Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2377: God crown battle

Sun Hao really has no regrets.

It is the nature of Sun Hao. Since it has already been a tribal alliance, Sun Hao will follow it. Unless the bones and the zombies change, Sun Hao will certainly act according to his promise.

I thought that when I was still in the lower bounds, Sun Hao was a thousand years in the town of Novo, sitting in the town, until the disaster completely subsided, this is the rise of Xiafei.

Some personalities, once developed, are easily changed.

The ancestors and the ancestors came flying, the tribes met, and there were more than 30 monks who flew to the altar of the Red Moon.

The monks of the Nine Protoss, flying in the air, approached the battlefields of the zombies and the ancestors very quickly. It is the only way to get to the Red Moon Altar at the fastest speed.

The ancestors and the ancestors who stayed on the battle plate began to attack and pulled the bow.

The monks who climbed to the top of the altar were all powerful. The common bone arrows had limited lethality to them, especially the undead dragons. They were not put in the eyes by the bones, flapping their wings and forcibly flying up.

The bone arrows are tied to them, like water splashing on the rocks, and they are scattered and can't hurt them.

Other ethnic monks are similar.

At the root, there is not much damage to pass through the defensive faces of the ancestors and the ancestors, and fly to the sky.

Of course, with the interception of these soldiers, their flight speed will naturally not catch up with the three tribes who are flying away.

It started to slow down, and now it’s stopped again. The gap is a bit bigger.

Seeing that the distance is getting farther and farther, the monks of the Nine Kingdoms can't take care of it so much. They ignore the words of Sun Hao and go straight from the side of the battleboard where Sun Hao is.

After all, this is the nearest passage to the entrance to the altar. If you bypass the huge battlefield of Sun Hao, it will take a long time.

Xia Chuan, who was responsible for the interception, sank in his face and shouted in his mouth: "Dare to break from me, die..."

God knows what to do, and the hand goes down.

On the battle plate, Jin Liuwei and Xingguan Shenwei launched.

Jin Liuwei’s goal is to point to a huge bone dragon, which is an undead dragon repair.

Xia Chuan and Xuanyuan Xiaolong have a good relationship, and they have been married for thousands of years.

In the confrontation, the undead dragon ancestors actually cursed Xuanyuan Xiaolong, but Xia Chuan was resentful. Nowadays, the undead dragon repairs must go from their own territory, and naturally take Longxiu to open the knife.

This time, Xia Chuan started Jin Liuwei's ability to lock and shoot.

The powerful shooting ability after Sun Hao's authorization.

Hula, the tiny Liu Liuwei shot into a flowing snake, killing the undead dragon.

The dragon repairs its wings, hovering in the air, and an agile arc crossing, trying to get rid of the shooting.

The thin arrow of the thin willows followed, and the air also crossed a beautiful and smooth arc. He screamed and firmly aimed at the undead dragon to repair his forehead, and he did not rush to shoot.

I didn't expect the opponent's arrow to turn, but the undead dragon repair was slightly puzzled. I didn't have time to have a second dodge action. Hey, continuous shooting sound came...

The hard skull of the undead dragon repaired forehead failed to withstand the continuous impact of millions of fine willows.

After a series of crisp sounds, the undead dragon repaired a fierce scream in the air, and the huge body was falling straight down.

Undead dragon ancestor frightened a big jump!

The nine-member monks also took a breath of cold, and the strong Jin Liuwei was actually so powerful.

Lock a hit!

Maybe only the existence of the ancestors can really defend against it by their own strength? Other monks are estimated to be difficult to withstand.

Jin Liuwei shot an undead dragon to repair one.

All the monks were shocked, and at the same time, they slammed. The monks who were rushing underneath were scattered as birds and beasts. They went all directions, away from the direction of Sun Hao’s battle, and could not make fun of their own lives.

If you really dare to attack from the front, there are only a few ancestors left.

They are strong and strong, and they think they can withstand it. Plus, if they are also bypassing from the side, it is estimated that when they rushed up, the daylily is cold. It is estimated that the soul ancestors have completely controlled the undead crown.

After being killed by another man, the undead dragon ancestors roared angrily, but did not stop and rushed upward.

