Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2237: Poly-yin crystal

Since the law of the crystallization of the nucleus is a gathering of the battle, then Sun Hao's action plan does need to change.

Thoughts are still connected, and Sun Hao slowly drifts to the periphery.

The ghost army on this side randomly captured a ghost, while the thoughts were shocked, Sun Hao smoothly drifted away from the big team, and the thoughts retreated from the ghost group and floated to the periphery of the sea of ​​ghosts.

The root cause of Sun Hao’s incarnation in the past was to enter the ghost field and find medicine to cure the damaged road.

At that time, the spirit of the ghosts, but also thanks to the washing of the soul of the grandmother, the sneaky, is the best spirit, the quality is not low.

However, at the root, Sun Hao’s best spirit is quick, and Sun Hao’s use of the Washing Spirit has been tempered. It lacks the necessary experience, not step by step, so in a sense, Without the necessary tempering, no special functions were created.

With the improvement of Sun Hao's cultivation, the ghosts are relatively mediocre compared to other souls.

If there were tombstones and Miha help to practice the yin and yang combination law, Sun Hao’s sneaky sorrows were already indispensable and were on the verge of being eliminated.

Especially after the pulse network practice, Sun Hao practice has mainly relied on building wood, and the use of sneaky auxiliary practice has also been weakened.

Today, Sun Hao’s sneaky more time is to constantly drive the tombstones to practice the yin and yang combination, and always maintain the balance of yin and yang in Sun Hao’s body.

Among the many battles, Sun Hao’s sneaky use of opportunities is also quite small. Compared to other powerful and powerful souls, the sneaky fighting power is indeed weaker than more than one grade.

This time I entered the undead domain, but it was the longest time for Sun Hao’s application.

Now, Sun Hao floats out and, after reaching the outer periphery of the Ghost Sea, begins to try to drive the natural ability of the ghosts and devour other ghosts to strengthen themselves.

These days, the sea of ​​ghosts and sorrows, Sun Hao gradually realized that his own ghosts are not without special skills, but this skill is basically useless to the ordinary state.

In the sea of ​​ghosts, not all ghosts will take the initiative to provoke other ghosts. Only those mutant, strong individuals will gradually develop fighting desires, consciously strengthen themselves, occupy the territory, and continue to advance into the sea of ​​the ghost.

Sun Hao's strength is high, and after being incarnate, the control of himself is still very powerful, and the body's desire for fighting is not too much influence on Sun Hao.

After coming out again, Sun Hao let go of his intervention in the sneaky, and began to follow the sneaky instinct.

The sneaky wandering around the sea of ​​the ghosts, a few days later, found a strong ghost, the heart of the desire, shot, three times five and two, killed the strong ghost.

Just after destroying this ghost, there was a very weak breath in the ghost, and it was into the sneaky body of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that there was something more on the forehead of his sinister body. Serious observation is a very weak, if nothing.

With this breath, Sun Hao immediately perceives the other strong sorrow, ran to continue to be merciless, and destroyed the ghost, the forehead's breath is rich and rich.

All the way to kill, less than three days of effort, Sun Hao instinctively felt that he does not have to continue to kill the ghost, but should find some younger brothers, and gradually sneak into the inside to find some resources belonging to the ghost.

At this time, Sun Hao perceives the breath above his forehead to bring two new abilities to the sneaky body.

One ability is to gather the ability to command other ghosts; the second is the ability to assemble the power of other ghosts for their own use.

This is a brand new experience.

I remember that when Sun Hao was in the emptiness, he relied on a purple gold belt in his mind, which had the magical ability to bring troops. When Zhong Xu followed Gellan to mirror the lower bounds, he could also recover monks of all ethnic and ethnic origins. Used.

Up to now, Sun Hao’s Zijin belt has a lot of monks’ names, but the number is not much. More monks have fallen into the long river of time. Only a few high-powered monks such as Ande Wei Still alive.

