Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2425: Resurrection

Kelman Dragon City is always fighting, and the unbroken array is compressed into the inner ring of the inner ring. The manor is getting crowded.

Finally, a one-eyed monk couldn’t stand the crowd and said with dissatisfaction: "We are all dragon warriors. For the sake of the dragon domain, we have forgotten our lives. Now we don’t even have a place to stay. How can we stay so big? Manor does not live?"

A one-armed warrior reminded him: "Do you know who this manor is? This is the manor of the distracted monk Geerhu, and according to his merits, he can not let us enter his manor."

Another monk whispered: "If we can't resist it, his estate is exposed to a gas bomb, and it is immediately turned into fly ash."

Another soldier said: "Gerhu is one of the strongest distracted monks in the dragon domain. It is the mainstay of the male and female witches. If they are not distracted, they are doing their best to support the formation. Longcheng has long been Crashed..."

Several fighters held each other's words and vie for it.

In the air, a monk wearing a man's robes flew over the ball and said in a loud voice: "What is the noise? The tiger is specially confessed, this grocery store, even if it falls, it should not be occupied, you who have The ability to break the lineup of the big tiger, you go in yourself, or else you just stay outside."

When the words were not finished, the outer array suddenly violently shakes up.

In the air, the male witches’ hands were shaking and the light was shining.

The surrounding monks stood up straight and looked at the outside with a look of horror.

One of the monks said, "The **** undead sorcerer, so quickly into the second ring, brothers, **** guys, the last moment has arrived, we have retired..."

The male wizards in the air also said aloud: "Swear to defend the manor of the tigers, all the soldiers, prepare for war, and fight for a deadly battle..."

If you can't retreat, you can't go back. Everyone will fight it out. The monks will pick up the real yuan and display the magic weapon. They will prepare to charge the corpse army at the moment when the large defensive hood exits the manor.

With the fall of the Kelman Dragon Field, many of his companions finally chose this path of no hesitation.

The corpse is the most ruthless, they have no concept of captive, and the monks they meet, the monks who catch the living, will also kill.

Instead of catching and being killed, it is better to kill one.

A fierce momentum, rising from the manor.

At this time, the manor was shocked again, and the outer defensive hood was shining, showing signs of being broken.

Some monks can't help but scream in the sky!

A dead battle!

At this time, very strange things happened. In the distance, the hood of most parts of the inner ring was directly defeated by this wave of attack.

However, the defensive cover on the manor of the Aurora was shook, and at the last moment, it was actually stabilized.

The monks who had smashed a few scorpions couldn’t help but be surprised.

How is this going?

Once the corpse's gas bombs hit a certain area, they will continue to launch a wave of attacks.

The monks were just not happy enough to work, the manor began to oscillate again, and the opponent’s attack came again.

It is extremely surprising that this time, the manor was at the last juncture, and it was dangerously over.

Once it was accidental, it was a bit strange twice.

Three times, still the case.

This seems a bit embarrassing, the monks inside the manor are surprised to find that because of the tenacity and sturdiness of the manor of the Erhu, the area of ​​the inner ring of the second ring is connected with the manor, and it has not been able to be slayed. The gas bombs are pressed in.

How is this going?

Soon, a lot of male and female witches of the sorcerer immediately found the crux of the problem. A one-eyed warrior finger-mountain groceries, and said loudly in his mouth: "Hey? It is the protective cover of the grocery store, very strange, actually has magical connectivity... ..."

Is it right? Everyone is concerned about it. Sure enough, every time the critical moment, the defensive cover of the hill groceries will be integrated into the defense of the manor and the entire Dragon City. It is very strange that every time, as long as the defensive cover of the Dragon City is about to At the moment of the attack, the defensive cover of the grocery store will be topped up. The hood of the grocery store seems to be fragile. The actual is very tough, and the gas bomb can not be destroyed for a while.

Dragon City's defensive hood immediately got a breathing time, and after a quick recovery, it stabilized its position again.

Some people are amazed: "Wow, the big tiger is a high-profile rumor."

In the air, a high-spirited distracted power came quickly, and came to the side and said: "Which high-ranking person is helping, please show up... oh? It is actually a defensive cover for a grocery store. Ah, a good little array, a clever design, do you know who this is?"

The male witch monk immediately said: "Gegger has seen an adult. This place is the manor of the Aurora. The grocery store in front is like a hill groceries..."

The estate of the Tigers? Hill groceries!

The follower immediately thought of who the erhu is, and based on this news, he couldn’t help but say: “The sacred god? Is this the home of the sage god?”

Who is the great god? None of these younger monks at the scene knew that no one had ever heard of it.

Only this distracted person took a deep breath and sighed and said: "I thought that someone helped me. It was only the legacy of the ancestors. You will immediately retreat. This dead line can't support it for a long time..."

When the words were not finished, the door of the hill groceries opened.

Inside, came out a tiger-backed bear, big waist, big, very strong, very strong barbarian monk.

The barbarian monk with a full smile and a loud voice said: "Today is really lively, people are doing business well, the store opened today, have you come to buy things?"

The empty grocery store has actually opened, and the monks who are preparing for the war outside are facing each other.

In the air, the distracted monk who flew in and explored the situation, stunned and looked at Sun Hao, and found that he really couldn’t recognize the big man with a smile.

The sacred **** is just a legend. The character who had been in the past for thousands of years seems to be called a hill. He has a mentoring relationship with Geerhu.

Now that this big grocery store is out of a big barbarian, will it be a god?

The distracted power quickly moved a few brains and said in a loud voice: "This adult, the late generation Goffney has a pen business, don't know if you can't do it?"

Sun Hao was a little surprised. I didn't expect the witches to be distracted by the monks. They would have vaguely guessed their identity. It seems that their influence on the male and female witches is not small, even if it is a tens of thousands of years, some people vaguely remember~ After Sun Hao Feng Chi rushed back to Kelman Longyu, he did not join the battle immediately, but he revisited the place and silently stayed in some places he had stayed for a few days.

Finally, I ran to the inner ring and found the hill groceries that Geer Tiger had saved. I felt a sense of my heart and lived here for a few days.

Unexpectedly, Anderwi’s ​​corpse witches’ power would be so strong. It was not long before he returned. He was able to kill the inner ring and shocked Sun Hao.

What makes Sun Hao feel more interesting is that in the Kelman Dragon Field, there are still people who know the traces of their existence.

It is necessary to know that Sun Hao’s incarnation of the barbarian monk has become a fabulous story for a long time. It is almost a fabulous story. If there is no thought, there are still people who vaguely remember, as if they still recognize the identity of their male and female witches.

If this is the case, then you may wish to follow this distracted monk.

With a thick smile on his face, Sun Hao said: "It is not appropriate for a small store to open. What kind of business is natural to do? I don't know if you want to buy something or want to sell something? Hill groceries, everything..."

Seeing that the two witches’ predecessors actually started talking about business with the big barbarian, the soldiers around them suddenly felt a little dizzy. When is this, can you rely on it?

Goffney was slightly covered and said: "Adult, I want to buy something. Do adults know if they sell it?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The store has not been opened for ten thousand years. It is opened again today. Under normal circumstances, everything has to be sold. Otherwise, the store has to close."

Goffney fell to the ground and said in a froth: "Gevney wants to buy something."

Goffney? It seems that a long time ago, I had the same name. For a long time, Sun Hao couldn’t remember it. Anyway, at this time, Sun Hao was full of interest and played with her heart, and she went with her. Rw

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