Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2262: Battle of Soul (3)

Sun Hao is not a native of the undead domain.

Sun Hao’s sneaky spirit is also from the lower bound, which was formed by the best spirit of the soul.

To be honest, Sun Hao is really ignorant of some of the rules in the undead domain.

The first battle of Sun Hao is the active area of ​​the ghost. In order to lay a solid foundation for himself, Sun Hao will start from scratch and do his best to consolidate his own sneaky body.

The effect is better. Sun Hao is in the tomb of the spirit, and has generated three major sacred magical powers, which almost caught up with his own major points.

However, because Sun Hao is not a native of the undead domain, he is not particularly familiar with his own three major powers.

In the feeling of Sun Hao, his own three great powers may be like that, it seems that it is not particularly bad.

Did not feel particularly fierce.

But what Sun Hao doesn't know is that it is in Teminus. It is because his strange souls are beyond the imagination of the blood ancestors. So far, the blood ancestors Bruch still thought that the enemy was still hidden in the special. Nas did not come out.

But now, Sun Hao feels a little bit, as if his own soul-souling is a bit beyond the routine, and the opposite emperors are somewhat overreacted.

But now, I don't think so much, everyone is robbing the silver bead. After Sun Hao summoned the ghost, he immediately drove his own ghost to the big werewolf where the silver bead was.

When the ghosts move, they suddenly show a powerful moving speed, powerful lethality, fifteen big werewolves on the scene, and the few squat racks that have just been climbed up are not the opponents of the sorrow, the third and the fifth are divided, the ghost has been eliminated. All the resistance forces in the middle, got the silver beads.

In the middle part of the whole arch, only the ten ghosts of the six emperors were left, and all the other emperor's troops were destroyed. All the top ten tombs were silent.

It seems that there is a very strange atmosphere, starting to flow in the special space of the spiritual tomb.

Sun Hao also never imagined that in this kind of battle, the combat power after the ghosts of the souls will be so powerful, there is a feeling of monopoly.

Driving the ghost to hold the silver beads and flying quickly to himself, Sun Hao won the first round of the Battle of Soul.

When the ghost is still on the road, Sun Hao has already wondered what is going on.

The big werewolves themselves are also good, and they are the most low-level undead creatures. They are much weaker than the ghosts.

In the battle of the soul, the strength of the ghost has been greatly strengthened. As a result, in the battle, naturally, the ghosts occupy a comprehensive advantage, and other Yinhuangs are not opponents.

Gathering the soul is not a patent of the Six Emperors, not only the six emperors.

The Second Emperor was also practicing, and was acquired by the Soul of Souls.

However, the soul resurrection of the two emperors is a far cry.

The Emperor of the Second Emperor can only reunite the soul of the soul, but the soul of the Six Emperors directly gathers the soul.

In the Battle of the Soul, the strength of the Ghost has been greatly strengthened. Then, the combat power of the Six Emperors can be truly powerful.

Isn’t the Six Emperors just built?

How could it be so powerful?

In the Battle of the Soul, the Six Emperors took the lead in getting a silver ball. Then, everyone really needs to carefully observe the Six Emperors.

Silver beads fell in the hands of Sun Hao.

All the emperors are slightly sideways, revealing the fighting consciousness to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s powerful soul-collecting technique has aroused everyone’s high vigilance.

In the next battle, the Six Emperors must be the object of serious attention.

The original arrival of the last, the final shape of this, the Yin Emperor who caused the battle of the soul actually has such strength, it really makes these ghosts unexpected.

The silver beads fell into the hands of Sun Hao, without the greetings of Sun Hao, directly slamming into the crystals of the snow-like shape in the Sun Hao Yin Tang.

Almost at the same time, Sun Hao’s sneaky body was slightly shocked, and he felt that he had more talent.

Can silver beads strengthen the ability of ghosts?

Sun Hao suddenly brightened his eyes, and anything that might improve his ability is a good thing. It seems that in the next battle of the soul, he must go all out to fight for more silver beads.

The Battle of Souls, the first round.

The six emperors stood out and won the silver beads.

