Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2206: Wan people shocked

The Xikundun ritual is a model of ritual.

East Kunlun is completely different.

The level of the Eastern Kunlun Sacrifice is not bad, and the writing skills are still not weak, but his writing is that the sword is slanted and fully reflects the unscrupulous virtue of the motive.

For example, the first part, the second part, thank you to heaven, Liu Qi came to the sentence, God, Laozi gave you a face today, thank you, finished.

Thank you for the completion of the sky, and continue to thank the ancestors.

This is the same thing about the ancestors, and many of them have even advocated the deceit to destroy the ancestors, and they are proud of exceeding the ancestors.

Therefore, this thank-you word is also a sentence, meaning that "the ancestors opened their eyes, and finally blessed the Terran out of the center of Shenxiang Shengzu, you have worked hard."

Thanks to the ancestors, the matter.

Next, you can reach the highlight of the East Kunlun ritual. The difference between the two parts is the utmost difference. In this part, the East Kunlun wrote that it is an imposing manner, with thousands of words, impassioned and imposing.

At this time, the cycle of heavenly movement, the prosperity of the human race, and the billions of trillions, when the birth of saints, expel the aliens, set the standard Chen Ji, relief for the people.

When Sri Lanka, the Terran figure is in danger of making changes, so there are very people, and then there are very things; there are very things, and then they are very good. The husband is very, and it is very solid.

Since ancient times, there have been merits, no gods, kings, and gods.

There is a ancestral ancestor, a tribute to the fate of the gods, descending to Kunlun, saving the people in the charcoal, the resurrection of the human race. The ancestral ancestors came to the world, and the one who belongs to me is Yongan in China, and the one who is behind me is self-proclaimed outside the palace. The rate group is struggling to clear up, and the aliens, in addition to the riots, make the people have their place, the shame of the snowman.

There are seven great powers, four ships, and they are not worthy of the ancestral ceremonies.


In a word, the focus of this is the part of the Eastern Kunlun ritual. The key point is to tell the awe-inspiring achievements of the sacred ancestral sacred ancestor, to expel the aliens, and to restore the great human race.

If Sun Hao’s deity is present, it will be stunned by these beautiful words.

The atmosphere of the East and West Kunlun Daqing is also slightly different.

The West Kunlun side is solemn and warm, and the ceremonies are everywhere. The monks shouted and shouted, and they were orderly and enthusiastic.

Most of the monks are in a state of almost the same as the rain, and they are screaming and cheering.

East Kunlun, it is not the same thing.

The atmosphere is called a madness, it is called a chaos, and Sun Hao is not convinced that more than one female demon repairs the hand of the holy king, and kisses and kisses, if it is not the height of the sacred body, it is not high. There is the possibility that the female demons will take warm blankets.

The possibility is great.

The West Kunlun Grand Prix is ​​polite and courteous.

The East Kunlun Grand Prix is ​​a wave of sorrows, and the ghosts are crying.

This is the difference.

Whether it is East Kunlun or West Kunlun.

When I arrived at the last agenda of the ceremony, I was quiet.

The procedures for the Daqing on both sides are the same, and the last agenda is also coming at the same time.

A thousand miles away, almost at the same time, Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi said loudly: "There is a Shen Xiang Shengzu, please Shen Xiang Shengzu..."

At the Daqing scene, the needles were audible, and everyone was quiet.

The center of the people has a glory.

The monks around Sun Hao also appeared on the altar, Xuanyuanhong, Xia Qingyu, Xiaohuo, Siling, Xiaoyan, Yi, Linger, Luo charm, Yilu Denghuo, Zhichi, bags... Sun Qi, who is looking forward to the ascension, is full of pride.

He is in the middle of the people, and he is full of glory.

Unconsciously, is Aquilaria already standing at the top of the pyramid of the Zhongxu people?

And he and others, because they followed the agarwood, the water rose, and stood on the upper level of the Zhongxu people, standing on the altar.

To be honest, the upper monks of the Kunlun Mountains, and even the monks who watched the ceremony, are now shocked.

Before the invasion of the Baizu, the total number of human and distracted powers was about 50. After the War of the Baizu, the eight-component gods were able to fight the battlefield, and the human race distracted only a dozen.

When preparing for the 100th anniversary, Zheng Yuanzi was still worried that the number of distracted monks who could climb the altar was too small, which was not very suitable.

On this day, more than a dozen distractions that followed Sun Hao’s presence made Zheng Yuanzi shocked.

