Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2399: Layout world


The second chapter of the main text is laid out in the world

Yes, many of Sun Hao’s things are handed over to Wu Xianlang to plan, to lay out, to create momentum for himself, to give himself a picture of such a thing, although he did not give Wu Xiaolang a deliberate account, but wants to rely on his ability. I will never forget that I am really not suitable for pointing at him. .

Sun Hao’s guarding the people for thousands of years is definitely not just a simple matter to keep here, but to really find a way to become a layout world through the hands of Wu Xianlang and Zhichi.

Regarding the layout ability, the most powerful thing about Sun Hao is actually Wu Xianlang.

No sound, no mountain, no water, quietly, the prosperity of the Terran, the development of the Terran has penetrated into every corner of the imaginary, the layout of Wannian, only Wu Xianlang has such a long-term vision.

This disciple looks wretched and is truly a typical example of a person who cannot be seen.

Sun Hao is around, there is a second stranger, intellectually ignorant, no matter how small, no tricks, no soul.

The characteristic of intellectual idiot is fine management, which is to grasp every detail of things very well. As far as a specific thing is concerned, the processing power of intellectual idiot is far stronger than Wu Xianlang.

But for a larger layout, it is Wu’s plan to be more forward-looking and long-term.

Both of them are now Sun Hao's generals, a plan to grasp the general direction, and a specific implementation of the details, complement each other.

Sun Hao’s evaluation of the two is very high. He explained that Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi actively cooperated. Even when Sun Hao himself was also necessary, according to Wu’s suggestion, he shot in real time and shocked the world.

Zheng Yuanzi did not hesitate to execute Sun Hao’s orders. Liu Qi also resolutely implemented the important instructions of Xianggong. The Terran has been united and united in an unprecedented period of time. It has developed rapidly in some years. Although some local areas, some small places will appear. Small management issues, but in general, are growing rapidly.

Zheng Yuanzi admired Wu Zhilang and Zhizao's wisdom to admire the five bodies, indicating that the two wise men of the human race are simply descending from heaven to assist the right arm of the agarwood adult.

The two-sided Wushen Liu Qi said that Wu Xianlang and Zhi Zhi are powerful, but the adults who control them are even more powerful.

At the time of a chat, the **** Wang Baichen was not convinced, and Liu Qi said with a grin: "I said Liu Laoda, the sister-in-law is not as good as the medicine, and it is better to deal with government affairs than wisdom. You said that he is the most powerful. ?"

Liu Qi squats at Bai Jie, and he does not care about Sun Hao’s brother-in-law. He said, “Say, let’s talk about the layout. It’s better to be more intelligent than to be wise, to deal with problems, and to be more serious than leisure.” Comprehensive strength, in fact, the strongest is still the same, right, do you think that intellectual and leisure are so deadly life? The enlightenment of knowledge is only one aspect, the level of people is high enough to make them convinced, and occasionally give pointers to them, too Let them be amazed..."

Bai Chen raised his thumb: "Liu boss is a high-profile, but boss, I think you should strengthen your contact with your brother-in-law. We need to get more resources and benefits from the East Kunlun side."

Liu Qi immediately got a boost: "This is a real thing, but Xiang Gong, he saw the Witch God Palace and detoured, basically did not come to my East Kunlun, this is not a way, Xiaobai, will be settled?"

Bai Chen: "We can do this, like this..."

Bai Jie giggled, and Liu Qixiao said with a smile: "This can be, uh..."

No matter what kind of weird things that the two quintessions of Dongkunlun come up with, they always have to be a part of the dog-dogs. This pair of partners is like a partner of Wu Xianlang and Zhi-Yi, and they are the perfect match.

In Sun Hao’s view, the idioms that match each other are put on them, and they are a bit violent, and it may be more appropriate to use scent and misery.

Some small troubles, Sun Hao can only deal with the scalp, the bold Jin Dazong let Sun Hao understand a truth, as a man, sometimes, you must have a role, do, you have to Responsible, avoiding, and doing worse will be even worse.

When the East Kunlun was upset, it allowed the sorcerer to live in the past for a period of time, and naturally settled down. Anyway, not the grandson of Sun Hao’s deity, but also a lot less.

