Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2350: Powerful soul ancestors (2)

The monks around Sun Hao participated in the war, and the powerful fighting ability finally made up for the shortage of quantity with quality.

The two ancestors, the steel zombies, the easy road lights, the eight-armed pack, the Xiaoyu Feitian and the Xiachuan, are all seven big battlefields, all sweeping a large piece to kill the dead witch.

Seven points broke out, and the pressure of the Zombies and other distracted monks of the Bone was greatly reduced, and they gradually developed their own fighting capabilities.

The number of corpse warriors began to drop sharply. After one day of the war, the corpse army finally could not stop the massacre and began to collapse.

Everyone hunted for a while and thoroughly smashed the six-story doorway. This stabilized the formation and allowed the big team to get in.

Easy road lights, Bao Ketu, Xiaoyu Feitian and Xiachuan four, the air in the same siege, a flying body, flew in the direction of Sun Hao, the air transformed into a body of the soul, fell to the side of Sun Hao .

The four people stood up and Qi Qi said to Sun Hao slightly, and said in his mouth: "Fortunately, not insulting, defeated the corpse."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "It’s hard, I didn’t expect you to have a different relationship, but it’s better than being a teacher.”

The four looked at each other with a smile on their faces. At the same time, they felt a sense of sympathy. Every monk around Master was particularly powerful. Everyone had one or two skills.

In addition to the common ghosts and ghosts, several disciples have their own skills, which is really interesting.

Miha slaps aside: "Severe, a few of you, it's really amazing, right, Xiaofei, I am actually wondering what your big move is, how is it possible? Here is the second ban. Ground, your spell level is obviously beyond the second level?"

Xiaoyu Feitian swept Sun Hao and smiled and said: "This is the skill of my bottom, the absolute secret, the secret can not be leaked, I can't tell."

At the side of Sun Hao, the face of Bao Ketu’s face showed a trace of memories, and a slight sigh was made in his mouth.

When Sun Hao was looking for weak water in the desert, Bao Ketu followed him. Moreover, the Bao Ketu also refining part of the weak water and constantly improving his ability.

Bao Ketu knows what this incarnation of Xiaoyu Feitian is, and his heart is quite emotional. When he thought about it, how strong is the strength of Xiaolong, even if it is agarwood, he can only fight with him.

In the end, Xiaolong chose to become the distraction of Xiaoyu Feitian. The biggest possibility of this situation is that Xiaolong is so hopeless, and the road is gone. He has to rely on Xiaoyu to continue to go.

Unlimited in my heart.

In the past, I was in the middle of the sea, but in fact, the frog at the bottom of the well, if it was a coincidence, it was a little clever and agarwood. If it is not good, it has already become a pile of mud in the sea.

What is the most important thing for a monk to practice? The experience of the packer is to follow the right person.

One person has to go to the sky, I don’t want to bully.

Among the on-site monks, Sun Hao and Packertu know how the spells of Xiaoyu Feitian are. Strictly speaking, the spells that Xiaoyu Feitian uses are only a combination of the first-level spells with very low rank.

With this spell, Xiaolong can form a boundless scene, that is, a virtual image. Strictly speaking, the desert is also good, the sun is good, but it is an illusion, but the dragon is also here, you think it is true, then Can produce spell effects.

Those corpses that were destroyed were actually scared to death by themselves.

The fact is that the effect of this spell is as Xiaoyu Feitian said, and the secret can not be revealed.

Once the person is aware of the secret, the effect of this spell will be greatly reduced.

This is the most important secret of Xiaoyu Feitian. How can it be explained casually? Sun Hao smiled and opened the subject: "Ogawa, you go to the back and bring the team in. In the sixth floor, we may need to go a little ahead."

The sixth floor of the Red Crescent is a place to eat soldiers. According to the records, the 6th floor of the Red Crescent Cave requires a large amount of troops to fill in. It requires the undead protoss to advance without any loss, or it will be stopped halfway.

This layer is also the key layer of the Red Crescent. If the strength of this layer is good, then the last layer, that is, the Altar of the Red Moon, the team has the strongest ability to advance.

