neck, forcing him to admit defeat and hand over the fighting wooden sign representing his identity.

However, the result is that Dandan Awu has a punching feeling!

A greenwood cage went down, two bullets hit the ground, the fire had not yet been issued, and the swordsmanship had not yet started.

The man who was trapped in the cage of Aoki himself slammed into the prototype and turned it into a prototype, which was erected on the spot.

The ground slammed and dropped his identity number.

The face showed no strange expression, Dandan Awu said: "This is too much to fight?"

So easy to win an opponent, Dandan Awu feels that he has not recovered, it is too easy to point it?

The small medicine ran out again and flew around the head of Dandan Awu. The tree kept shaking, as if to say that it was too dishy, ​​it was too dishy, ​​and the drug was not started. It has already been fixed. !

After thinking for a long time, I couldn’t ask for it. Dandan Awu’s hand recruited a small medicine and said: “Small medicine, go, let’s go to the next monk.”

The small drug happily crossed an arc in the air, looking at a direction and pointing to the past.

Dandan Awu’s body swayed and disappeared into the air. The bandits sneaked into the ground and sneaked into the past.

The action of Dandan Awu fell into the eyes of Nami, and at the same time, Nami was also found to have a very important problem.

Grandma's grandmother did not have an accurate judgment on her own strength. I didn't know how to do it. The first unlucky one didn't see who was doing it. It was already being returned to the prototype!

If the younger grandmother continues to do so, it will be unfortunate for the disciples of the entire eighth theater to be unlucky.

Touching the nose, Nami said that she was saddened by the first unnamed disciple who was maimed.

It’s just that, he didn’t remind Dandan Awu.

It can be seen that Dandan Awu participated in such a battle for the first time, and the combat experience is quite scarce. Then, this can be practiced well!

In the future, Dandan Awu is one of the proudest futures of the totem. It will probably represent the hope of the totem. The heavier the burden, the stronger the ability is needed. The ultimate standard of measuring ability is actually the actual combat capability.

Nowadays, the actual test of the disciples is to give the younger grandmother a hand. Although these disciples are unfortunate, they have contributed to the whole tribute, the drug mountain, the whole Nami Peak and even the entire Antoine.

Soon after, Dandan Awu discovered the second monk.

This time, Dandan Awu’s action was much faster, and he came out from the ground. A green wooden cage fell from the sky, and several huge wooden piles came up!

The battle lasted less than two, and the second opponent was completely settled. Dandan Awu started the second disciple's identity plate.

The second monk was killed back to the prototype. The unsuccessful thing was that he could not figure out what the situation was. He could not perceive who the opponent was and failed to perceive the opponent from where he launched his offensive.

One is accidental, two are inevitable! Dandan Awu touched his little nose, squatting on the ground, picking up the identity plate, and feeling that he was afraid to adjust the action plan properly!

Dandan Awu came in to test his own fighting standards. In the mind, she had no harmful thoughts at all, and she did not defeat the other monks, forcing them to restore the idea of ​​cost.

After killing two monks in succession, Dandan Awu hearted up and felt that he was hanging a small pot friend.

Kneeling to the ground, after a little thought, Dandan Awu whispered to the small drug vaccine: "Go, continue to find the next one."

The small drug is a kind of accustomed to this situation. There is no embarrassing feeling. When I heard Dandan Awu’s words, the little guy raised his own branches and gently shook and began to sense the surrounding ability. Soon After that, I sensed one direction and led Dan Dan Ao to quietly touched the past.

Dandan Awu began to launch a sneak attack in the eighth theater. At the same time, Gong Ya Yaoshan, Naomi's various drug hills, and the entire Antoine's various drug mountains, the foreign disciples' practical ability test was fully launched.

Different from Dandan Awu, who rushed into the theater, many of the medicine hills, those long-time foreign disciples, have their own special routines.

Especially when I first started to enter, it was a lot of time when my disciples were busy. For example, the yellow calendar black cloth of Gongshan Yaoshan, he entered the seventh theater. After coming in, the horse used his own special way to start calling friends. Call friends.

The first stage of the actual test is The main task is actually pulling the team. The luck of the yellow calendar is good. In the seventh theater, five powerful monks are gathered to form a small one. The group quickly probed around and stopped the two monks. Under the coercion, the two and a half pushed and joined the team of Huang Lihe.

The team of monks around the black calendar has been expanding rapidly like a snowball. In less than a moment, a small group of more than 30 monks has been formed.

This is the standard mode of the actual test of the foreign door exam. The best way for the monk to enter it is to use his own training team to form a powerful force to form a deterrent to the entire theater. After the degree, no new members will be recruited, but the medals of the soldiers will be harvested and the battle will be accumulated.

This kind of combat mode has actually formed a potential consensus among most foreign disciples, and it is also a kind of unspoken rule.

The yellow calendar black cloth is used quite well.

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