Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2392: Dust settled

Sun Hao did not expect that there would be such a wonderful battle scene in the Red Crescent.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it would be a savage slogan, and the red moon and the old devil called the bitterness of the sky, and they could not resist it.

This time, Bianmu really did not need a small fire to support him, but really became amazing.

The existence of Bianmu, beyond the recognition of the Red Moon, became the real nemesis of the Red Moon.

In the thoughts of the Red Crescent, the thoughts are always full of unbelief, full of incomprehensible, how is it possible? In his long life, the first and last time he met such a strange existence.

It is as if the animal husbandry itself is the embodiment of the thoughts. It is everywhere and can be transformed into a dog, claws and dog mouth to grasp the thoughts, but also to grasp a standard.

The shot does not fail.

Not long after, Bianmu has consistently grabbed more than a dozen sleepy thoughts and screamed.

The thoughts of the Red Moon's old devils are obviously painful, and they are almost ruined by the side of the animal.

Once again, Sun Hao saw the brave side of the animal husbandry, and thought of Satsuma in his heart: "I am the son of Satsuma. It is really powerful. Who is Satsuma? The strong Satsuma can actually resurrect the small fire. What is the place?"

Sun Hao’s thought is just to go to this place. In the blink of an eye, Sun Hao has forgotten that he just thought of Satsuma.

In my thoughts, I feel that the grazing should be so powerful, and there is a reason why the grazing is so powerful. That is because the immunization of various laws by Bianmu is caused by the adaptation of Bianmu to various conditions.

The most powerful of the Red Moon is not the ability to fight, but the influence of the soul. It is the fighting skill of the soul. After meeting the animal husbandry, it just happened to meet the natural enemies and was restrained to death. There is no room for resistance.

After swallowing more than a dozen sleepy thoughts, Bianmu was called in the will: "Sun boss, if you want to completely defeat this guy, you must completely suppress his body, you cheer, or else, light me But no..."

Sun Hao hearted the gods and made a cry in his mouth: "Good."

The fighting stick is golden and the broken hammer is continuously waving. The ancient sword is also ready to go. The three heads and six arms are working together. Sun Hao is violently attacking the ancient star.

The stick of the sky and the ancient star nucleus kept colliding, and there was a roar.

Every time the broken sky hammer hits an ancient star nucleus, it is a sound, and the ancient swords that have nothing to saw can also make a shallow trace on the ancient star nucleus.

The ancient star nucleus itself should be a polished meteorite. It is extremely heavy and hard. It is the true essence of the stars. Moreover, the existence of the ancient star nucleus must be the star that once had the wisdom of the race. When the stars fall, save your essence, protect yourself, and form a star nucleus.

Nowadays, in order to protect themselves, the ancient star nucleus also erupted with a strong fighting ability. The air circling and dancing like a dragon, sweeping, hitting, rushing, and smashing... is quite similar to Sun Hao.

There are two battlefields in the weird battle. One is the battle between the animal husbandry and the will of the thoughts. The way is very strange. The animal husbandry has the upper hand, but when the old evil body is not suppressed, the animal husbandry can only do this. Glued; the second is the battle between Sun Hao and the ancient star nucleus, the sun and the moon.

Everyday is a variety of brilliance with the attack, the huge impact sound, but also resounding through the sky.

Above the Red Moon Altar, as the battle continued, great changes began.

One by one, the battle disk flew from the bottom of the altar and turned into a huge disc, which was drawn from the sky, like a flying saucer, to the grandson of Sun Hao.

On the top of the Red Moon, the battle escalated again. The golden figure of Sun Hao seemed to be shrouded in a large cloud and suffered constant collision.

What makes Sun Hao unsuitable is the red moon altar and the air battle plate. Every once in a while, a cluster of thorns is rushed upwards. It is very sharp, and the speed of the upward rush is extremely fast, and the damage is extremely high. thorn.

The angle of rushing out is also an all-round coverage. Sun Hao must be hard-resisting every time, and Zhang Jinjin is slammed.

If you change to a weaker monk, I am afraid that I can't resist it, and I will be defeated. In the fierce battle, Sun Hao's body is like a leaf in a storm, floating in the wind.