There is also the greatest possibility to break into the core of the altar first, and to reach the crown of undead.

The goal of Sun Hao is that the ancient star nucleus under the crown of the undead, the sooner he enters the core of the Red Moon altar, the chance of success is naturally greater.

Already killed to the sixth floor, it is time to show some ability to help the team go further.

Sun Hao needs the ancient star nucleus, and he needs to have a certain right to speak. If you don't show your muscles at all, it will cost you a lot of time.

Sun Hao led his troops to move forward. The ancestors and ancestors did not understand what Sun Hao wanted to do, but did not raise too many objections. The six-tier entrance made them feel very shocked.

The four monks around Sun Hao actually have unparalleled combat power. If you add Miha's little zombies, plus Sun Hao's own words, the sorcerer team led by Sun Hao is even more than the top-level combat power. The bones and the zombies.

This guy is worthy of the most dazzling star in the past few hundred thousand years. It is no wonder that many races in the imaginary world are based on agarwood, and there is no vain under the prestigious name!

The ancestors were even slightly proud. If other ancestors knew that the Aquila Master had already ran into the undead domain and became the soul ancestor, what kind of expression would it be, if he knew that he was still the sect of the sect, he would not Was shocked by the chin.

It took more than five months for the team to fully enter the sixth floor. There is no way, the team is too large. It is also considered that the Zombies and the bones can rarely enter the sixth floor with such a strong force.

Of course, when the follow-up troops gradually entered the sixth floor of the Red Crescent, the front troops had begun to groping forward and groping forward.

Almost at the moment when all the troops entered completely, the front of the team had already encountered a powerful army of obstacles, and the fierce battle was on the verge.

When the information of the scouts was sent back, the brows of the ancestors and the ancestors had been deeply wrinkled, and there were large tracts of bones in front. This time, it is estimated that many soldiers will be lost.

The skeleton is not a bone aphid, and the skeleton is a bone bird that can fly like a common pheasant.

The reason why he is called bones is because the position of this bone bird in the undead domain is the same as the status of the locust plague in the vast family.

The shape of the bone bird is not particularly large, but the number is amazing. A bone bird group will have hundreds of millions of bone birds, and the sky is like a black cloud.

A single locust is not terrible in the eyes of ordinary people, but the disaster is a nightmare for ordinary people. On the occasion of the overwhelming plague, the ground will not grow.

The bones are not big, super resistant, and have a strong bite ability. They can fly, and the speed is extremely fast. Such bones are also a disaster for the Red Crescent.

When the bones come out, it means a massive loss of the team. The ancestors and the ancestors had to frown.

The individual strength of the skeleton is not as good as that of the corpse, but the number is thousands of times that of the corpse. The most important thing is that they are not long-range arms, but semi-dead creatures that are excellent in terms of survivability and defense level, even if they are large. It is not so good to be able to play the monks.

Dealing with the skeleton, you may really need to take the soldiers to fight, which is also a huge test in the Red Crescent.

This time, the Red Crescent Cave is really mixed. The joy is that the loss of the team is not great. What is sad is that every time the roadblocks appear are so powerful.

The skeleton is a disaster, how can this be broken?

In the classics of the ancestors, Sun Hao also consulted the corresponding materials, and after seeing the information of the skeleton, Sun Hao suddenly knew that perhaps this level, he will soon start Helped.

Floating up, Sun Hao said to the two communities: "Zombie, bone ancestor, bones let me fight?"

The two ancestors were together and looked at each other. They couldn’t help but look at Sun Hao.

Zangzu curiously asked: "Soul ancestors, what are you going to do?" Do you really want us to fight? "

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Nothing, let me try and you will understand, Jin Liuwei, all have, start preparing for war."

Sun Hao’s Jin Liuwei Qi Qi shook his arm, and a small gold arrow appeared on his hand, ready to go.

The ancestors and the ancestors were surprised to find that the ghost warriors who looked like their ugly, golden body were still long-range arms.

However, in their cognition, even the strongest long-range arms of the undead domain, the skeletons that come from overwhelming, are also a bit unstoppable, killing and killing, but only being blinded Attack!

What is the use of these little guys?

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