Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2380: Powerful

The Great Death waved a sickle, and a series of swords in the air slammed down.

The ancestors raised their swords and prepared to fight. Sun Hao floated and said, "Let me come..."

In the voice of the voice, the broken hammer in the hand picked up the hammer and shadow, and slammed into the shadow of the sickle.

The ancestors reminded in the back: "The soul ancestors are careful, the death slasher has the effect of directly cutting off the attack of the soul, and sometimes it will produce a direct lethal judgment effect."

Sun Hao used to confront ordinary death and knew his horror.

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Sun Hao’s hammer shadow hit the knife.

The half-moon type of sickle was very strange, passing through the hammer shadow, still drawn to Sun Hao.

This is the difference between the death sickle.

Directly smashing the soul of the monk, directly dropping the monk into the air, and instantly killing.

However, after the extent of the ancestors, everyone has some means and will not be easily killed on the spot.

Sun Hao had experience of confrontation in the past, and his heart was not timid.

In the mind, the golden light flashed, and the stick of the sky was shocked. A golden light rushed out, and a bang hit the shadow of the death knife that rushed to himself.

Knife Shadow seems to have met the nemesis, as if the ice and snow met the hot sun, melted instantly, failed to get close to Sun Hao, has been directly dispersed in the air.

The big **** of death stood in the distance with a sickle, and his face showed an unbelievable expression. This was a move that directly restrained his own death.

I did not expect that the soul ancestors would not care about their own death, this is not a good thing.

Is the soul of the soul ancestor so powerful that it is so strong?

Holding a sickle, the big **** of death is a little lost.

Sun Hao said nothing, one handed a hand, the broken sky hammer slammed forward.

The Great Death saw the hammer coming from the air, reacted, lifted the sickle in his hand and slammed it.

With a bang, the broken hammer hammered the sickle.

The huge impact force knocked the big **** of death away.

The chance of breaking the force of the sky is really small.

After fighting for so long, it was triggered twice in the body of the undead dragon ancestors. It was impossible to trigger several battles with other ancestors. The sickle of the big death was also safe and sound.

It seems that the unreliable power of the sky can not be regarded as its own conventional means of warfare!

A hammer hit back the big death, Sun Hao single-handedly, the broken sky hammer flew back and fell into the hands.

Holding a hammer and standing with one hand, Sun Hao screamed: "You friends, let's come again..."

What is a husband and wife, this is!

Although the nine monks are now accepting the baptism of the altar, everyone is watching the battle and paying close attention to the battle situation in the core theater.

In other words, no one can guarantee that the battles in the core theater will not spread to their own side, and they must be careful and alert. Once they encounter the shackles of the fish, they will have time to dodge.

It is the close attention, and everyone also expresses true admiration for the strength of the soul ancestors.

The nine great protoss, the nine ancestors, in general, are of equal strength, and everyone is almost the same.

But this time the Battle of the Red Crescent, the soul ancestors showed more than the other ancestors of the fighting power.

The seven ancestors changed their sprints, and most of the attacks were blocked by the soul ancestors.

The strength of the strongest undead dragon ancestors was actually shocked by the soul ancestors, and the rats were not allowed to act rashly.

Seeing that the sacred ancestor is about to succeed, the nine-member monk is really convinced.

I don’t know why the soul ancestors will let the ancestors of the zombies refine their lives and recognize the Lord’s undead. According to their strength, it is natural that they should be the soul ancestors to recognize the Lord.

The undead dragon ancestor circled a little further, and his heart was unwilling, but he was afraid that Sun Hao would take the power of the broken sky to smack himself, circling and dancing, shouting loudly: "Despicable, shameless, sinister, soulful, you are relying on I am strong and strong, stop me, etc., I want to support the ancestors to be your embarrassment, it is too mean, I am waiting to live in your same era, expressing sorrow..."

Although the other ancestors did not speak, they also believed that the undead dragon ancestors said that they were almost close to the truth of the facts.

Moreover, the loyalty of the ancestors has reached the last minute, and everyone has no time to waste.

Just at the moment when the Great Death was defeated.

Several ancestors looked at each other and did not attack in batches. Instead, they reached a tacit agreement in an instant. The last opportunity to attack, how to find a way to interrupt the sacred ancestors.

Many times in the past, the undead crown has never been the first close monk to be able to refine and refine it for the first time. Many times, on the top of the Red Moon, everyone can only get results in a few dozen years. Come.

