Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2306: Black day gate

After thinking for a long time, Sun Hao thought of it, only these.

What is certain is that this mysterious power should be related to Xiaolan, and it is likely to be a great power of the Wu people.

Because I knew that I had a marriage with Gerland, I came to remind myself that I needed to be kind to Gerland.

However, under normal circumstances, any power will not be so boring, running around to remind yourself.

If you don’t say anything else, say the second time, how amazing it is to let yourself see the future, how rare it is.

If Sun Hao does not make a mistake, this mysterious power will definitely have a magical law about time. Otherwise, there will be no such outrageous things.

If the scene at the time is something that has already happened, then it is very likely that it will happen a long time later. After all, I have not seen this scene until now!

So, to what extent will that power's understanding and predictive ability of time be terrible?

Among the nine scorpions of Sun Hao, there are Dapeng Golden Wings. When Tie Peng was born in the world, the most powerful trick was the fishing of time.

This is a powerful ability that almost makes Sun Hao almost fall. If there is a difference between the two, it is estimated that Sun Hao is not dead.

And the power of that power is definitely more than that of Tie Peng, the real horror of time.

After thinking for a long time, Sun Hao still feels confused and can't fully understand the actual meaning of the hidden power.

There is too little information in hand, and this can only be done for the time being.

The boat is naturally straight to the bridge. When it is time, I will go inside the Wu people territory and see Geerlan. Take her with me.

In the current cultivation of Gerland, Shouyuan should be enough to cultivate himself to go to the virtual.

When I thought about going to see the time of Gerland, Sun Hao suddenly stayed for a while.

When I first felt the innocent void, Hao Anyi asked Sun Hao to guard the Zhongxu people for a thousand years, and truly lay the foundation for the Chinese people.

That is to say, Sun Hao is going to the Wu people, at least for a thousand years! !

Wannian! So long? Sun Hao sat on the top of the monument and suddenly felt a little lost.

Ten thousand years? Unconsciously, is it a 10,000-year commitment?

In order to fulfill a promise, do you need to wait for 10,000 years?

So, will she wait for ten thousand years?

For a long time, will she completely forget herself?

Ten thousand years is enough to make the Bohai Sea change into a mulberry field.

For 10,000 years, ordinary people don't know how many round trips have been reincarnation. Sansheng III, the marriage of the three worlds does not know how long it will take.

Sitting on the monument, I have a feeling of untold feeling in my heart.

Things are not human, the sea and the sea, to a certain height, the heights are not cold!

What I once cherished, something that I once cared about, perhaps in the long years, became so worthless.

In the past, in the long years, it has become an experience, a memory.

Those who have laughed, cryed, tired, and bitter, have become less important in the long years.

The monk, after reaching such a height, is completely different.

The heart is full of sorrow, and Sun Hao sits cross-legged, and after a long time, his heart is restored to peace.

ten thousand years is too long, fight for now.

No matter how long, you need to go step by step and climb the peak of the fairy road step by step.

Ten thousand years is too long!

Practice every day, 10,000 years of accumulation, it is possible to exchange for the next 10,000 years.

Taking a long breath, Sun Hao opened his eyes.

The spirit of the tomb was changed within the dense land, and the city of shadows suddenly appeared in the world, delaying a lot of time.

Calculate, at this moment, the ancestors and the zombies should have taken the soldiers into the Red Crescent Cave!

It is also time for me to go to the undead domain, the most dangerous, but at the same time it is the Red Crescent of the Holy Land.

Sun Hao’s main purpose is to consolidate his own crystals and to capture ancient stars.

The method of condensing the phase crystal is not a normal technique. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Sun Hao decided to bring only two disciples, Xiaoyu Feitian and Xiachuan, plus Miha, together with four people, each with about two hundred elites. Sweeping the Red Crescent.

Sun Hao did not draw the silver ghosts of the Shadow City, but instead transferred the ghost warriors in his own No. 1 Ling Tomb.