After the East Kunlun appeasement, Sun Hao can truly implement the Wan Nian layout that Wu Xianlang has drawn up in a strong and orderly way.

Wu Xianlang is the mainstay, and the intellectual idiots cooperate. The layout of Sun Hao’s examination covers a wide range of aspects, covering all aspects of the human race, as well as many ethnic groups. Many layouts have been implemented over thousands of years. It’s hard to tell the words in a few words.

When Sun Hao examined these layouts, he felt that he was a big head, and his heart also sighed at the ability of Wu Xianlang. It is no wonder that the cultivation of this disciple is always weaker than other disciples. It is estimated that many of his thoughts are placed on thinking. These things have gone up.

The layout is tens of thousands of years.

A lot of things, Sun Hao has a sense of unclear, cut constantly, but Wu Xianlang is well organized.

With the help of Zhichi, the layout has even been detailed to what year should be done, and what kind of goals should be achieved in which year. There are a lot of details, forming a huge network, spreading out and spreading the world.

For example, from the perspective of planning, Wu Xianlang's layout can be divided into two parts.

Internally, strong bones and strong bones, solid foundation, and lay a strong foundation for the human race, mainly from the management system, education methods, development methods and other aspects of all aspects of the strong foundation of the human race.

These things are also being adjusted at any time.

The most important points are the establishment of the Aquilaria Monastery, the establishment of a vertical independent system directly under the jurisdiction of the two holy sites, the alchemy hall, the refining hall, and the introduction of strict monk management methods.

Of course, how to promote the deeds of the people's ancestors, form the spiritual pillar of the human race, form the glory and sense of belonging of the human race, is also an important part of Wu Xianlang's layout.

These are some of the details. Sun Hao did not ask too much. Now, it seems that Aquilaria is one of them, and the wide-ranging and positive things are definitely much more than this one.

What's more interesting is that the positive, familiar things, after a meal, everyone's arguments are not too many, but some things in the incense and awkward things have become a story that everyone talks about. Of course, when discussing these things, the human race monks Everyone will unknowingly say that the powerful achievements of the fragrant incense ancestors will eventually turn into infinite admiration.

These are all internal plans, and they are worth a thousand.

Externally, there are some diplomatic measures, which races are to be handed down, which races to draw, which races to fight against, which races to be annexed, what ethnic policies to adopt, and so on.

These measures are also very detailed. There are big principles, there are small guidelines, and it is very operational. Wu Xianlang takes the plate. Zhizhi is organized and implemented with the help of Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi. The effect is also very good.

In diplomacy, in general, the Terran maintains a high profile, a race that does not easily attack others, does not casually bully other races, is very friendly and has a good reputation.

However, the real situation is that Wu Youlang has fully utilized the power of the undead protoss, and used the undead protoss as a sharp knife to eliminate the race that is not harmonious with the human race and not friendly to the human race.

After some races were destroyed by the undead, the Terran received complaints from its bereaved family, immediately sent troops, recovered lost ground, and regained the lost land before the undead cloud had not covered its large domain. Naturally, this race became part of the human race. Or it has become a staunch ally of the Terran.

Relying on this means, over the years, the Terran has laid a supreme glory in the sin of the emptiness, and has become the same existence as the sinister sect of the sinister sect, and has also established a banner against the undead gods.

Any race that encounters the infiltration and attack of the undead domain will be the first to think of seeking reinforcements from the Terran.

This is external.

If it is divided according to individual items, Wu Xianlang's layout has been classified into each race, and it is divided into some parts, such as seeking things and seeking people.

These are another system. For example, the fall of the undead dragon ancestors, the blood ancestors and other great monks is actually the result of seeking people; and the current difficult situation of the flying people, the Morgan Protoss and the tree people is the result of seeking a solution.

In a word, in the past ten thousand years, Wu Xianlang has laid out the world, gradually realizing the grand goal of Sun Hao and Zhuang, and letting the people dominate the imaginary. Moreover, with the arrival of 10,000 years, the layout of Wu Xianlang has also come to an end. when.

At this point, Sun Hao needs to personally go out and complete some major events.

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