The Red Moon is a kind of race that is completely different from the Zhongxu Wanzu. The ancient star nucleus is also good, and the air warfare is also good. It seems to be only a dead object, but it is likely to be the body of the Red Moon. component.

The higher the height of the monk's practice, the more incredible it is to reach out to the world of practice.

Sun Hao, while confronting the Red Crescent, is sighing in the heart, it is not easy!

On the strange altar of the Red Moon, I don’t know how long it took. When Sun Hao’s Zhang Jinjin body was a bit too much to eat, Sun Hao’s long-awaited battle finally appeared.

Since the beginning of the war, Sun Hao has swiftly waved the hammers and attacked all kinds of battleboards. The percussive sounds of the crickets are endless. Finally, after hitting opponents countless times, this hammer saw the effect.

With a hammer, Sun Hao hit a battle plate that has been reduced to a square.

The power of the broken sky erupted in an instant, the battle disk slammed into the air, and then exploded in the air. The hard battle plate should be part of the star nuclear battle disk, instantly turned into a piece of gravel, falling into the air.

On the altar of the Red Moon, a piece of raindrops was sprinkled.

The thought of the Red Moon's old devil broke out with an unwilling and painful roar. This blow hurts him a lot. He can't wait to swallow Sun Hao in a rage.

Bian Mu Wang yelled: "Play well, play well, play the old devil wow, boss, come on, come a few more times, you can hurt his roots."

During the battle, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his heart was also slightly sighed. The chance of the broken hammer to stimulate the power of the sky was quite low, almost one in ten thousand.

Just fighting against the Red Crescent, Sun Hao has attacked a total of more than 10,000 hammers, which triggered the power of the broken sky and destroyed the battlefield that was hit.

What makes Sun Hao more disappointing is that he thought that the warfare would be part of the body of the Red Moon, and he would not hit the old devil at the same time, causing the collapse of the entire Red Moon altar, but the reality only collapsed. A battleship, other battleships and ancient stars have not been affected too much.

In the loud voice, Sun Hao once again entered the battle, but this time, Sun Hao’s fighting style is slightly different from the previous one.

Among the hammers of the broken hammer, the force of the silk rule has been brought, and the cold forging 36 hammer is deployed.

In the air, the attacking Sun Hao’s battleship also has ancient star nucleus, which has a very strong self-healing ability. When the powerful golden light of the stick is able to directly break a battlepan into two halves, it doesn’t take long, two battles. The discs will be combined into one.

The ancient sword can also cut off part of the battle, but not long, the same will be re-combined.

The battle plate that was shattered by Sun Hao’s broken hammer was turned into a stone and could not be regrouped again.

Since 10,000 times can stimulate the power of the sky, then simply, Sun Hao put a 10,000-time attack into a set of cold forging 36 hammers, always leaving the last "one hammer" not to shoot, see 10,000 times or so When you shoot it, you will have a magical effect.

Above the altar of the Red Moon, the priests are on the ground, as if they were fighting, but the Red Moon Old Devils have not been able to find the existence of the Border Shepherd. Instead, they are in the will of the thoughts, and they have become the side of the dog.

Sun Hao is skeptical that if the red moon old demon uses the ancient star to beat the animal husbandry and directly shoot the dog into a meatloaf, he does not know whether the kid can still suppress the old devil in the battle of thought.

In the sky, picking up the hammer shadow, a track, with Sun Hao constantly accumulating cold forging 36 hammer ~ ~ draw a beautiful arc.

Sun Hao’s body is also in the siege of the battleship and the ancient star nucleus, constantly swaying, and the fighting sound is still endless.

Finally, I don’t know how long it lasted. Sun Hao finally accumulated his cold forging 36 hammer to the real threshold of Wan Wan. At this time, Sun Hao himself could hardly continue to accumulate the hammer, and his mouth was light. Xiao Xiao: "Take me a hammer..."

The golden hammer of the broken sky is full of light, and above the sky, a piece of purple-gold light and shadow is picked up, and a purple handle is finally condensed into a sledgehammer, which crashes into the ancient star.

A hammer is fixed.

The power of broken sky broke out, and the ancient star nucleus suddenly jerked, and the whole star nucleus began to crack in an instant; but at the same time, the force of cold forging and shaping broke out, and the ancient star nucleus was instantly shaped into a huge orb. .

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