Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2301: Miracle architecture

Chapter 2, March 1 Miracle Architecture

No identity information of Sun Hao was announced.

Simply organized a marriage of a Zombie custom, Milohayou and Miha sisters were officially married to Sun Hao.

Running to the undead domain to find opportunities, the Yin and Yang wrong and overcharged a Taoist, Sun Hao is really a bit crying.

Fortunately, Miha's character is lively and exhilarating, without losing his innocence, and his body is not the stink of ordinary undead monks. Otherwise, Sun Hao really has to frown.

After the marriage, Sun Hao used his own ghost crown to display the mystery, but found that the ghost family he led, naturally and the zombie family became friends.

Its typical characteristics, it is very likely that even in the wild, after two unwise zombies and ghosts encounter, their state will become peaceful.

Is this really true for ethnic needs and marriage?

Sun Hao can't distinguish.

In other words, Sun Hao has been practicing now, and there are many Taoists. He can really hold a wedding. Under the witness of people, he will achieve a good year. It seems that this is the second time. It seems that only a long time ago, he is still in the lower bound. At the time, there was a combination ceremony with Xuanyuanhong. Other Taoists, it seems that they are not so formal?

Because of the relationship of Sun Hao's identity, many etiquettes, such as what to worship, and so on, can be exempted, and Sun Hao's worship, even if it is not the king of death, is also a bit unbearable, not to worship.

Send it to the cave!

Before Sun Hao stood in front of the two doors, he didn't know which one to go in.

Milohayou and Miha are both married today.

With Sun Hao’s cultivation, I naturally know which side is Miloha, and which side is Miha.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao stepped into the new house of Miloha.

I don't know why, as an old monster, Sun Hao feels that it is a little embarrassing to see Miha. Is it a bit of a suspicion that the old cow is eating young grass? Still Miloha is here to feel natural and comfortable.

Sun Hao had just entered the room of Milohayou, and had not revealed the red head cover of Milohayou. The voice of Miha had already passed from the room.

"Sister, let me say, husband, he must come to your room first, hey, don't look at the husband's high, but I see, the face is very tender, hey, sister, you lost..."

The voice did not fall, the figure shook, a red robe, a smiling face of Miha appeared in the new house, hands crossed his little waist, laughing forward and leaning back.

Milohayou unveiled his red hood, his face also showed a bright smile, his body swayed like a snake, entangled with Sun Hao, and his mouth screamed: "Mija, come up to help, I can’t fight him alone. Today, our two sisters will completely suppress this guy in the abyss of the nine songs..."

Miha is a little bit frightened and a little bit eager to try...

Sun Hao feels that he has more fun in his future life!

In other words, as a monk monk, a lot of things, I can't imagine, Sun Hao did not expect that one day he would play like this.

Ok, no wonder the king sometimes doesn't go early.

After a few days of fun and joy, Sun Hao packed his mind and began to plan the Red Crescent Temple according to the opinions of the ancestors and the ancestors.

The Red Crescent is a very strange place in the undead domain. It is well-connected and has various terrains. The way to enter is also very strange.

Nine races can reach the gates of the Black Sea through their own special passages. After entering the gates of the Black Sun, the positions appear are also different.

According to the classics, the Red Crescent Cave can be divided into seven layers according to its degree of danger.

In the first three layers, after the nine undead monks enter, they will appear in different positions according to their respective ethnic attributes.

After hardships and hardships, you will be able to pass through all the way. After entering the fourth floor, the nine ethnic monks may encounter each other.

However, the danger after the fourth floor is greatly increased, not only facing the powerful undead beasts in the Red Crescent, but also the ambush of other races.

The focus of the Tri-Family Alliance is the joint action after the fourth floor.

After the marriage of the three tribes, there is a way to perceive each other's existence and to be able to make a quick turn.

After the tri-ethnic coalitions come together, they will act together and the chances of success will be much greater.

Say the general plan of action of the three tribes, Sun Hao went home and returned to the tomb, and the ghosts entered the entrance of the Black Gate, which was in the secret.