The command and control, and the command and control of the ghost in the present mind are completely two feelings.

All the souls of the soul are in the control of Sun Hao, the mysterious atmosphere of the forehead, it seems to be the hub of all the ghosts.

Sun Hao knows that his own sneaky body has become the most primitive ghost commander. At this time, he should be able to control the soul of fifty or so to strengthen his own strength.

The sneaky scorpion began to wander in the air, and when he met the ghost of the order, Sun Hao would issue a mandatory order: "Follow me, everyone will go into the depths of the sea of ​​the ghosts..."

Less than half a day's effort, Sun Hao's side has gathered to no less than fifty ghosts.

In accordance with the rules of the ordinary sorrow, at this time, I couldn’t hold it, and I went inside with my own instinct.

However, Sun Hao’s ghosts are completely different from other ghosts. Sun Hao has wisdom, knows the importance of accumulation, and does not know whether the body of the ghost is quality or not. If there is, then the foundation is played more firmly at the most basic time. In the later battles, it will also occupy an absolute advantage.

Sun Hao did not advance to the depths of the sea of ​​ghosts, but continued to wander around.

The same is the fifty ghosts, but they also have the ability to be strong and weak, and the strength is high and low.

Fifty ghosts can be divided into at least three levels: weak, ordinary and strong. If so, why not replace all ghosts with strong levels?

Zheng Ya took her newly-acquired younger brother to start spinning around the sea of ​​ghosts and intended to replace her younger brother with a strong one.

After half a day, Sun Hao smiled and found that other levels of sorrowful heads can only bring fifty younger brothers, but they are not.

Although I am a sneaky singer, I start from scratch and collect the crystallization of the soul. But in any case, I have always cultivated a high-level fit, even if I deliberately forget my ability, I am absolutely different.

Other levels of the genital head can only bring fifty younger brothers, and they can bring eighty.

After spending four or five days, Sun Hao completely replaced his eighty younger brothers with strong ghosts on the periphery of the sea of ​​ghosts.

After doing all this well and laying a solid foundation, Sun Hao was consciously looking for a level of sorrowful head, a little deep into the sea of ​​the ghost, such a level of yin head is not difficult to find, less than a moment, Sun Hao changed to find a only.

This sorrowful head feels the team and strength of Sun Hao, and actually turns around and runs.

Sun Hao led the younger brother to quickly catch up, completely a one-sided slaughter.

Sun Hao easily wiped out this level of sorrowful head, clearly perceive that this level of sorrowful heads has a breath to his forehead, his forehead seems to be vague and can see the gas flowing himself Progress has been made.

According to the situation of the first experience, this progress should be able to gather more younger brothers. When the first time they mixed into the ghost team, the second-level ghost leader can lead a hundred younger brothers. How much can I bring.

Sun Hao wandered with the team for a while, and the ghost behind him became one hundred and twenty. No matter how much, he did not listen to the command.

Only twenty more than the previous one? Moreover, Sun Hao can perceive it. After some battles, his younger brothers have once again appeared in different ranks. The strong, the ordinary and the weaker have three.

Soon, Sun Hao analyzed the origins of the three ghosts.

The strong are the ghosts of their original team who have overcome the growth of their opponents.

The ordinary people are the strong ghosts in their own team that are not bad in strength, but because their own team is much more than the total number of opponents, some of their own ghosts have not got the spoils, so they become the present. Ordinary.

The weaker is the new ghost of their own.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao did not go straight inside, but sinking his heart, and found a first-level sorcerer's head and opened.

This battle is easier.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that after the victory, he can still benefit, and the first-level ghost leader has contributed a lot of useful yin to himself.

Sun Hao experimented, and the younger brother he could control increased greatly with the increase of yin in his forehead, and the total number reached 140.

In this battle, under the intentional control of Sun Hao, some of the ghosts have been strengthened and become strong.

Since he still has room for improvement, Sun Hao will continue to solidify his foundation in this direction.

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