Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2132: Can be comfortable

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Wan Xue Witch and Sun Hao looked at each other and showed their grievances on their faces. As a little wife said, "Okay, okay, who is the strength of the seniors, I can only obey, what do you say?" Let's go."

The meaning of the words is that Hao Anyi’s official level is to crush the dead and bully the junior with strength.

Hao Anyi blows his beard and blinks his eyes, and throws Dacheng Dan to Sun Hao. He thinks that Grandma’s, he has been defrauded of five treasures for Mao Laozi, and there is a feeling of not being able to live with juniors? These juniors are too embarrassing now? More than I had in the past.

Sun Hao took over Dadan Dan and said: "Thank you for your predecessors."

The blood-blooded woman showed her expression of grievances, and she was also blessed with a blessing. "Predecessors, Wanxue Island helped you complete the transaction, can you give me a little more reward."

Got it cheap and sells it!

Hao An Yi suddenly became annoyed, his eyes flashed, and he swept the **** witch.

The blood-blowing witch Bai Jie suddenly felt a majestic mountain pressed against her body. The delicate body was sweating in a moment, and there was a feeling of poor breathing and difficulty in venting. Both eyes showed a horrifying expression and stood in the same place.

Sun Hao said slightly: "The ancestors were angry, the junior met the parents, and asked for some cheap, but it was a common thing. The seniors also invited a large number of adults."

Hao Anyi snorted and said: "All things are right, agarwood, you have to manage your own people, don't be greedy."

Sun Hao looked at the Wanxue Witch, and said that the witch who was not shy and stunned really put on his own label, and did not deny it in his mouth. He said with aloud: "Predecessors can rest assured that if they have some origins with their predecessors, they would not come to her. It will be so timid."

Hao Anyi made up her mind not to let the fangs and teeth of the fangs and the devils speak, and took her momentum firmly on the spot, facing Sun Hao, her face showed a smile: "Well, Shen Xiang is much more understanding, yes, Agarwood, you really have a lot of connections with this seat, otherwise, this seat will not let you change five treasures in the past."

These five treasures, each of which is worth the price, Hao Anyi let himself change the five out, it is indeed generous enough, Sun Hao Lang said: "Thank you ancestors."

At this moment, the small box that absorbed Sun Hao's original charcoal charcoal, began to bloom a khaki-colored light, shining on Hao Anyi's body, making him look golden, if the golden Buddha is around.

A sigh in the mouth, Hao Anyi said leisurely: "Through the soles of the soles of the shoes, the opportunity is still agarwood, you have helped me two times before and after, let you swap out five pieces of baby, indeed not much, so, this seat I’m going back soon, here, and give you a word.”

Sun Hao said: "Please confide your ancestors."

In the golden light, Hao Anyi said in a low voice: "I will go back this time, not a hundred years, and the magical power will be great. At that time, the human race will be in the virtual, and the courage can be bigger, the George of the Flying People, I have help. You are blocking, you can do it without being obscured.

Sun Hao, the blood-blooded witch Zhang had a small mouth, and his face was surprised to come to his face. He thought that he was dead and died, and he was not afraid of death and offended the Terran Dazu ancestors.

This sentence is said to be headless and brainless, but Sun Hao suddenly understood the general meaning, and his heart could not help but be shocked, and said slightly: "The ancestors, the disciples understand, congratulations to the ancestors, thank you ancestors."

Hao Anyi waved his hand and said with a big sigh: "Don't thank me, Lao Tzu is sleeping. This time, the Terran is very wrong. This time, going back, some accounts, naturally have to find them, rest assured, a hundred years later, George Ten If you don't have time, you don't have the chance to come to China. You don't have to kill the flying people, then there is no problem."

Sun Hao’s heart fell into a large stone, and his mouth said: “The disciple understands, I know what to do.”

Inside the small box, the golden light is even worse, as if it has a huge attraction, you have to pull Hao Anyi into it.

Hao Anyi said to one direction: "Small soldier, is your kid going up with me, or is he going to fly in the future?"

