Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2415: Dingding Zhongxu (2)

The strength of the Great Warrior is almost the same as that of the Great Death.

Under the suppression of the smuggling of the towering tower, it was impossible to resist the attack of Sun Hao. After a few moves, there was no suspense. Sun Hao directly fell into the air, and above the sky, another star was fallen.

The nine protoss of the undead domain, in the hands of Sun Hao, all suffered heavy losses, and all the ancestors were cleared by Sun Hao.

Among them, the undead dragon and the blood family were also cleared twice.

Standing with a stick and bathing under the golden light, Sun Hao looked up and shouted.

In the first battle of Tu Longpo, the Terran will no longer have an enemy in the imaginary. All the strengths of the hostile race will be damaged and damaged. In the future, the Terran should be able to dominate the emptiness in many years.

Of course, the real situation is not the general forecast of itself. It really takes time to test, and it does not rule out that other races have monks like themselves. By then, the advantages of the human race may disappear, and they can do it. It is to expand the advantages of the human race to the maximum.

The battle really came to an end, in the air, only three monks left in resentment, under the chase of Luo Pengfei, flying all over the sky.

Sun Hao stood in the air and felt a little, but his heart could not bear it. At the same time, among the eyes, the light was flashing again.

These ancestors who confronted themselves have some extraordinary means. In fact, they are all dead and not stiff. Except for the undead dragon ancestors, other ancestors have more or less left. The back hand has not been completely eliminated.

Of course, after the heavy blow of Sun Hao, whether they can retain their will and how much strength they can retain is really hard to say.

Most monks are like ancestors, relying on special means to save their lives, but the state can not be said how good.

Tao Tianji also perceives such a state, holding a pagoda, his mouth whispered: "I said the old devil, you are too unreliable? Say what killed four opponents, people just hide, you They simply could not kill them."

Luo Pengfei smiled and said: "It's almost the same. Everyone's status is not the same. Besides, it is said that God has a good morality. It is not easy for them to cultivate it. It is not easy to kill too much."

At the height of the fit, there are actually some potential battle rules. For example, if there is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides, sometimes it is necessary to give others a way to live.

Sun Hao stood up in the air and said in a loud voice: "Some people can't be light, especially a few monks who are mainly masters. Don't think about passing easily today."

In the voice of the voice, the hands of the sticks turned into a huge golden disc, a single hand-held disc, throwing it forward, the golden disc flew into the void, like a lotus bloom, and shot a golden color outward. Stick.

Hey, in a series of shooting sounds, there was a sigh in the air, and the tall body of Morgan's ancestors fell from the void.

Apart from anything else, Morgan's ancestors were horrified, and their bodies flashed into a meteor, fleeing in the distance.

Sun Hao’s fighting sticks catch up and the film is golden and his body is flickering. It seems that he can’t stand the blow of the stick, turning into a light spot and disappearing into the void.

Sun Hao screamed coldly: "Isn't you still dying?"

Stretching his hand to the stick, holding the stick in his hand, Sun Hao slammed in the air and fell to the void behind him: "Mirroring ability? See how many times you can mirror."

The Morgan Protoss had two corpses and nine lives. Sun Hao was merciless and killed by sticks. After half a day, the bodies of two Morgan ancestors had been lying on the sky, and Sun Hao squirted three real fires, which were calcining Morgan ancestors. That immortal spirit.

Among the flames, Morgan's ancestors struggled and kept roaring, but to no avail.

In the middle of the sky, Sun Hao said coldly: "Two flying people, turned into an embryo shape, hiding in the body of an undead war horse, the death penalty can be exempted, the living sin can not escape, you will turn your heart into a pony." ""

With both hands printed, Sun Hao vacated a symbol, and slammed it on the belly of the undead horse. Suddenly, it was immediately seen. The body of the undead horse was so strong that it was like pregnancy.

