Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2257: Mich woke up

Get a blood phase of the law, Sun Hao's goal of running the undead domain is half done.

The celestial plane found the heavenly opportunity that he found himself. It really has its own special reason. It is a clue to the crystal of the law.

Nowadays, there is already a special magical phase of blood-crystal coordination, and Sun Hao’s heart gives him a sigh of relief.

At the moment when the blood of the Fascinating Blood was formed on the spiritual tablet, the spiritual tablet has been dormant, symbolizing that the spirit of Miha, who is retreating in the practice of retreat, suddenly came alive, and there was a very surprised voice in the soul: "咦Xiaohao, you have done something earth-shattering, I feel a huge force of death, and you have helped me a lot..."

Miha woke up, Sun Hao in the undead domain no doubt had more familiar terrain, the best guide to familiarize with the situation, Sun Hao's heart, but also full of surprises, said in the mind: "Millet, you This retreat is not a short time, for hundreds of years, what kind of exercises have you cultivated, how can you go for so long?"

The spirit of Miha is wrapped around the tombstone like an octopus. The spirit of Sun Hao suddenly produces a feeling of refreshment. He feels in his heart and smiles and says: "How? When you wake up, you can't hold it?"

Miha laughed.

The yin and yang combination* is driven, and Miha’s spirit is closely intertwined with Sun Hao.

After a long time, Miha exhaled a long breath and said with a sigh of relief: "Xiaohao, I miss you, I want to go to you, but I don’t just think about it, my body thinks, after this practice, I I have already had a cathode, and in theory, I can give you a baby."

Sun Hao laughed: "We have done this kind of cultivation, and refined gas has become an instinct. If you want to have a baby, you have to look at the opportunity. I am afraid that it will not be able to be pregnant for thousands of times."

Miha smiled: "Then we have been here for tens of thousands of times. The slaves have already set their bodies on the cloud bed and you are lucky."

When the two souls were connected, Sun Hao had already understood that Miha’s practice was really important. At the critical moment of her practice, she happened to be stuck in the bottleneck state that she could not enter, and she just killed Gudra. , the formation of blood crystals, in which part of the chilly familiar energy is naturally passed by the spiritual monument.

Miha got his own help and finally took a crucial step.

This step is stepping out, Miha's future will be a vast expanse of the sky, and Miha's heart is not concealed, showing his thoughts and desires.

Sun Hao even seems to see her body twisting and twisting in the cloud bed.

Dumbfounded, Sun Hao said in his heart: "Oh, your current state, but you need to continue to stabilize better, this time, it is best not to be less than thirty years."

Miha Sajiao: "Is the slave know? Anyway, you can't come to favor me. If you don't say thirty years, even if you are a hundred years, you won't come."

Sun Hao is not a lot when he encounters feelings in his life. He and Xuan Hong are heart-to-heart, and he is a long-term love, and Ziyan and Xiaoqing are in love with each other. In addition, the only emotions are Miha.

When Sun Hao met Miha at the beginning, he also made a lot of jokes. Now he wants to come, it is quite interesting. Now Miha is spoiled in the sea of ​​knowledge. In the heart of Sun Hao, there is also a heart of compassion, and a sense of consciousness is said. "Small fool, don't you wonder where I came from such a pure chilly attribute?"

Miha immediately went from good to good: "Yes, yes, where is this chilly source? This thing, only the undead domain will be produced, and it must be an undead ancient monster that can be generated. ?"

Sun Hao said: "Yes, Miha is really smart. I am now in the undead sanctuary. I just killed a vampire and formed a blood crystal, which will help you."

"Destroy a vampire? Form a blood crystal?"

Miha was greatly surprised: "No, Xiaohao, you actually came to the undead domain, and it was dizzy. The undead sanctuary is very dangerous. What are you doing? Right, you have ghosts. Can be invaded by the ghost, but it can indeed sneak into the undead domain, but the level of the ghost is very low, how do you kill a vampire?"