This time, no matter what, you can't let the soul ancestors succeed, and you can't let the three support the ancestors recognize the Lord.

Almost at this moment, the other six races, the seven ancestors instantly reached a substantive alliance, and at the same time acted to launch a full blow to the ancestors.

Sun Hao glanced at the nine-petal lotus and found that refining was at a critical moment. He was very careful and supported the ancestors to complete the refining. He should be the only one on the scene with more possibilities to help him get the time to complete the ancient star nuclear collection. Monk.

Other ancestors will not help themselves, and the ancestors should not be so reliable. After all, the monks in this world are mostly selfish.

Seven ancestors broke out, and the space opposite Sun Hao was brilliant.

The huge dragon tail of Longzu descended from the sky and pumped to the ancestors.

The ancestors Ma Heyi, turned into a dark lightning, tied to the ancestors.

The blood is turned into a cloud of blood; the big warrior seems to be kneeling on the ground, dancing with both hands, squeaking, and falling down straight; the big **** of death is waving a death sickle, going forward, a huge half moon knife harvesting Come.

The two great lichs screamed and fired two face-sized poisonous gas bombs at the zombie. The attack had not yet arrived, and the strong suffocation had already come.

The seven ancestors set fire to attack the ancestors.

Looking at the powerful attack of the seven ancestors, the bronze mask on the face of the zombie trembled. If there was no powerful help, the ancestors could not stop it.

At the crucial moment, he no longer stayed away. Sun Hao whispered and his body shook slightly. Zhang Jinjin rushed out.

This time, the six-six gold body is slightly different from the previous ones.

This time, the six-legged golden body brought the effect of three heads and six arms. The golden body has three heads, six hands, one hand dances with a stick, one hand carries a broken hammer, and one hand lifts up. The ancient sword...

Among the undead gods, there are strange clouds of darkness, and the magical powers of the fit and the power are suppressed, and they cannot be displayed in the undead domain.

However, Zhang Liujin is able to fight in the body.

Sun Hao’s Zhang Liu Jinshen is now able to present the fighting state of the magical law. This is the sign that Sun Hao’s practice of God and body has reached a certain level.

Today, Sun Hao’s exhibition of the six golden body will have three heads and six arms; if the gods are used, they will also bring golden light.

The changes that have occurred are all practical, and they can really support Sun Hao’s fighting ability.

In the face of the seven ancestors, Sun Hao exhibited three heads, six arms and six golden bodies, and screamed in the sky, bravely rushing forward.

The stick of the sky is waving, brushing two golden light and rushing out, a golden light to the half-moon sickle of the big death, another golden light to a poisonous bomb.

Taikoo fierce swords and fierce waves, a sword rim, swords broke the river, the air drawn a straight long line, stopped in front of the big warrior and the ancestors.

The broken hammer hammered two hammers, and a hammer rushed to the undead dragon ancestor, smashing the huge dragon tail that had broken a section; the other hammered to the second lich.

Almost instantaneous efforts, Sun Hao has been issued six strokes, and caught the six ancestors.

Only one of the remaining blood ancestors has been swallowed by the bones of the ancestor, intercepted in the air, the strength of the ancestors is slightly dominant, the blood ancestors difficult to cross the pool half a step.

Sun Hao broke out with all his strength and his combat power was extraordinary. At the same time, the six ancestors were targeted by Sun Hao's powerful and incomparable combat skills. At the same time, the heart actually produced a feeling of facing the peerless power and fighting hard.

The most unfortunate one is still the undead dragon ancestors.

The locking attack of the broken hammer can not escape, and his dragon product is estimated to be the point of falling to the slag. Among the purple-gold ray, the hammer of the bang is real, relying on, the power of the broken sky suddenly erupts.

If it wasn’t for him in a hurry, he would break his tail again. If he couldn’t do it, he would be terrible. He saw the snow-like tail of the dragonfly flying in the sky, the undead dragon’s heart was colic, and his mouth screamed: “Soul, I am not finished with you..."

The shouts were filled with anger, but the monks who were on the sidelines, the monks of the Nine tribes, felt the jealousy and sorrow in his heart from his shouts.

Undead dragon ancestors are a little scared. The next time I was greeted by the power of the sky, the insidious soul ancestors, it is really able to control this power, specifically for their own!

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