Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2438: Undecided Penglai (3)

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Inside and outside the attack, the whole family is hard.

Sun Hao’s fighting sticks are congested with unparalleled momentum.

A bang, in the uncertain winds, the huge windy land that Sun Hao firmly settled in is finally unable to withstand the power of internal diplomacy, and the sound of the boom has changed.

The characteristics of the Taikoo Sword without the object and the saw also have an effect at this time. This large land can no longer be attached to the entire wind domain.

Huge, resounding through the thunder of the whole imaginary, from the heights of the Terran, the sky seemed to tremble violently. In the hole that Sun Hao made out, there were countless meteor fires.

At this moment, the law of heaven and earth has a different scene.

On the one hand, the air-powered Feihong ship was pulled by the force, under the pressure of the above-mentioned uncertain winds, and was washed out of the distance, the rainbow fluttering, close, and from the eyes of the hole, a large number of meteor fires fell.

On the other hand, the phagocytic ability of the space cracks started, and the meteor fire and rain immediately rushed in.

The air transport flying rainbow ship is also not listed, and a rainbow also quickly ascended upwards.

On the surface, above the void, after the dramatic changes, it instantly returned to normal, as if Sun Hao was doing nothing.

But Sun Hao knows that at this moment, two huge changes have taken place on the sky.

The huge changes hidden in the endless void have made the spirit of Sun Hao a vibrate.

Things are a bit beyond Sun Hao's control, but at this point, the effect of Sun Hao's expectations finally emerged.

The characteristics of the indefinite wind domain are revealed. The infinity itself is floating indefinite. In theory, he exists anywhere in the void, and there is no place. Originally, the indeterminate wind domain will not be captured. However, he was caught by Sun Hao.

If this piece has not been knocked out, Sun Hao will seize the entire unrestricted winds, and everyone will naturally fight for you.

When Sun Hao broke through the sky and lifted the power of the whole family, Tian Da decided that Sun Hao’s side, that is, the Terran victory.

As a result, this huge and unremarkable area that was determined by Sun Hao in the uncertain wind domain was instantly knocked down.

There is no fixed wind domain. After being knocked down, the body of the indeterminate wind domain immediately resumes its indeterminate characteristics. After dropping a large domain, it continues to go.

In other words, the top of Sun Hao’s void is indeed cut down by Sun Hao.

The wind is still ferocious and roaring in the uncertain wind domain. To be precise, it is a small and indeterminate wind domain.

The biggest feature of this small piece is that it is given by Sun Hao's eight-party localization and four Lingdingtian in the void, which can be slowly prepared.

This is the first good news for Sun Hao to cheer up.

There is also a good news that Sun Hao has made a major move to Daewoo and Zhu Dezheng, and the practice of arranging the squad on the Feiyun ship has also begun to produce results.

The air transport Feihong ship will exist as the skeleton of the new holy land in the future, so in the prediction of Sun Hao, it must be integrated with the undecided wind domain.

The air transport flying rainbow ship is the skeleton, and the undetermined wind field is flesh and blood. This is the holy place in Sun Hao’s true ideal.

In order to achieve this step, Sun Hao asked Daewoo and Zhu Dezheng to engrave a large number of formations on the Feiyun flying ship, and arranged many refiners.

At this time, Zhu Dezheng was in the air transport Feihong ship, but, the violent shock, the huge roar, made this kid quite uncomfortable.

What makes Sun Hao happy is that above the sky, the unpredictable winds are hit, the enormous force produces the law of the catastrophe, and there are many meteor fires.

These fires were again adsorbed by the space cracks under the uncertain winds, and they were blocked by the airborne flying ships.

The raging magma, the raging fire, became the best natural refining fire. The array and refining tools on the airborne flying rainbow ship came into effect, and the air transport flying rainbow ship was gradually integrated into the uncertain wind domain. .

At this time, the most tested is still Sun Hao's refining ability.

This is the technique of the refiner that Sun Hao has never tried. It is very likely that it has been the illusion of the past, and other monks have never done it before.

The difficulty is called the sky.

Take a large domain for your own use, and take a large domain to make a holy place for the Terran. Such a feat, in the eyes of many people, is simply whimsical.

Sun Hao is really doing this kind of anti-sky move.