Other disciples stayed to assist Soul and Xuanyuan Xiaolong to build a city of shadows.

After all the things were arranged, Sun Hao stood on the top of the monument and opened his arms. According to the memory inheritance in the crown of the ghost, he opened the door of the dark day of the ghost family.

On top of the high spiritual monument, Sun Hao held his hands in a hollow and slowly swung in the air.

As the hands rotate, there is a large, slowly rotating vortex in the void.

This vortex, together with the high cloud of death, hangs high above the city of shadows. From a distance, it looks like a black sun hanging high in the dense earth.

This is the door of the black day.

Sun Hao’s arms were on display, and the air was flying upwards. There was a command in the mind: “Go, let me go.”

Behind Sun Hao, a total of eight hundred soldiers took off, and the milk swallows nested above the sky, flying away.

The spirit was slightly shocked, passing through the vortex, and Sun Hao appeared in a cloud of still dying, but it seemed quite strange in the undead domain.

The one who just came in is the entrance to the gate of the Black Sun. Where it is now, it is the real, the black day of the ghost family.

A tall, invisible ghost statue stands in the middle of a huge square.

A round of black sun hangs at high altitude.

The light is originally white, and the number of suns seen in the vast territory of the family may be different, but most of them are also red.

But the sun at the gate of the Black Sun is dark.

The reason why I can see it is that the ghost statue glows with silver ash, illuminating the surrounding space, but the dark sun does not shine.

Sun Hao led the team, standing under the ghost statue, following the memory of the ghost crown, the words in the mouth, and finally yelled: "Open!"

In the middle of the square, there is a white light door, about three feet or so. After it appears, it begins to shrink rapidly.

Sun Hao did not dare to neglect, and his mouth screamed: "Follow me," and quickly plunged into the light door.

This time, Sun Hao’s department entered the Guangmen with a very clear order. Although the speed is very fast, the way of entering is very particular.

Sun Hao passed through the light door, and his eyes could not help but shrink.

A very violent breath, instantly pressed on Sun Hao's body, almost at the same time, at first glance, the undead creatures who couldn’t see the whites seemed to be stunned.

Then I reacted in an instant, and the pair of eyes that were originally green were instantly reddened, bloodthirsty and violent, dense and numb, and countless monsters rushed in the direction of Sun Hao.

Seeing the way the undead attacked, Sun Hao exhaled a long breath.

Fortunately, these creatures are not strong enough to be outrageous, there is no direct flight, or the difficulty of entering the door is too great.

The Gate of the Black Day can only be opened once a month, and each time the troops enter no more than one thousand.

After entering, there is no so-called buffer time, which appears directly in the vast number of undead creatures.

If the monk who comes in can keep it, after clearing the first wave of attacks, it will be regarded as a foothold in the Red Crescent.

In the case of less troops, it is very difficult to support!

Many times, the undead races that enter them have to be repeated many times, and after losing a lot of elites, they can stand in them.

Sun Hao has not been eager to go in front of him, wasting a little time, but also because the Red Crescent Cave wants to go in. Every time you pass a level, it will be more difficult. The ancestors and the zombies are not so easy to stand in, want to kill. After the fourth floor, it takes a lot of time.

When Sun Hao came here, he had a great grasp and a foothold.

Follow Sun Hao after into the Red Moon Magic Cave, is the team of Xiaoyu Feitian, Xiaoyu Feitian in Sun Hao's disciples, is a typical body repair inheritance, a body of practice is the ultimate.

After practicing the sacred soul, the effect of this exercise is also reflected.

The ghosts led by Xiaoyu Feitian will all get their own blessings and ordinary attacks, it is difficult to have an effect on them.

Coupled with Sun Hao's own steel skin blessing effect, the ghost of Xiaoyu Feitian became the first defensive shell of Sun Hao's troops.

There are not many troops in Xiaoyu flying, and it is difficult to form a wall.

This requires the team of Miha to cooperate.

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