Sun Hao hasn't talked yet, and Miha is astonished and surprised: "No, right, ordinary vampires can't form the blood of the blood, and can't help me through the storm. Xiaohao, you can tell the truth, you are in the end. Who did you kill?"

Sun Hao was not in a hurry to pass on his mind: "The name is called Gudra."

"Gudra?" Miha yelled: "The famous blood family, have not heard of this special name."

Sun Hao tells the truth: "He said that he is the eldest son of the Bruch family. He has just come up with a particularly powerful **** genius. He has been mad for a while, and now he doesn't know why."

After Sun Hao finished this sentence, he immediately felt that Miha in the knowledge of God had a complicated and inconceivable, incredible, shocking, shocking and somewhat overwhelmed emotion.

Sun Hao did not expect that Miha’s reaction would be so unique. It can be seen that Miha is really worried about himself now.

There was a hint of emotion in the mood, which made Miha feel relieved. Sun Hao said: "It's okay, Miha, I am hiding here very quiet now, my opponent should have retired."

Miha’s thoughts are a little relieved, but there is no good place to go: “Xiaohao, you are really blamed for any disasters. Do you know who you have offended? I guess you don’t know, let’s talk to you. Among the undead domain, there are eight great kings, we call them the eight ancestors. Among them, the one you are offended now is the blood ancestor..."

Among the undead gods, there are eight great kings, the nine kings of the gods, which represent different undead races, and are the symbol of the peak of the race.

The king of the undead is the white gold 骷髅, the ancestor of the bones; the zombie 巅 曰 ;; the black warrior cultivated to the extreme, is the ancestor; the peak death knight is called the ancestor; the peak vampire, is the owner of the Bruch family The blood ancestor; the peak of the dragon, called the ancestors.

There is also the peak lich, which is also one of the eight ancestors, but the name is the Great Lich Shande Bleu; the peak of death is also ranked in the Eight ancestors, named Daxie Rosen Luo.

The father of Miha is the ancestors.

Among the undead gods, the strengths of the eight ancestors are almost the same, they are all powerful, but the eight-party hegemon of the undead domain.

Different from other large areas of the emptiness of the Wan people, as a powerful undead against the Wan people, it is a system of nine undead races, and the eight ancestors formed a peculiar management structure. For many years, each has its own Their own territory, each ruling one side, and constantly infiltrating into the vast territory of the people, expanding the undead territory.

The strength of the blood ancestor among the eight ancestors is enough to rank the top three, which is quite powerful.

Miha also never imagined that Sun Hao actually offended the blood ancestors Bruch.

Sun Hao’s recent wars have not alarmed Miha. She really doesn’t know the specific combat power of Sun Hao. Now she feels dizzy and sends a message: “I understand, your position should be here. There is a special corpse flower in the blood ancestor, there is a special corpse flower, there is a special vampire castle, unless the blood ancestor personally went to pick you up, in a short time, you are safe, no, you have to think of a way, Let you sneak away, once caught by the blood ancestors, it would be terrible."

This is really Teminus.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly shocked. It seems that Luo Pengfei said it well. This may be the real degraded ancient ruins of the ancient gods.

I don’t know if it has anything to do with the devil, or is it closely connected with the devil?

When Sun Hao remembers that he entered the magical world, he swayed through the valley and encountered the sea of ​​sorrow. It was also I knew and became a Taoist with Miha.

Miha was a little anxious, and there was a feeling of rushing in the mind, as if to say, what should I do? what should I do?

Sun Hao thought for a moment and asked in his heart: "Mija, my cemetery has also migrated to this God Gobi. I don't know if you can open a special ghost road and let me sneak away?"

Mich's first reaction: "What? You moved the cemetery from the fighting world to the undead domain, I am dizzy, this loss should be great? Is the cemetery the lowest, no building? Light board?"

Sun Hao’s heart was a glimpse of it. When I remembered that my cemetery was moving over, it was indeed nothing. It was indeed a light board. I couldn’t help but smile: “It seems to be, how? The cemetery can’t move freely?”

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