Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2452: Sun Hao's dream

After a short pause, Dandan Awu silver teeth bite: "I decided, I still choose the middle of the elixir."

The surrounding medicine repairs, including the language of Arjun, seemed to be a sigh of relief.

In the seemingly absent, ignorant, completely unknown space, Sun Hao’s heart was relieved in his completely unknown state, and his uncomfortable nightmare finally passed.

Sun Hao broke down and incarnates the elixir, and the will of his own body is completely submerged in practice.

Of course, with Sun Hao’s current ability to cultivate, it is natural to practice all kinds of systems and to polish all walks of life.

Among them, there is a dream of refining the heart.

Entering dreams and dreaming of life, Sun Hao himself knows that he is dreaming. Sun Hao even has some means to control the change of dreams.

That is one of the means of Sun Hao’s practice.

Of course, by the time of this cultivation and height, Sun Hao will not interfere with the direction of dreams most of the time, just watching the development of dreams quietly, quietly expecting the ending of dreams, and then going from dreams. Comprehend your own mind and accumulate your own results.

Just this dream is a dream that makes Sun Hao entangled, and it is also a dream that Sun Hao has produced a lot of understanding.

In the dream, Sun Hao found himself into a miracle, practicing in a deep Yam Valley.

Sun Hao dreams that the breath of his own body, the scent of his own divisions, under the influence of subtle, let the elixir that is not very strong around him become stronger.

Those elixir encircled themselves, and they became a three-in-one array.

All of these are beautiful, all beautiful dreams, influenced by oneself, the whole medicine valley has become the ocean of flowers, and has become a beautiful dream world.

But at this time, Sun Hao found that he hoped to go out and turn around. He thought of walking and not wanting to stay in the valley.

This is a dream, do you need to use your means to change your dreams? In the dream, do you have to wait or do whatever you want?

In the end, Sun Hao decided not to ruin the dreams. Sun Hao decided to wait and see if his dreams would change.

Wait, wait, Sun Hao feels that this dream is the best temper for his patience, one hundred years, one thousand years, thousands of years, he is still waiting, etc...

The elixir around me has grown into a spiritual material, and it has matured completely. It has become a guardian who is guarding himself, and he is still waiting.

I don't know when to wait!

The monks must have patience when they practice hardships. Sun Hao thinks that this is a dream that tests his patience. He must carefully polish his own refining process.

A monk who can withstand loneliness and endure waiting is a good monk.

I don't know how many years I have waited.

The dream that Sun Hao was overjoyed happened. He finally waited for the monk, and more than a dozen monks came in. They came to find the elixir.

My dream setting is very strange. These monks seem to be all medicines. When they come in, they choose the elixir, and refining becomes a symbiosis and takes it out to practice.

This is a good opportunity for me to go out. Sun Hao’s heart is full of expectation, and his dream has finally turned around. He has waited for thousands of years.

This is really a thousand years, etc.!

However, the next dream made Sun Hao very entangled.

I have also done ridiculous dreams before, but this time the dream is the most talked about.

Obviously, I have cultivated myself all the way through the sky, clearly that I am a drug-friendly world, good guys, these little guys actually decided that their dead wood can not be carved!

The little guys they dreamed of didn't take the beanbags as dry food, and they looked at themselves without any eyes. They said that they are dead materials, no one wants to pick themselves, no one wants to take them out to play.

How come so strange dreams? With my own self-confidence, how can there be a dream of doubting one's own ability? Sun Hao understands that this is a dream, and then begins to analyze, immediately and laughs and draws a conclusion, this is actually a paradox of his mother.

Really, a paradox.

The heroic medicine that Sun Hao dreamed of represented Sun Hao himself. That is to say, the elixir that Sun Hao dreamed of was Sun Hao, a monk. At present, in the dream, Sun Hao is sleeping, and Sun Hao is not sleeping. How could there be a dream.

Since the elixir is Sun Hao, then according to the miraculous setting in the dream, the miraculous classification of the elixir level, Sun Hao found that the elixir that he had made in his dream is really a Decay material, a remedy that cannot be born.

In the midst of it, Sun Hao perceives that his dream is present because he is transformed into a medicine.

Once your elixir status is gone, that is, once you have to change back to your deity, your dream will be broken like a bubble. When you wake up, your dreams will naturally disappear.

Therefore, in the dream, I can only really be a decaying material.

This is a paradox, my own dream, actually set myself into a dead wood can not be carved.

Well, knowing that you are judging in the dream of Sun Hao, it may be because when you step into the path of practice, the qualifications are not good, causing your own subconscious, your foundation is very poor, so you have such a dream. .

After a lot of entanglement, Sun Hao found that all the monks were trying to push themselves out, even the one who felt the best, and the little girl who felt a bit intimate, seemed to be trying to pick the younger brothers who had developed under their influence.

This is really a dream that makes people extremely uncomfortable. It is clear that they are the best, but they can only watch their own being disliked and abandoned. They can only watch their chances of missing this trip.

Missed this time, do you still have to wait in this drug valley for a long time? Do you want to use some means to change your dreams?

This kind of dream makes Sun Hao feel too tangled, too depressed.

But in the end, Sun Hao’s heart sighs leisurely. Dreams are dreams, tangles, depressions, and dreams. As a dream, you need to seriously understand your feelings. If you change your dreams, your mood will be better, but it’s true. Say, what help is it for your own spiritual practice?

Or just like that, go with the tide, go with the dream, Sun Hao still does not believe, I am waiting for thousands of years, still no one will bring myself out?

Fortunately, the dream eventually went to the sour ending that moved Sun Hao’s heart. The girl who looked more pleasing to the eye and the soul was purer, finally made an unexpected choice for everyone.

She decided to choose this elixir that she had incarnate.

This eventually turned into a sweet dream, and my heart was loose, and I finally got out.

Well, the dream is also here for the time being, Sun Hao finds that he has turned into a dream, and the dream changes. Sun Hao finds himself coming to a strange world.

There is a towering tree here, which means building wood...

Sun Hao dreamed that he had turned into a Taikoo beast, and set off a thunderstorm storm in the air; he dreamed of turning himself into a Dapeng garuda, a pair of wings, and went to Wanli; The star-shaped ice butterfly, sprinkling a starry sky in the sky...

Sometimes, I will dream of the heavenly plane and Luo Pengfei. The three people will fly together, push the cup and drink, and sing loudly...

Sun Hao knows that these are dreams and lifelike dreams. These are the magical effects of their own dreams. What makes Sun Hao puzzled is that Sun Hao always remembers the dream of the incarnation of the elastin. When doing other dreams, it is also often Think of the dream that makes you tangled.

Sun Hao often thinks about If this dream has a follow-up, what will happen to the pure girl who is pure? Refining and refining this aging material, will it really become an ordinary person?

Sun Hao often thinks that he is a peerless power. Is it really a remedy for his own medicine?

Is this dream of myself too irresponsible? Actually, he gave his dream of this peerless power to nothing, and he was almost left in the medicine valley.

Unusually, Sun Hao discovered that when he was doing other dreams, he would often go to speculations. Does the dream have any follow-up, and will Dandan Awu have some magical performances in his subsequent dreams?

In the dream, I can still think of dreams. Sun Hao feels that her dreams have made new progress, and her own cultivation has made progress.

It’s a gratifying thing.

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