Coupled with the distraction that has grown up in the last hundred years, the total number of distracted monks on West Kunlun is close to thirty.

In addition, the East Kunlun's ten-point distracted monk.

Good guys, less than a hundred years old, the total number of human beings has more than forty people. That is to say, in terms of the fighting power of the gods, the human race has recovered 80%.

The representative of the Wanzu people can’t help but be shocked, and the human race is too powerful.

The strength has recovered so quickly, it seems that the rise of the Terran is already unstoppable.

Floating and standing, Sun Hao glanced around, with a faint smile on his face, and said with aloud: "You friends."

Sun Hao’s voice just fell, and hundreds of thousands of people’s monks were kneeling on one knee and shouting loudly: “Agarwood adults.”

Sun Hao’s hands were raised in a raised position: “Please ask your friends.”

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic monks stood up and shouted loudly: "Thank you for the great ancestors."

Sun Hao nodded slightly and continued to raise his voice: "A few decades ago, Aquilaria returned to the Terran and once said a word to everyone. At that time, I hope that everyone will work together to build a good place for the Kunlun Sanctuary and strive for it within a hundred years. Let me restore Kunming to the past glory..."

The Terran monks below listened quietly to Sun Hao.

At the home of two Daqing, Sun Hao’s rhythm and speed of speech are exactly the same. Of course, the tone of speech is slightly different.

On the side of the deity, it is slightly softer and makes people feel like a spring breeze.

There is no head and fierceness, but it is powerful and makes people feel like a slap in the face.

After talking about the past, Sun Hao fully affirmed the tremendous achievements made by the Terran monks in the past 100 years: "What makes me happy is that, over the past 100 years, I have been in the humanities and the Sanctuary of the Kunlun Mountains. With the help of the concerted efforts, it has flourished and changed with each passing day. It has achieved the construction achievements of dare to change the sun and the moon for a new day. I sincerely say thank you to you. You have worked hard and let us all applaud."

Above the sky, there was warm applause.

Sun Hao paused, waited for the applause to stop, and then continued: "Of course, we also arrived, our dojo was destroyed in the war, and it was hard to rebuild. Our Xianshan sank into the 100,000 mountains, leaving only some permanent The memory of the present, Kunlun, compared with the past, is worse than the past, and the accumulation of ancestors is less. The battle of the Baizu will inevitably be engraved into the books of our human race and become an unforgettable history."

Hundreds of thousands of monks and monks who watched the ceremony, at this time, I thought that this is indeed the case. The Terran has restored its conventional architecture for a hundred years, but it has not recovered for hundreds of millions of years. This may take a very long time. In order to recover slowly.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao's body began to bloom golden light ~ ~ clear voice, spread all over Tianyu: "You friends, former ancestors of the people, power can shake the sky, the world is unparalleled, the creation of things Kunlun, today The incense is not talented, and it is intended to prevent the ancestors from concentrating on the former and to do my best to reproduce the glory of the human and the Kunlun holy land."

After that, the arms spread in the air, and Sun Hao’s mouth sighed and said: “The tree of eternal, the body of eternal, the return of spirituality, the eternal dojo of the human race, give me up...”

The arms rose up and made an upward movement.

Before the Kunxu Palace in West Kunlun, it fell to the ground and has been quiet for a hundred years. It seems to have become the eternal tree of ancient ruins. It suddenly began to bloom in green light, flowing through the trees in layers of ripples, and the roots were submerged in the mud. Branches, green light broke out of the ground, and the big trees that slanted down on the ground, among the people of the world, rumbling, rumbling straight up the trunk.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the slanting eternal tree has been upright and straight in the sanctuary of the Western Kunlun Mountains.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and a series of symbols were thrown forward in his hand. A series of pictures, one by one, fell into the tree of eternal, and his mouth screamed: “The tree of eternal has been transformed into my own family forever. Dojo, Zhengyuan..."

Zheng Yuanzi's eyes were beaming, stepping forward, and shouting: "The ancestral martial arts, Zhengyuan is here, what is the command of the ancestors?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The eternal dojo can accommodate 100,000 monks and enter the practice. You can set up more than 30 large-scale sub-divisions with different attributes. You self-organized the West Kunlun monks to set up after Daqing. Within ten years, Can be completed, if you encounter difficulties, tell me about it."

Zheng Yuanzi was overjoyed.

The people of the church were shocked.

With such a shock in the arms, the eternal tree becomes the dojo? Is it so fake? Or is it so powerful?

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