Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2347: a large number of corpse

Not beyond the expectations of the ancestors, these zombies can't give themselves too many answers. Their wisdom is quite limited, or they are not warriors, but monks.

After a long time, I asked a few waves of zombies, and the answers were similar.

One of the most influential things is that a huge black behemoth is rumbled, and the rumbling has rolled over. Wherever it goes, everything is not long, and it is on the spot.

As for why they can still appear here, it is completely unclear.

The ancestors also found several elite warriors who were left behind, and ran to ask, the result is the same as the zombie, and they don’t understand what happened.

But one thing, the two ancestors know it, that is, there is indeed a powerful monster in Huangquan’s well. This monster is a huge black monster...

I don't know if this big guy is doing dry up in the ground, just in the clear underground. The strange thing is, why would you let go of your own troops!

I don’t want to think about it, and I don’t have to go to the bottom to find out what I want.

Anyway, the loss of the troops is small. This is a good thing. The two ancestors packed up and reorganized the army and started to move forward again.

On the fifth floor, the two ancestors thought that they would lose great strength. As a result, until they reached the entrance of the sixth floor, the two ancestors had a bottom, and some of the warriors who got the soul from the road, the good guys, actually had a slight profit in the total number of troops. .

To say the fifth floor, the difficulty of the team is not small, the entrance is the moon magic plus bone arrow, and then met the corpse witch, but also encountered a difficult Huangquan well... but strangely, even if it is encountered More, the team actually snowballs, the more rolling.

What went wrong?

The two ancestors were puzzled and began to organize the team to attack the sixth floor of the Red Crescent.

After the fourth layer of the Red Crescent, the difficulty of each layer is increasing. It is crucial, of course, the last layer, that is, the battle of the Red Crescent. At that time, the nine great protoss gathered in the altar and competed for the undead. Crown, that is the real decision moment.

Prior to this, every race needed to maintain its own strength and maintain its own strength.

Compared with other races, the individual strength of the bones, the zombies and the ghosts is the weakest, and the number is needed to obtain the final victory.

According to the past conventions, such a big battle, the bones and the zombies usually join forces to fight, and if everyone's bones and army can maintain more than ten, they can basically have the same strength as other nine people.

This time, the fifth floor is a profit!

The army actually has thirty bones! If the sixth layer can lose less and maintain twenty bones, then this undead battle can really take advantage of it.

At the entrance, Sun Hao let Xia Chuan guard the troops behind him, and he took a few monks to the front and began to watch the battle.

Miha’s little zombie has recovered and can be transformed again.

However, this little guy now sees that Sun Hao is hiding. On that day, Sun Hao directly threw him into the monster pile. The memory is deep enough. He is far away from Sun Hao.

But what he didn't know was that Sun Hao and Miha were starting to hit his mind again.

In fact, Zombie is also playing his idea, this little guy is too good to use, the best meat shield, no one.

The steel zombies in the heyday state are enough to talk directly with Sun Hao.

Who is Sun Hao? Today's imaginary and rare rivals! In the Red Crescent, Sun Hao’s strength is limited, but the strength of a refining body can be real. The big steel zombies can win the wrist with Sun Hao, even if it is the last lose, the strength can be seen.

Its powerful defensive power and huge attacking power are the most suitable for opening the road.

Still still the ancestors led the team, first drilled into the six layers.

However, just less than a quarter of an hour later, Zangzu retreated back with a gray face, and his mouth lingered openly: "Rely, didn't you make a mistake? How can there be so many corpse in the Red Moon Cave? ? A group of encounters in front, this time is good, directly blocked the door..."

The ancestor frowned and asked: "There are still corpse witches over there?"

The ancestors nodded. "Well, there are more people than the ones I met on the fifth floor, and there are many corpse witches. The guys’ attention is at the entrance. We go in from here, right away. Encounter a large gas bomb, I still don't understand what is going on, the sky is already a poisonous cloud..."

The undead warriors such as the corpse and the mummies are a race, which is itself a middle-class immortal, and is also the most powerful archer in the undead domain.

Compared to the scorpion shooter, the corpse has a farther range and greater lethality. Once the corpse is multiplied, it will be quite uncomfortable for any opponent to shoot a large gas bomb.

Nowadays, there will be a corpse army guarding the door, which is really a headache!

The bones of the ancestors moved a few times, seemingly surprised to say: "There is a big rule in the undead domain, the higher the level, the corresponding number will be reduced accordingly. It is unreasonable that there will be so many corpse army troops right? What is the big lich? What are you going to do?"

The ability to mobilize large-scale corpse is no doubt a big lich.

The Great Lich doesn't want everyone to be better. It is also motivated to ambush a large number of troops at the entrance to ambush everyone. But the problem is that the Great Lich is doing nothing to harm others.

The level of the corpse witch is very high. Correspondingly, the difficulty of generating the corpse witch is not small. The corpse army entering the Red Crescent Cave should be quite expensive. How can you just throw it out and find yourself trouble?

The zombie swayed his own bronze mask and said in his mouth: "The ghost knows what the **** god is thinking. He is not good for himself, but it is not easy for us."

Nawei glanced at the mountains and plains behind him, like the white clouds that covered the red moon in the Red Crescent. He said with a whimsy: "If you don't do well, the big lich can also be like us. What? In that case, he just puts a little bit everywhere, the problem is not big?"

Almost in unison, the ancestors and the ancestors said: "Impossible! How can I directly recruit the corpse?"

Miha glanced at Sun Hao and didn't talk, but in his heart, he was exactly the same thought as Sun Hao's several disciples: "How can it be impossible? Doesn't Xiang Gong directly recruit the ghost?"

When I heard Nawei’s words, Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of a possibility: “Isn’t it that Anderwei’s guy is also in the Red Crescent?”

If it is Andrei, it is understandable.

Andrei's soul-splitting technique is powerful, and Sun Hao sees this kid gather souls out of death, corpse!

At that time, Sun Hao did not know the great ability to gather souls out of the dead corpse, but now, after being promoted to become the soul ancestor, Sun Hao already knows how terrible the ability of Anderwi's soul-collecting.

However, what makes Sun Hao puzzled is that since he arrived in the undead domain, he lost contact with Andrei. He used to say that he was far away and he could not sense him.

But now, if Anderville is already in the Red Crescent, why do he still say that he cannot perceive his existence?

What's wrong with this? Sun Hao spurred a piece of purple gold belt, and Andervi still had no reaction, it was like sinking into the sea.

If it is Anderville's masterpiece, Sun Hao thinks again, how can he throw so many corpse on his own path?

However, after thinking about it, Sun Hao was dumbfounded, even if it was the corpse that An Dewei had thrown, it is estimated that its main purpose is to intercept the ancestor and the He should not think that he would become One of the nine ancestors of the soul ancestors.

Sun Hao’s heart judged this time, and the ancestors and the ancestors began to discuss how to rush the past.

Blocked in the entrance area, a large number of corpse witches are ready to go, and the troops here are out of the way, and they will soon be greeted with a large gas bomb. Bone racks, zombies are very difficult to stand in the inside, can rush into the other camp, it is likely to be the three monks above the gods of the monks.

The corpse witch can't hurt the monk, but in the Red Crescent, the monk can't display large-scale killing spells, even if he can rush into the corpse camp, killing each slay. It is also quite limited, and a large number of corpse witches let everyone kill and soften, and it will not be much.

Really the most suitable for attacking, may be Miha's little zombies. Once this guy has turned, he has a hill-like body. Every attack can sweep a large piece. The advantage of the body is obvious, and it is none other than him.

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