Above the sky, Luo Peng flew for a while, suddenly laughed again: "Agarwood, are you too funny, this nightmare is public, you can not give birth..."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Nothing, the pregnancy of the stallion is not a rare thing, just give it a good midwife, I think, everyone may be willing to be among their own Tengu troops, two more magical Ma Wei."

Standing on the shoulder of Sun Hao, Bianmu suddenly said with curiosity: "I want to know now what kind of shape these two horses will look like in the future. Will it be a nightmare, black hair?"

Sun Hao looked at the embryo and shook his head and said: "No, they will be the appearance of the flying people in the future. They will be silver-white and have their wings. Perhaps it is more suitable for Pegasus."

Bianmu’s eyes are shining, and his mouth is screaming: “Pegasus, I want one, riding a Pegasus, it’s a matter of what to say, I decided, let the lights give me a head, and I’m going to be barking. Don't be too cool."

Sun Hao’s fighting stick points to several other directions. The few empty areas, one with a very weak star, turned into different shapes and squatted in the air.

When Sun Hao decided to look at it, these shapes have become a variety of animals.

There are horses and birds and dogs.

Sun Hao instantly understood the meaning of these ancestors, and they are willing to turn into the current forms, just hope that Sun Hao can open the side.

Sun Hao’s scene of killing Morgan’s ancestors really shocked all the lucky monks who were lucky. He really wants to annoy this star, and he will deal with his own words. If he does not, he will be like Morgan’s ancestors. The soul flies.

Even the ability to reincarnate and regenerate is not, and it is completely degraded in the void.

The means of the ancestors of the people are really scary.

Sun Hao is holding a stick, and his face is full of mercy. His mouth is long and said: "I know why, now, if you want to do this, you really have no suitable reason to do it to you. Now Well, I will give you a living path, but only if you serve in the ranks of my disciples for thousands of years, go..."

The undead war horses and the things like the birds and birds disappeared from the air, and they were taken into the air tower by the Sun Hao, thrown into the Hanggai Prairie, and let the Yilu lights go to the management.

The side of the animal husbandry swayed and disappeared into the air.

Sun Hao knows the movement and finds that Bianmu has already ran to the Hanggai Prairie. He is eager to educate a few monks who have closed their self-awareness and served in the Hanggai Dog Paws Flying The side of the animal was full of mouths running the train, once again moved out of the world's second **** dog's valuable identity, trying to recover several younger brothers.

Sun Hao can even feel the smug and thoughtful thoughts of Bianmu. Wang Wangwang, if I am going to accept these ancestors as younger brothers, in the future, wouldn't I have the opportunity to become a guardian of many strong families?

On Sun Hao’s face, there is a smile, and I don’t know if the deities of the ancestors who have closed their own consciousness will be influenced by the priesthood and generate some wonderful characters. If this is the case, It’s not good for the ancestors of Zhongxu in the future. They are all weird people.

It’s a bit funny to think about it.

However, Sun Hao did not interfere with the plan of the animal husbandry. This dog did indeed do a lot of anecdotes, but one thing that it has always done well is that it never does anything that harms Sun Hao’s interests.

With it, I went with it.

Sun Hao’s gaze looked at the sky, slowly floating, and the huge zombie.

The ancestors left behind their backs, but they did not completely die, and the traces left were obvious. It is not difficult for Sun Hao to kill him.

Moreover, the ancestors did not turn into a variety of small animals to let Sun Hao dominate, Sun Hao to kill him can also be justified.

But in fact, Sun Hao knows that he can't start, and Sun Hao knows that the zombie is indeed not suitable for animal to drive himself. In any case, he has two daughters who are his own Tao.

Slowly shaking his head, Sun Hao said: "But it, stop, spare you once."

Sun Hao is really not good enough to kill. After all, Miha and Minorha have no idea of ​​this matter, and they have not participated. They are all focused on Sun Hao and don’t look at the Buddha face. I have to bypass the zombie this time.

Who makes two good daughters? Rw

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