Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2432: Goodbye Lei Peng

When Sun Hao arrived in Zhongxu, he was a bit confused. Why did the Terran and Kunluns have their own management?

In history, there have been records of the struggle between the East and the West Kunlun and the endless battle. At that time, Sun Hao felt that this was simply internal friction.

In Sun Hao’s mind, he once thought about the integration of the power of the East and West Kunlun, and let the people merge into one, and they will work together to form a synergy and move forward.

Nowadays, seeing the situation of the Lingtianjian faction, Sun Hao suddenly understands that even if he designs himself well, even if he has laid the foundation for the human race, in the end, it is estimated that it will still be extremely prosperous.

When you are still in the middle of the emptiness, all kinds of contradictions and various thoughts within the human race are disappeared without their own will.

When you go astray, no matter what the emptiness, who can have absolute strength, absolute prestige, let other people have no opinions, so that the imaginary people do not dare to move?

Hand-divided the Ling Tianjian faction into two, let the reincarnation of the two Excaliburs govern each other, and Sun Hao no longer stays and vacates.

Among the Lingtian Swords, the Jianfeng has changed a lot, and many new swords have risen, and many Jianfengs familiar with Sun Hao have sunk.

Among the Lingtian Swords, the monks changed even more. In addition to the old turtles still stationed, Sun Hao did not find a familiar face.

Even his own brother Linghua, who failed to make a transitional robbery, fell into the long river of time.

Among the Lingtian swordsmen, Sun Hao did not find the cabin of Ling Tianjian's ancestors, and that place, now the trees are towering.

The change of the Lingtian Sword School is similar to the whole imaginary. Sun Hao can see his influence and can feel his supremacy in the imaginary human race, but he can no longer find his own traces of Ling Tianjian.

With a trace of sorrow, and regret, Sun Hao arrived at the last stop of his imaginary, under the virtual battlefield.

Sure enough, the island of Gran Ling, which I remembered, has disappeared completely. The dusk snake has been taken away by Xia Chuan. How could there be an island here?

Looking around, I saw waves coming in layers, and there were traces of the island.

The once-human right-hand camp also had no shadow at all. The valley was full of weeds. The defensive surface of the Terran in the virtual battlefield had completely changed. The right-handed battalion completed its historical mission and withdrew from the historical stage.

These are all changes, all changes that Sun Hao did not expect.

The soldiers who fight in the iron plate fight for a long time, the iron plate will also rust, and the soldiers with the same water will not know how many generations have changed.

When the virtual battlefield just started, in the sky, above the ground, many wild animals were active, and the former Terran camps had become an active gathering place for wild animals.

Shaking his head and sighing, Sun Hao did not alarm the wild beast, silently came to Chongtiancheng, this is the main city of the Chongzu in the virtual battlefield, after a tens of years, still strong.

When Sun Hao arrived, outside the city, the sound of killing the sky, the beasts and siege wars, just like the fire.

Looking at the young heroes who have forgotten their lives, their spirits are arrogant, and the swords are sung, seeing all kinds of spells bloom, Sun Hao’s face has a faint smile, and he can’t help but think of his own glory and shock. The family, the glory of the hero of a purple gold.

However, until now, the virtual battlefield does not know how many times the reincarnation, and who remembers this former king?

Lei Pengtian ship, Yinpeng four.

The Yinpeng Corps that he once had has now disappeared into history, and his own warriors, including the former Yinpeng Four Miles, have now become ancient people.

In this world, it is estimated that they can only remember them.

I can confirm that they have existed before, and once they have been to the world, they may be just themselves.

Looking at the battle of Chongtiancheng silently, Sun Hao bears his hands and feels that his mood is gradually empty, and many things are slowly faded.

The gods are swept away in the city, and the Terran still has a resident in Chongtiancheng, and it is bigger and higher than Yinpeng Xianshan.

However, Sun Hao failed to find the Xianshan, Yinpeng Xianshan, which was hit by the Terran in the Chongtian City. This Xianshan should have completed his historical mission and withdrew from the historical stage.

After all, 10,000 years is still too long.

What about the auction house? There is still one, but even the Xianshan has changed, and I can't find the traces of the previous auction house. I thought of the idea that I could grow the auction house and think that my auction house can exist for a long time. Momo brother and sister, Sun Hao could not help but laugh.