Already in the process of refining, Sun Hao’s fighting stick is not a random hammer.

With one stick and one stick, Sun Hao follows the trajectory of the cold forged thirty-six hammer and operates the stickman. He constantly beats the unrestricted winds that have been cut. Of course, according to the usual practice, Sun Hao has always left the last hammer. The hammer method did not work.

This piece of the unrestricted winds that was settled by the Eight Dings and the Four Spirits was hit by a stick of a stick.

The hammering speed of the stick is quite slow. Every shot down, above the sky, the crack of about ten feet will spit out the rainbow because of the huge vibration, and then spit out some meteor fire.

Every time, the cracks quickly re-admitted the fire and the flying rainbow, and because of the tenacity of the airborne flying rainbow, and the result of the conscious control of Sun Hao, the crack continued to exist and the beating continued.

Under the driving force of Sun Hao’s powerful cultivation, the huge fighting stick with the power of the mighty, in the endless void, kept beating, the uncertain wind domain and the air transport flying rainbow ship are so little by Sun Hao A very peculiar way, condensed together.

The monks of the Terran and the monks of the Zhongxu Wanzu do not know what Sun Hao is doing.

However, I know that the ancestor Shen Xiang’s move must be very against the sky.

I don't know what kind of miracle that the ancestors of the ancestors would end up with, what kind of things would come down from the void.

Everyone believes that the ancestral apocalypse will definitely not be targeted. He must have a strong role in doing this.

Every monk is looking forward to it.

The powerful and powerful Stickman has continued to fall for one day and one night. With Sun Hao’s cultivation, he also feels the lack of strength and exhaustion. He uses huge and talentless sticks. For Sun Hao, it is also a huge consumption. .

Especially in the final stage, the interval between the two sticks that Sun Hao fell on the unrestricted winds is getting longer and longer. Above the sky in the uncertain winds, it is full of fighting sticks. The traces of the thirty-six-way cold forging hammer method.

The effect of the refiner that can take the hammer out of the hammer, and it is still a thick one, it is estimated that only under the sun, only Sun Hao can do it.

The entire hundredth cold forging thirty-six hammers, at the last hammer, Sun Hao's three heads of the magical law are flush, exhaled, and the air came a low burst: "One, hammer, set ,sound……"

The sticks of gold are all converging, and the speed seems to be slow, but the actual is extremely fast, and the layers of the sky are illusory, and they fall heavily on the unrestricted winds.

A muffled sound.

Under the stick, Sun Hao seems to see the game of the various laws of Heaven, as if he saw a dark golden glow.

Then, Sun Hao's magical law, Sun Hao's fighting stick and Sun Hao's Taikoo Sword and Shen Xiangjian Qi Qi were excluded from the interface of the indefinite wind domain, appearing on the top of Sun Hao's head.

Then, above the cracks in the sky, like the birth of the earth, a slamming spit down a land with a radius of only ten feet, and pressed the airborne flying rainbow ship, which quickly fell.

Above the sky, Sun Hao’s magical law shouted and shouted, and the stick of the gods went up to the air and the flying rainbow. At the same time, Sun Hao’s mouth also said: “The whole family is united, with me, Get off the air and fly the rainbow."

On both sides of the East and West Kunlun, the pre-prepared monks should be well-informed, and the real yuan emerges and is introduced into the air-powered Feihong ship through a special array method.

Above the sky, the changes at this time are really dizzying.

After the ancestor Shen Xiang made such a big squad, above the sky, finally spit out a piece of land.

It can only be ten feet in size.

Even the rainbow has shrunk to a radius of ten feet.

At the same moment, the sky's magical law was around, there was a golden stick that stood tall, a black sword with a fierce temper, and a streamlined figure that represented the ancestral sword of the people.

I don't know that these powerful magic weapons are all excluded from the uncertain wind domain. Everyone thought that it was the land of ten feet that spit out. The reason why the ancestors suddenly launched their full force suddenly became unseen.

The golden stick of the ancestors topped up.

The elite of the Terran, all the monks, including the Ten Immortals, moved together and withstood the ten-foot land in the air.

Ten feet of land is like its sinking, as if it is going to fall down, and it is topped in the air.

Sun Hao said in a quick voice: "Small fire, set him a bit." Look at the refreshing novels to [Vertex Novels]

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