Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2335: Attacking Tiejialing

Miha jumped up and said in a loud voice: "Oh, go, go animal husbandry, kill the cavalry."

The monks around Sun Hao are more stable on Xiachuan. Others, including the Yi Lu lights, have already begun to gather their own teams and are ready to go to Qingqi Tiejialing.

Sun Hao shook his head without words. If the ancestors and the ancestors who had opened the road ahead knew that the next few boys had dared to provoke Tiejialing with this force in their hands, they did not know what it would be like.

After joining the big team, the troops around Sun Hao have not demonstrated the fighting ability. The strength of the soldiers' performance is that the five million troops of Sun Hao are similar to the elite individuals of the ancestors and the ancestors.

Considering the huge gap between the numbers, the ancestors and the ancestors did not intend to let Sun Hao participate in the battle.

Moreover, they do not think how much Sun Hao's team can do.

From the point of view of body size, from the perspective of energy cohesion, the strongest should be the sickle warrior, but these warriors are melee melee units. If they are consumed in the Red Crescent, they will not be able to replenish them. Keep it as good.

Zangzu also saw his own baby daughter's seemingly mighty dragon artillery, and tried to make his zombie guards and dragon guns singled out.

Regrettably, the Dragon Cannon has not shot the zombie guard, and has been close to the zombie guard.

Once close, the dragon cannon is also abolished!

Zangzu expressed regret that his baby daughter was as good as ever, and the broken thing of the drums seemed to be glamorous and powerful.

To say it to the past, Miha was very convinced to start the wrist with the old man. The dragon cannon is not a slap in the face, but the dragon cannon is a master.

However, with the low-key that Sun Hao explained in advance, she did not have a general knowledge of the old man.

As for the one million Jin Liuwei led by Sun Hao, when the two sides met, Sun Hao had let them put away the gold in their hands.

Without Jin Hao, Jin Liuwei is really not very good in terms of size and strength. It can be blamed for the attention of the ancestors and the ancestors.

The ancestors and the ancestors were never thought of, and Sun Hao was so powerful, so strong, and dared to attack Tiejialing.

The two big men who were opening the road in front of them did not expect Sun Hao to do such earth-shattering things.

Sun Hao led the team and did not use his own Jin Liuwei attack.

The first is the Tengu Knight who is easy to get on the road.

The Tengu Knight can be invisible, and several days of the dog ran to surround a day of cavalry and beat for a while, attracting the day cavalry to pursue.

Xiaoyu’s flying knives went up and surrounded a slash.

Good guys, after starting the battle, these few daring guys around Sun Hao suddenly discovered what is called a singularity under the prestigious name. The golden armor of this celestial cavalry is very strong, and a dozen knives are surrounded by slashing. After slashing for a quarter of an hour, it took only half an hour to break through its gold armor, and it was barely killing it on the spot.

Take a look at the huge, iron-clad ridge of the Ritz-Carlton, and look at the heavenly cavalry on the top. A few monks around Sun Hao are a bit dumbfounded.

Such a monster that is resistant to fight, this force of his own, once caught up, but not enough to sew.

It is no wonder that the ancestors and the ancestors chose to take a detour. In fact, the Heavenly Cavalry is really hard to deal with. The defensive power is comparable to that of a steel zombie. The speed is comparable to that of a cavalry. The attack power is comparable to that of a sickle.

Such a semi-dead monster, who is going to provoke, is simply asking for trouble.

After Xiaoyu Feitian judged it a little, he shrugged and said to Sun Hao: "Boss, it is estimated that only you personally go out and fight with Jin Liuwei, otherwise, we can't eat this huge Tieqiling."

Sun Hao watched the whole process, and said with a smile: "Even if my Jin Liuwei goes up, it is estimated that if I encounter such a day cavalry, the effect will not be particularly good. They are fast, have high defense, and have not shot yet. When they die, they are already rushing over."

The most important thing is that Sun Hao discovered that the day cavalry itself is the body of yin, even if it is penetrated by its own fine willow, it can quickly heal itself, and its yin jinjia is also the same, with strong resilience, afraid It is not so easy to be killed.

