Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2455: Dreaming

Dreaming also has a continuous story, which is really strange.

Since the appearance of the little girl named Dandan Awu in the dream, Sun Hao discovered that his dreams dreamed of this little girl every other day.

Well, dreaming is a dream, it is to realize your life.

Just dreaming, like how to come, then how come, this dream is quite real, lifelike, it seems to be true.

Especially the characters in the characters, the characters and the characters, which are shaped as a nature, let Sun Hao, who knows the dream, admire himself, and his dreams are getting stronger and stronger.

Just dreaming, how to get along with it, and, the so-called dreams are born by the heart, when you have some time, you don’t need to use the means to change the process of dreams, you can realize the change of dreams.

For example, I found that the body of this drug girl is not completely developed, and the embryo is not well developed. So, in the dream, the medicinal medicinal seedlings began to absorb the power of the stars, giving her a subtle improvement in the system. .

For example, I found out that the quality of the little girl's true yuan is really embarrassing. So, in the dream, her own incarnation of the small drug seedlings began to filter her real yuan, and her true yuan for better concise.

For example, I found out that the little girl actually slept in the night and didn't have any rest at all. So, the little drug vaccine passed on her own heart.

Just dreaming, and passing on some practice, there is nothing wrong with it.

Just dreaming, not too stingy.

Yes, it is this rhythm, dreaming of a little girl every three, and then giving her some small surprises, and her mood is good, her dream can become a dream.

Yes, this is the rhythm.

As an old monster, Sun Hao feels that the child's heart is the greatest blessing. He is the youngest middle-aged king in history. It is the fastest-growing fit in history. It is estimated that he only has himself. There will be such a game mentality of the game without rushing to the ground, and the fart is going to practice.

Right, I don’t know if the ontological consciousness is going to dry up? Closed the five senses, closed the whereabouts, and closed all the information, as a distraction can not perceive the existence of the ontological consciousness, Sun Hao feels drunk.

The sense of ontology is really embarrassing, and it is absolutely enough, it must be a big move! I don't know what tricks will come out in the end.

Different from the previous dreams, this time the dream is always a continuous plot, more interesting, Sun Hao's distraction is also a little more attention, unwittingly revealed a lot of benefits.

Sun Hao thinks that this is normal. As a peerless man, he dreams of turning himself into a small drug seedling. It is a bit unreasonable not to give the little girl who cares for himself.

Dandan Awu is caught in a very strange feeling.

This state, it seems that I met the peerless old predecessors, God did not know the ghosts, I passed a lot of practice to myself, right, passed in the sleep.

The state within one's body has also been changing. The real element is always confined, and the constitution is changing a little bit.

The change of the system will not see the effect in two days, and it will be quite impressive after a long period of time.

Dandan Awu found that his meridians are getting tougher and wider, and their Danhai area is becoming wider and wider.

And my own true yuan, how to say it, Dandan Awu felt incredible.

Many times, she feels that her true element has been extremely thick and incomparably concise. It feels that no monk in this world can have such a concise real element.

But then, she suddenly discovered that after she practiced, the real yuan is still concise, still in the essence, this way, it seems that there is no end.

The result is two years, three years and four years, and for ten years, her cultivation is in the same place, without any progress, it seems that there are signs of retrogression.

Ten years is the time for Antoten's quiz.

Dandan Awu suddenly felt a little worried.

In the past ten years, I can say that there has been no progress. Although I have worked hard and hard in this decade, there is no doubt that it seems that there is a sense of retrogression in terms of my own cultivation!

If it weren’t for a decade since it’s floating in Dantian, there’s not much movement, no little progress, and Dandan Awu thought he was not able to grow up!

But the quiz is coming, what should I do?

It is said that Anto's small test is very strict, once the small test is not over, it will be sent back to the original place if it is not good.

After ten years of hard work, would this be the result? Dandan Awu’s heart is full of bitterness.

Looking at the distance from the small test for a few months, Dandan Awu is really anxious, and did not mind to practice.

On this day, sitting in his room, Dandan Awu showed his little medicine in his hand, rubbing his branches and leaves with his hands, and muttered in his mouth: "Little medicine, Small drug seedlings, you and I have been working hard for ten years, but my cultivation is not rising, your head is not long, we are really fit, maybe, we will go back soon..."

The small drug seedlings have spirituality, and the branches and leaves gently rub her palms as if they are comforting her.

Dandan Awu looked out the window with ecstasy, looking at the bright moon, looking at the starry sky, and whispered in his mouth: "The exam is to be tested, to test alchemy, to test the herb, but I In addition to trying hard to identify the herb, there is no basis for alchemy. There is no progress in repairing. Sorry, the little medicine has disappointed you. Follow me, you have no future..."

Under the moonlight, among the stars, the small drug seedlings stretched out their own leaves and swayed gently, as if they were dancing slowly with the wind.

Unbelievable Dandan Awu did not know it, so he reached out and took a small drug seedling and entered a very strange dream.

A smile full of smiles, like a big brother-like green shirt monk, appeared in front of Dandan Awu, began to teach her the skills of alchemy.

Dandan Awu found himself in a strange room with a drug word. There are countless herbs in it, so that you can squander yourself and let yourself refine.

After a while, Dandan Awu found himself coming to a world full of winds, and in his own hands, there was a mahogany sword.

The sword is in the hand, the person is in the wind, comprehending the artistic conception of the wind, understanding the mystery of the wind, dancing the sword with the wind...

Unconsciously, when I woke up, the sky was already bright.

Dandan Awu swayed his head and felt that this night, his dream was too real and too real.

It seems to be true.

Just dreaming, can't be serious!

Dreams are good, the days have to be the same, it is time to take care of the medicine field.

When I mentioned my little medicine, Dandan Awu walked over to the drug field and went into the medicine field. Dandan Awu waved a little girl and began to scribble. This kind of work, she arranged according to the operating rules of Antotem. .

However, today, just entering the state of labor, Dandan Awu feels that he is not quite right. How does the seemingly normal way of working in the past look unreasonable today?

The way to learn the elixir in the past is like there is room for improvement in many places.

Also, what makes her feel strange is that she saw the two herbs in the medicine field, and she immediately thought of it. If the real Yuandan is refining, the attributes of the two herbs should be adjusted to such a degree. The modulation method should be like this...

This feeling is very strange, it seems to be true.

Putting his head in his head, Dandan Awu threw this ridiculous feeling out of his mind and began to work hard, but after a while, Dandan Awu found himself completely unable to work hard.

The reason is that many people are uncomfortable. I feel that I am working in a low-efficiency manner. I feel that I can improve my work efficiency to get more practice time.

What makes Dandan Awu strange is that he does not summon the small drug seedlings that have never come out. Today, he ran out of his own body and floated in front of his body, swaying, like that, it seems to be saying: Wrong, wrong, you have to change it, you have to change it..."

Dandan Awu is speechless, just dreaming. Do you want to be so realistic and make it look like it is true. However, if the small drug vaccine is out, you still have to ask his opinion, and with one hand, let the small medicine seed fall. In the palm of my hand, Dandan Ao whispered: "Small medicine, do you think that I should correct the way of working?"

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