Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2317: Concentric ring

Nothing is too special. ?

Like Miha, the biggest feeling of this ring for Sun Hao is that it is a bit cold, and nothing else is abnormal.

Sun Hao did not take a deeper look at the ring.

There is a guess in my heart.

The thing that just picked up the ring in the semi-dead creatures reminded Sun Hao of one thing. In the ancient ruins, half-dead creatures survived for many years. These creatures are active in ancient cities and usually instinctively look for some special Things improve their abilities.

Then they are likely to swallow something special, capable of blessing their own abilities.

Just this ring should have appeared like this.

Then, Sun Hao thought of a possibility, will there be some special treasures outside the city?

When the squadron attacked the city, it killed more than half of the dead creatures, and the semi-dead creatures that were dissolved by the yin even spread a thick layer of corpses outside.

Roughly estimated, the half-dead creatures killed may not be in the millions.

After the killing, everyone did not pay enough attention. After the attack, the city did not collect it seriously. Everyone came in.

It seems that now, on the ground outside, it is possible that there will be gadgets left behind after the dead creatures are killed.

In theory, these things can be eroded by time and will not be decomposed by yin, so the possibility of staying outside the city is quite large.

As soon as the thoughts moved, Sun Hao issued a search order to the powerful soldiers stationed outside the city.

Unexpectedly, the effect is really good.

In less than half a day, the search results of hundreds of thousands of strong soldiers have come out, and there are many different gadgets.

Sun Hao moved in a flash, ran back and saw that he had received six things.

One of the most let Sun Hao feel speechless, there will be a book! This stuff can still be preserved, and it is still a miracle if it is preserved in the belly of a semi-dead creature.

What makes Sun Hao feel incredible is the ring.

Inside six things, there are ten rings! The style of each ring is almost the same, much like a mold cast.

In other words, it is very likely that this ring is the specialty of the city that year.

Or how many of them have already appeared now?

At first glance, the number of such rings is quite large. According to the fact that things are rare, the value of such rings should not be very high!

On the ground, Sun Hao, who cleans up some of his treasures, doesn’t think so. On the contrary, Sun Hao feels that the value of this ring may be quite high.

The reason is very simple. It can survive the test of time, indicating that the refining materials of the ring are extraordinary.

The second is the quantity. Don't look at Sun Hao's line of six rings, but from the huge ancient city, I can imagine that the population of the ancient city must be very large.

Under such a large population base, the number of rings is actually quite rare.

There is one last one, that is, the number of rings is not many, but there are quite a few, which means that at the time, the refining technology of this ring was relatively mature, that is, several rings in front of us. If you are not doing well, it is the pinnacle.

The peak of a city represents the work.

The value of the ring should be improved a lot in an instant.

Two other things, a book, a small round shield.

The little round shield has a handle, and Sun Hao picks up the handle. The first feeling is that the shield is too light. Observing it carefully, the shield is actually wood.

Wooden small round shield? What kind of wood is this? Can it be preserved after so long? Moreover, in the hands, Sun Hao's feeling is that the little round shield is a bit like a paper-like light, what kind of effect will such a small round shield have?

These things in the ancient ruins are the result of the legacy of history. What is the purpose of it itself? It is really difficult to understand it.

Sun Hao put away the small round shield and cast his gaze on the strange book.

This is a book page made of jade pieces, which is made up of dark gold thin lines. The whole book is only slap in size, and the thin jade piece is ten pages.

It has been turned over, and unfortunately, this is a strange slang word, even if it is memorized, there is no relevant record.

That is to say, the existence time of ancient ruins is likely to not know how many years before the dragon's power.

Reluctantly shaking his head, Sun Hao put away the pages of the book and threw it into the tower of the scented condensate. He said in his heart: "The two friends, here are some strange pages, you have a look, there is no relevant impression."

Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei are two old antiques, especially Luo Pengfei. I don’t know the old guys who have been handed down from what time. Perhaps they should recognize this ancient text.

After all, the size of the ancient city is so large, and that year must also represent a very strong culture. As long as it is the same era, it is very likely that it will be contacted.

In the consciousness, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei Qi Qi said well, and they were very interested in appearing in the Sumiyag tower and went to study the magical jade book.

At this time, Xia Chuan’s consciousness screamed again: "Master, I also found a baby."

Sun Hao’s heart moved, and a momentary movement appeared in Xia Chuan.

Almost at the same time, Miha and Xiaoyu Feitian also appeared in Xiachuan.

However, as soon as he appeared on the scene, Miha said with amazement: "Strange? It's so weird? How come I came over?"

Xiaoyu flew his eyes and said, "What's so strange? Isn't there a momentary movement that will come over?"

Several of their repairs have now achieved distraction.

After the body of the sacred soul, walking the undead domain, the short-distance movement is possible.

The laws within the ancient city were destroyed badly, but the law of space did not have much damage. It was only a little shorter than the distance moved within the vast territory of the people, and it was slightly more digested.

After Xiaoyu Feitian finished, Miha immediately said: "No, it's totally wrong. I just moved the idea of ​​coming over. I haven't moved in the blink of an eye, and people come in inexplicably."

No momentary movement?

Come over yourself?

This is really strange, and Sun Hao couldn’t help but move his heart and said: "Mija, can you understand the consumption of real yuan?"

Miha felt it a little, and immediately said: "The real yuan does consume, but it is more than half the usual mobile consumption."

The real yuan is consumed and the consumption is reduced.

That is to say, Miha came over this time, and there is really a problem.

Everyone's attention was instantly diverted from the baby that Xia Chuan found, and began to discuss what it was all about, because everyone knows that it is very likely that this is the effect of the ring in Miha.

Sun Hao thought about it and said: "Mija, you try to think about other places..."

Miha thought about then shrugged: "Thinking, can't go."

Sun Hao added: "Then you go to other places first, then think about it."

Miha nodded, his body swayed and disappeared.

A moment later, Miha’s depressed voice appeared in Sun Hao’s thought channel: “Yes, I thought, I can’t come over! Just just coincidence?”

This is strange!

Xiaoyu Feitian said loudly: "Is this transmission of the ring random? The chance of contact, if it is, it is too unreliable, let him not rely on the ring!"

Sun Hao said: "It should not be the case. It should be that we have neglected some details. I couldn’t think of it. How could this happen?"

At this point, in the mind, Luo Pengfei's voice came out: "Agarwood, I think of an ancient famous transmission ring, it seems to be a concentric ring, this one in your hand, with the one on Xiaomi's hand It may be that you need two people to be united and may have an effect..."

Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of Miha in his thoughts: "Millet, you think about it now..."

At this time, Sun Hao also thought: "Millet, come over!"

Hula, Miha's figure appeared out of thin air, standing next to Sun Hao.

Curiously, Miha looked at himself and said loudly in his mouth: "Come on, come, this time it is coming again, is it really random?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Not random, but inevitable, I just thought about coming over you, plus you think so, so you come over!"

Michha stares at the stars: "The public, the power of love is so great? I really love you."

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, raised his right hand, and said in his mouth: "Mija, are you now? There is also a ring in my hand..."8

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