Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2308: Strong foothold

Although the density of semi-dead creatures has decreased, the overall number is still quite large. In the next ten days, the battle is still going on. ?

The rhythm of the battle for more than ten days has completely changed.

Every half-dead creature that was killed did not wait for it to be assimilated by the yin gas. Sun Hao has already displayed the soul-splitting technique, guiding the yin, and gathering it into his own ghost warrior.

This kind of yin, the ordinary monk will form a warrior, in Sun Hao here, it becomes a ghost.

However, as far as Sun Hao knows, there is at least one undead monk who is still above himself.

That is Andrevi.

Andrei's Soul Art can actually horrify to gather souls to create medium creatures, as if you have met a special, high-level creature, the highest can still produce death!

In the past, Sun Hao did not mix the gods, and did not know the terrible of this soul-splitting technique. However, now that he has been in the field of undead gods for so long, Sun Hao is a little dizzy.

The younger brother Anderville, who he had received in the past, may be the most powerful presence in the undead domain.

Just don't know how his ruling ability is! If the ability to control is also strong, Andervi's team is not the most powerful existence of the undead domain.

I don't know, where Ander Wei is now running!

Originally, before Sun Hao entered the undead domain, he once circulated An Dewei, let him return to the undead domain to meet with himself and help him to act.

But who knows, after entering the undead domain, Sun Hao completely lost his sense of Andrei.

The ability of a product of Zijin belt was suppressed by the peculiar law within the undead domain, which made Sun Hao's induction to Anderville greatly weakened. It is estimated that it is not within a certain range, and it is difficult for the two to get in touch.

Sun Hao ran to the Zombie territory and went to see Miloha. At the same time, he also sensed Andrei.

It is reasonable to say that Andervi’s deity should also be a zombie, and his chances of returning to the zombie are great.

Regrettably, Sun Hao has no feeling in the field of the Zombies.

Of course, it is very likely that Sun Hao will go straight to the city of immortality. The zombie territory that is being visited is not very wide. It is also possible to keep Aidewei in a corner and continue to expand his team.

Sun Hao has a hunch, with Andrei's fascinating soul-collecting technique, coupled with the forbearance of the flying people in these years, this guy has now got into the Red Crescent.

I just don't know what race and identity he will come in.

In theory, the effect of Andrei's soul-collecting is even stronger than Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's soul-souling can only gather the ghosts, the heroes of Sun Hao's soul, and Andervi can gather the death.

The last time the Terran warfare was flying, Sun Hao secretly met An Dewei once. The most common among the teams of Anderwei’s souls is the corpse witch, an evolutionary mummies with powerful death attack capability, characterized by long-range strikes. Very capable.

Sun Hao saw the Battle of Anderville. A powerful flying man monk hurriedly retreated and fled into the encirclement of Andrei’s troops. A large number of corpse warriors raised their hands and raised their hands into the circle. Qiqi explosion of gas bombs.

A powerful monk who reached the level of distraction only persisted in the air gas bombs for less than a quarter of an hour, and was wiped out in the air. Huawei was a pus.

The warriors in the undead domain are very different from the monks.

The monks of the Wan family, many races are the same as the Terran, from the massive population base, gradually forming a pyramid-like monk structure.

The race fighters in the undead domain are different according to their racial order, and the initial warriors basically have strong combat capabilities.

Take the corpse witch, as long as the corpse is generated, it has the strength equivalent to the ordinary tribe of the human race. After the formation, some corpse witches can cultivate and progress, and gradually expand upward.

Of course, if you want to cultivate above the robbery, you must create wisdom and complete the transition of life.

At that time, the strength of An Dewei's corpse corpse was mostly at the level of the gods, and it was a great fire. It was just that the anti-drug ability of the flying people was not strong and was directly settled.

This is quite scary!

Under normal circumstances, when the strength reaches a certain gap, ordinary attacks are difficult to break the defense of the higher monks, otherwise, the monk level will not be so expensive.