At the scene of the top ten Yinhuang, in addition to the six emperors, it is estimated that no one knows the powerful use of silver beads.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't know.

This instinct to fight in everyone's bones craves, forcing every yin to fight.

After the disappearance of the silver beads, the secret tomb began to change again.

The tomb of the ten bee leaves began to turn again.

Between the white clouds rolling, a huge, like an ancient battlefield in the middle of the battlefield was created.

Almost at the same time, every Yin Emperor, including Sun Hao, instantly understood the true meaning of such a military field representative.

In the middle of the military field, there is a high rise, like a tombstone-like building. At the top, it has once again topped a silver bead.

This time, every Yin Emperor can send thousands of soldiers to participate in the battle for silver beads.

The Yin Emperor can use his own spells or supernatural powers to bless thousands of fighters, but he can't personally participate in the battle and is responsible for determining the failure.

If the Yin Emperor is willing, he can also send his most powerful subordinates to compete.

However, the battle here is a real battle, not a child's play, so after the strong subordinates enter the military field, it is very likely that they will actually be killed.

Realizing such a battle rule, the other ghosts are relieved a little.

The six emperors' soul-collecting technique does not have any advantage in this kind of battle. Everyone uses the ghost to fight, and the soul-splitting technique has no use. Well, the Six Emperors don't have to be so careful.

The top ten yin emperors quickly dispatched their own teams in accordance with the rules of the battle of the soul war, each appearing in the corner of the martial arts field.

The team of the top ten yin dynasty, the distance between the martial arts in the middle is not very far, and after a close encounter, the battle broke out quickly.

Sun Hao did not send out the generals around him, but only transferred a group of activities under the tomb, the strength is still not weak, a thousand ghosts, rushed to the second silver beads.

There is not much technical content, there is no formation at all, and Sun Hao’s team has swept over the past.

With one move and the whole body, Sun Hao moved, and the top ten Yinhuang immediately moved together.

Different teams of the Emperor show different styles at this time.

Some ghosts are extremely fast, some ghosts are formed into battles, and there are weapons in the hands of the ghosts.

Only the batch of ghosts of Sun Hao, the first to rush out, the messy ghosts, there is no system at all, it seems to be a group of rabble.

On the top of the tomb, although Sun Hao’s disciples were puzzled, they did not ask for Master’s wisdom is not the same as that of the dead ghosts. Master’s actions at this time must have special intentions.

The special significance of Sun Hao is still not seen.

Less than a quarter of an hour after the melee, the six-pointed star on the top of the head, the unit of the Sun Hao, who represented the Six Emperors, was completely defeated, completely transformed into a pure soul, and was killed in the performance field.

The remaining nine yin emperors are their own means of display and have launched a major war.

Among the nine yin emperors, the 1-2 emperors practiced for the longest time, and their strengths were extremely strong. The thousands of ghost soldiers sent under the leadership of their respective leaders were gradually invincible and gradually turned into three powerful long dragons. The inside rushed to rush.

The other six yin dynasty troops had to hold on to it, and they struggled hard. It was just like the sudden defeat of Sun Hao.

The battle lasted for three full days.

In the martial arts field, there are only four ghost troops left. Among them, the strength of the one or two yin dynasty troops is well preserved, and each has about 500 elites. Under the leadership of the powerful ministry, they are facing each other.

The other side is the alliance of the two emperors of the Five Emperors and the Seven Emperors. The total number of their teams has also remained at around 500.

In the process of competing for the silver beads for the first time, the two yin emperors were still in a state of opposition, and now they have started cooperation.

Moreover, the tactics after the cooperation between the two emperors also made the other three powerful Yinhuang hearts condensed.

The five emperors' sorcerers have the ability to be exempted, and now there are more than one hundred, and the objects are very easy to use, becoming the strongest shield of the coalition forces.

Powerful, but the ability of the Seven Emperors, the Seven Emperors should be a mages, with different spell abilities, among which there are very rare among the Yin Emperor, peerless magic, and death.

After the total number of the two teams was reduced to five hundred, the death of the Seven Emperors began to participate in the war.

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