Xiaoyu fluttered in the air.

Several people are frustrated with enthusiasm. It seems that they can only follow the big team in an honest way!

Only the side of the animal husbandry, the mouth barked: "Boss, Sun boss, you don't sell off, I know that you have more ghost ideas, talk about it, what is the way? I can perceive it, this iron riding Ridge is absolutely heavy ""

Bianmu said that there are heavy treasures, then it should not be far behind.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Jin Liuwei's attack effect is not good, does not mean that you have no way, you, do not use your brains, among all the arms, Xiaomi's dragon cannon is a special case, so I don't More to say, Xiaomi, you can evenly distribute the dragon cannons according to my instructions, so that the dragon guns they explode always stack the maximum attack effect, yes, that's it..."

Seeing that Sun Hao helped Miha to slap the dragon's cannon, Xiaoyu Feitian took a shot of his own head and said: "Damn, it should have been thought of, the little sergeant's dragon cannon is so good for steel zombies, indeed It is a special ability to break the defense. It is really the biggest nemesis of the cavalry."

Putting a good posture, Sun Hao said with a smile on Yi Lu, "Go, bold, and lead some of the day cavalry down. The dragon cannon is a range blow, which leads to less, but waste."

Easy road lights screamed loudly and ran to seduce the day cavalry.

Sun Hao said in his own thoughts: "Millet, lights, you have to be familiar with your own arms and tactics in the battle, so that you can get the best combat effect, such as the light of the Tengu Knights. What kind of battle is right for you, guess what?"

This time, Xia Chuan, who stayed behind to command the troops to fool, first reacted: "I think the Tengu Knight is the best match for the striker."

Xiaoyu Feitian mouth sighed: "Rely, Xiaochuan, you really are insidious, good, light brother, you can fly to the shooter silently, and slash the knife to chop those crispy shooters. That's called a cockroach..."

The sound of the easy road light came out of my thoughts: "Everyone is careful. Many days the knight has chased down. God, in the end, no one has cleaned up for many years. This number is too much... Boss, the way you said Is it not reliable? If we don’t rely on it, we will be in a big disaster..."

In the voice, above the sky, a golden cloud swiftly rushed over.

Easy road lights led their troops to slam into the space under the dragon gun.

The head does not return, galloping away from the back.

In a battle like this, in the past few years, Miha and Yi Lu lights have been quite familiar with each other, but they are not accidentally injured.

The Tengu Knights flew at a faster speed than the Cavalry, and opened the distance of the Cavalry.

This distance is the depth of the attack of the Dragon Cannon. The Dragon Cannon needs to shoot the Heavenly Cavalry within this distance. Otherwise, once it is close, it will be finished.

Watching the golden clouds go straight to myself, Miha feels that his palms are sweating.

Sun Hao is much more calm.

Until the golden cloud instantly rushed through the four or five miles and was able to see a knight of the glory, Sun Hao ordered this: "Yes, Xiaomi, shooting."

Miha waved his hand and shook it: "Give me a shot."

The Dragon Cannon and the Million Cannon were launched.

Under the arrangement of Sun Hao, these goddess floated at different heights in a very regular formation. The attack from each dragon gun has a certain degree of superposition with many nearby dragon guns.

All the dragons and guns are in the same place, and the front of the Sun Hao troops are intertwined into a giant network of light and sound.

The rushing cavalry plunged into the big net.

As Sun Hao expected the general a single dragon cannon is not very lethal, but the dragon cannon is superimposed, after the resonance, the sound and light waves are constantly stirring, resulting in a very terrible killing effect.

The cavalry rushing into the Sanli range still did not react to the attack of the Dragon Cannon. It seemed to be tickling, but within the range of three miles to one mile, it became the nightmare and **** of the cavalry.

A large block of Jin Yun was smouldering under the dragon cannon, and it was turned into a cloud in the air.

The attacking characteristics of the dragon cannons are vividly displayed at this time. Those that have already erupted, the sound waves that have already erupted, can also have a weak continuous attack effect.

That is to say, as the battle progresses, the attack power of the Dragon Cannon is actually getting stronger and stronger.

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