It is truly shocking to be able to kill a high-order two-level monk with a large number of monks.

At that time, Sun Hao only felt that Anderville's ability was relatively strong, and the corpse of the soul was also very good.

I did not expect how incredible it would be.

Now, Sun Hao practiced his own sorrows and sorrows, and learned the shocking accumulation of the soul after the surgery, really shocked Andrei's powerful.

After all, the corpse is higher than the ghost, and the death is even more incredible.

The initial level of death can reach the peak of Yuan Ying. Among the undead gods, only the death knight is equal to the death god. If you are too dead, only the undead dragon.

Such a powerful undead protoss can actually gather directly out of the soul, and this guy of Anderville is definitely a wonderful and exceptional example of the undead domain.

Of course, now, Sun Hao understands that the nine races in the undead domain are not fixed. For example, the ghosts are the best.

After the sigh of the soul appeared, Sun Hao got a very strange ability to evolve the spirit of the Ghost.

In fact, these sinister arms are some of the branching abilities that self-generated after the ghosts became the undead protoss of the upper order.

Now the sorrow has become the inferior race, but the sigh of the soul has spread this ability.

That is to give Sun Hao some higher level ghosts can be used.

However, because the order of the ghost is not up, Sun Hao’s current soul-harvesting technique is still only a common ghost. To become a powerful ghost warrior, it needs to evolve.

The way of evolution is very simple, constantly tempering, fighting constantly, accumulating experience, constantly condensing yin, and finally gradually growing itself and becoming a more powerful ghost warrior.

At the entrance of the Red Crescent, Sun Hao led the team to fight for a full month, which was completely cleaned, and no semi-dead creatures rushed over at the entrance.

Sun Hao really achieved his first successful entry into the Red Crescent.

And this time, the troops brought by Sun Hao are not the silver ghosts in the most powerful city of shadows.

The fighting power of those silver ghosts is indeed good, but because they are self-generating and slowly accumulating, the structure of the arms is not reasonable. Sun Hao wants to bring this group of high-ranking units to come in, maybe there is no such unit now. Matching is better.

After a fierce battle, Sun Hao’s team expanded tenfold.

Gathering the soul has got a full tens of thousands of ghost warriors ~ ~ ordinary ghost warriors without any special features, Sun Hao wants to let these warriors truly form combat capabilities, but also need to be carefully honed.

Take a break from the team and observe the changes in the team. Sun Hao feels that he has experienced a fierce battle. The eight hundred primitive ghost soldiers who brought him into the Red Crescent Cave have begun to make some changes.

When Feiyu Feitian looked at his own ghost force, he gave a surprise smile: "Hey, Sun boss, my team is now starting to produce silver. If it is not, it will be the first to be converted into your kind of silver." Good spirit."

The silver ghost in the city of shadows makes Sun Hao's couples very eye-catching. Now he enters the Red Moon Magic Cave, and the universe is flying, and his team also has a silver trend, and he is happy.

Although this guy is a disciple of Sun Hao, he was born to be greatly embarrassed, often called Sun Hao "Boss" rather than Master.

Sun Hao does not have a general knowledge of him.

Sun Hao is now, different battle positions, the direction of evolution is different.

In front of the shield used for the ghost, walking is the way to avoid the road and the steel skin, their body is the first silver light, is silver.

The long-range troops of Sun Hao and Xia Chuan are another kind of exhibition direction. The archery shape appears behind these ghosts. It seems that the back is carrying a long work and an arrow, and the silver light appears on the arms.

A little after the war, Sun Hao is now faced with two choices, one is to immediately take all these ghosts to consolidate their own ghosts.

The other is to leave these ghosts first, let them continue to fight for themselves, as cannon fodder, or simply upgrade to use to condense soul crystal.

Which of the two methods is better?

Choose vested interests, or look to the long-term?

Sun Hao thought a little about it. 8

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