Can not let the soul ancestor wish, once the powerful soul ancestors once again control the undead crown, this will let him do the king in the undead domain?

The two lichs, the blood family, the ancestors, the big **** of death, and the big warriors are all the same, madly rushing up.

After Sun Hao left Xiachuan to intercept, it was naturally a great trust for Xiachuan.

Among these disciples of Sun Hao, only Xia Chuan, the most accurate judgment of the situation, know when to do things.

For example, Xia Chuan has made Sun Hao feel the most correct choice.

Millions of Jin Liuwei, the million-star official guards did not intercept other ancestors, and even let a few races secretly hit the ball and want to go to the top of the altar.

Instead, under the control of Xia Chuan, all the troops launched a fierce attack on the most powerful and sinful dragon ancestors.

A fine Liu shot in the dragon ancestors.

A star official ball exploded on Longzu.

Long Zu’s huge body kept screaming and banging.

He became a huge target and was fattened.

Even if he is very incomprehensible, it is quite uncomfortable to encounter this situation. Unwillingly, the undead dragon ancestors roared.

However, his flight speed was hampered by these attacks and he could not get up.

This choice of Xia Chuan is quite correct, and there is no confusion for Sun Hao.

If Xia Chuan really played the advantage of Jin Liuwei's range at this time, he would attack the monks of several races below.

Then the biggest ending is no doubt that Sun Hao’s ghosts will become the target of the public, because then, Sun Hao is offending the great protoss of the undead domain.

Xiaoyu Feitian may not think so much. In his cognition, everything is casual.

At the time when the troubles were not open, Sun Hao had already reached the summit of the Red Moon with his ancestors and ancestors, saw the ancient star nucleus in the middle, and saw the undead floating above the ancient star nucleus. crown.

The battle for the station immediately opened, and as soon as he boarded the Red Moon Altar, Sun Hao suddenly felt that he suddenly became heavier, and he was forced to fall on the ground of the altar.

The speed of movement has also dropped a lot in an instant. The ability to stagnate is weakened, and the body is like a pound. It is necessary to climb to the top and win the crown of undead. It is not difficult.

The red moon altar has a red ground, which is like a land contaminated with blood.

The whole shape is a round moon that is tiled above the sky.

At the moment when Sun Hao and others boarded the Red Moon Altar, the altar began to glow red, looking up from the ground, far away, just like a month of blood hanging in the air.

The ancient star nucleus is like an inverted needle with a flat top and a crown of undead.

The nine orbs inlaid on the crown of God are now also shining.

Every monk standing on the altar of the Red Moon, including Sun Hao, has a feeling in an instant, that is, he has received the yin blessing of the Red Moon Altar, the source of the yin attribute becomes more abundant, and the foundation of the practice is firmer.

This is the first welfare of the summit of the Red Moon.

Moreover, all the monks can clearly perceive that the more they go inside, the closer they are to the undead crown, the stronger the blessing they receive.

Of course, the difficulty of getting close to the undead crown is not small. The crown of God has a huge pressure. The red moon altar also has a huge limit. The closer it is, the greater the pressure.

After the three monks of Sun Hao and others came up, there was a layer gap soon.

Sun Hao and the two ancestors took the lead, the speed was not slow, and they rushed to the ancient star.

Xuanyuan Xiaolong later.

To Daewoo, Xiaoyu Feitian, Yilu Denghuo and Miha are the third echelon. The other two monks, Zhu Dezheng and Wu Chuanglang, are the last third What is surprising is that the dead dog of the animal husbandry, after the arrival, actually did not suffer any influence, still beside the fare, followed by Sun Hao, rushed to the crown of undead.

If Sun Hao pays attention to this hyena, he must know that he is now thinking, a pair of dog eyes dripping around!

This guy is thinking about what he should do in the future, in order to grab this undead crown and wear it.

Presumably, with the savvy **** of the dog, wearing a crown of undead will surely stay handsome, alarming the bitch, let many female dogs send their arms!

The advantages gained by the fighting fighters were demonstrated after the summit of the Red Moon.

When Sun Hao and his two ancestors were close to the ancient star nucleus, the ancestors of other races just rushed out of Xiachuan’s interception and boarded the Red Moon Altar.

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