When I came, I was just a person. When I went back, Sun Hao had a more Miha.

Mijah, who has just become a grandson of Sun Hao, knows how to smother his husband, and he is always reluctant to separate. He naturally has to come back with Sun Hao.

Sun Hao has no choice but to bring her.

The Zombie has also euphemistically expressed a meaning to Sun Hao. The undead domain is a deadlock, especially among the descendants of the Golden Retriever. The Dagong lifts Milohayou’s cultivation is the highest, and the people are relatively stable. Therefore, in the future, Loha is more likely to stay in the city of immortality.

The implication is that Milohayou is probably the next ancestor, so I suggest that Sun Hao bring Xiaomiha around.

Miha, who has a character to escape, also gave Sun Hao different general feelings.

Quickly hurry in the ghost road, and one more person speaks.

Not much staying, it took more than three months, Sun Hao rushed back to the secret tomb, began to actively build the army, ready to explore the Red Crescent.

This undead city, back and forth more than a year, the spiritual tomb has undergone tremendous changes. After Sun Hao came back, he was surprised to find that the cemetery he had left here has become a huge air city.

Above the white clouds, a dark city is taking shape.

The strangest thing is that the center of the city, the soul tomb where the soul is located, is the top of the No. 1 Ling Tomb. I don’t know when, a straight stone monument is raised, and it is inserted into Tianyu, above the stone tablet, exudes a lush aura.

When Sun Hao came back, the soul came to meet with the soldiers stationed in the cemetery.

Miha saw a very different spiritual tomb from the undead city. He was shocked and looked at it from time to time. He looked at the curious baby and saw Xuanyuan. He was kindly matched by his sister.

Sun Hao shook his head silently and said to Miha: "This is my daughter, Xuanyuan, the real woman."

Michal and Milohayou have already entered Sun Hao’s Shouge Ningkong Tower, who is a naturalist, and has his own courtyard and practice room on the second floor of the Tazhong Tower. Naturally, the real woman is the real Zhengniang. .

However, even if this is the case, Miha’s jumping off the temper is still awkwardly said: "I have done it. I know, you are not a fellow with me. You are talking about it, you said yes, sister." ......"

Xuanyuan slammed his eyes.

Sun Hao shook his head and went with her. Facing the soul, he asked: "When did this spiritual monument appear? What is the role?"

The soul immediately uploaded a message from the thoughts: "The master, this spiritual monument is very likely to be the sigh of the soul of the family of my sorrowful family. The role is to bless the various abilities of the ghost city, subordinate suspicion, spiritual tomb There is a lost city in the dense land. After the construction of the cemetery, some special phenomena have been triggered. It is likely to be a harbinger of the city's birth. The collective situation, you have to personally explore the subject..."

Township miracle! The sigh of the soul.

Sun Hao was a little confused. In an instant, some memories came to my heart and said in my mouth: "Soul one, you mean, is this a miracle building?"

The soul nodded: "Yes, the subordinates think it should be a miracle building. After the appearance of this spiritual monument, the construction time of the cemetery, the cultivation speed within the spiritual tomb, etc., are all strengthened in all directions, not a miracle building, should Can't produce this effect."

Miracle architecture, the term Sun Hao is no stranger.

In fact, among the imaginary people, many races have miraculous architecture.

In a sense, Miracle architecture is actually what the Terran said, and it has reached a certain level. It has reached the apex of a race repair level, and it is impossible to replicate the "top dojo."

The dojo has different blessings and abilities according to its ability. Generally speaking, the existence of the dojo is a sign of racial strength.

To reach a dojo that is almost impossible to transcend a race, it rises to a certain level and is called "miracle architecture."

For example, the Terran, there have been miraculous architectures during the heyday. In the legend, it is a statue of God of War, the effect is very strange, increasing the morale and fighting spirit of all Terran soldiers.

It is said that in the age of the statue of God of War, any race is afraid to encounter the Terran army. Once the war is started, the absolute morale is so terrible.

This is from

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