What can be done in the millennium? After ten thousand years, who can remember the glory of your past?

In the face of time, everything is just a mirror.

Chongtiancheng, the city is skyrocketing!

Sun Hao could not find any traces of his existence, shook his head and sighed, and took off, and waited for the sky to rise. Suddenly, there was a heroic song in his ear: "Chongtiancheng, Qitiantian, Feilei Peng, bright Tianjian, the hero of the ages, smoked for nine days of Shenshui..."

A hero with a gold band on his head sings his sword and leads his army to fly in the air. Above the sky, there are 200,000 elite warriors, turned into a silver pennant, with two wings and a thunder, and the leader of the monk is in the air. In one fell swoop, there was a crisp drink in his mouth: "There was a scent in the past, a sword came out, and Kyushu was cold. Today, I have a descendant of the human race, come back with a sword, and die."

Above the sky, there is a sky sword that is not much weaker than Sun Hao's, and flies away, into the wild animal tide, in the middle of a huge peak and beast.

With a bang, the blood was splashed, and the peak beast was degraded on the spot.

In the sky city, bursts of cheers broke out.

Actually, some people have learned their own Yinpeng battle, and they have achieved the hero of Jindai. Now, on this virtual battlefield, they are following their own wishes and assisting Chongtiancheng and the warfare beast.

On the other hand, a young hero of the Chongtian also laughed and said in a loud voice: "The son of the son is very powerful, Lei Peng Tianjian, a move to destroy the enemy, good, good, good, below, see my Golden Corner Corps , Langer, give me a shot..."

300,000 unicorns and celestial warriors marched together, and above the sky, they turned into a huge golden horn, rotating and escaping, like a huge shuttle, tied to another peak beast.

Wherever passed, the raindrops of the wild animals generally fall into the air.

In the city of Chongtian, there was another cheering of the sky, and the blood and boiling spirit, and the feeling of vigor and vitality, also rushed into the heart of Sun Hao.

Under the imaginary circle, Sun Hao could not find some traces of his existence, but when he was about to leave, Sun Hao saw his own Yinpeng battle and saw a familiar battlefield that made his heart tide. .

Wannian planning has not become empty, and Shen Xiang passed down from generation to generation.

The trace of his own existence is not the superficial, the imprint that has been visited, but leaves a kind of inheritance, leaving a spirit of God from the body of the hero of the Golden Belt, Sun Hao saw his own shadow.

This is a descendant of the human race who worships himself, learns himself, and takes himself as an example. The foundation is also quite strong. Gold is a hero, and he is really rare.

It seems that Andrevina is a gold belt.

In the Battle of Chongtiancheng, with the two heroes screaming, the enemy was defeated in front of Chongtiancheng.

The Terran Gold Band Heroes, the Tianjian Scorpion Mausoleum; the Chongtian Hero, the Golden Horn Moore can be the biggest hero of this battle, and has attracted attention.

In the Daqing of Chongtiancheng, the fireworks illuminate the sky, the music is melodious, and the flags are fluttering, just like the year.

The winner is in high spirits.

Yinpeng was flying in the air, soaring in the sky, the silver armor of the scorpion scorpion, and standing at the core of Yinpeng, accepting the reward of the Chongtian family.

It is a war, the Terran Warrior is the first success, the Chongtiancheng Sacrifice is filled with passion, and when the glory is presented, once again mentions the grandfather and grandson Sun Xiangxiang, mentioning the prestige of the Megatron, and also ranked first in the year. Peng Tianjian."

When Zhaizi’s Mausoleum received the Medal of Honor, Yinpeng spread his wings, and this moment of Yuxiang Tianyu, above the sky, suddenly came a laughter.

Laughter is not big, but it penetrates Tianyu, as if the whole Zhongxu can hear it.

On the top of Tianyu, every monk of the Yinpeng team suddenly felt that his body was invigorated, and there was an unprecedented feeling, as if he had become a part of a great body at this moment, a magical feeling, as a silver The feeling of Peng members is in my heart.

Over the sky above the sky, the stars are a little bit, the infinite stars are floating, and every Yinpeng warrior is a radiance.

A silver light group floated down and fell into the forehead of the scorpion's forehead. The body of the scorpion was stunned and the face was full of surprises.

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