Wei Xinbing’s voice came over: “Nature is going to go up with the boss to eat spicy food. I don’t want to take advantage of the Mahayana. I will be satisfied when I am able to fit together. Boss, take me to force me to fly.”

Hao Anyi did not cheer well, and Wei Xinbing was photographed.

Among the golden light, Hao Anyi grabbed Wei Xinbing and plunged into the space channel of the small box. Far away, the clear voice was introduced into Sun Hao’s ear: "Agarwood, Hao Anyi is born, you can develop comfortably. The strength of the virtual human race, give me a competitive point, and strive to restore the imaginary humanity to the glory of the old man..."

Sun Hao had not had time to answer, and the small box banged.

Sun Hao and the Wanxue Witch suddenly found that the surrounding blood-colored walls swayed and there was a huge vortex. They couldn’t help but say that they sucked in.

The head was slightly stunned, and once again, Sun Hao found that he was still standing on the island of Wanxue Devil. He stood still with a little white face and a white blood witch.

And just that strange **** secret room has disappeared out of thin air, as if it has never appeared.

Sun Hao’s heart moved and looked at his right hand. He suddenly found out that he had a small medicine bottle in his hand, a big Dan, lying quietly in the medicine bottle.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao slammed his wrist and put away Dacheng Dan and looked at the white blood witch Bai Jie.

At this point, Bai Jie has recovered from the state of being suppressed. The small hand patted his towering chest and whispered in his mouth: "Fu Jun, husband, just the Mahayana ancestor, scared me, I Actually blackmailed the great ancestors, God..."

Sun Hao was dumbfounded.

At this time, Bai Jie took a look at the wrist and took a mirror from his arms. He looked around and yelled in his mouth: "Tongtian mirror, it’s really a mirror, wow, the strongest imitation of Kunlun mirror. Through the sky mirror, the strength of the East Kunlun doubled, the husband, oh no, it is the second husband who will not have to worry about the nose."

Sun Hao was dizzy, and his heart suddenly thought that his mission in East Kunlun had completely ended. It was time to leave.

The relationship between the East Kunlun side is a mess, and it is better not to come over later.

When I vacated, Sun Hao was in the air, waiting for the time when the air was leaving.

The blood-blooded witch shouted underneath: "Fu Jun, the two husbands said, now you can go to see the Xuantian Magic, and how long you like to watch. How long does it take to come to the Witch God Palace? Thank you, the sisters are waiting for you... ..."

Sun Hao stunned, thinking that he did not see the Xuantian Magic.

Just, take a look at the face of the **** witch who looked like a face, Sun Hao feels a big head, and said that the Xuantian Magic can not run away, I still hide these goddess who are not shy.

The air whispered a sentence: "This seat needs to immediately digest the phoenix phoenix tree species. It can't be left for a long time. The Witch God's good intentions are led, and there will be a period later." After the words are finished, a momentary movement appears in the killing palace.

Lu Shan was awakened from the cultivation, saw Sun Hao, his face was bright, and immediately stood up and called a "master".

Sun Hao nodded to him, and he realized that there was a whole darkness in his but there were two dark red blood tanks, and he said: "This is for the teacher to use wood. Jade is the main material for you to refine the blood-sucking magic sword, I hope you can make good use of it, do not incite innocent killing."

The hand flicked and the sword flew to Lushan.

The pimple on Lushan’s face trembled fiercely, grabbing the magic sword in one hand, twisting his legs, kneeling down to the ground, raising his sword with both hands, and screaming in his mouth: “Lushan thank you.”

Sun Hao is waiting to speak.

In the air, the voice of Wanxue Witch's white cleansing resentment came: "French, why are you doing this in a hurry? How can you go for a few days on my 10,000 bloodsucker island?"

The old man is afraid that you are not shy, Sun Hao does not talk, his body disappeared, disappeared in the killing palace, did not return, left the East Kunlun, went straight to the West Kunlun Holy Land.

In the killing of the palace, Lushan only felt that he had a flower in front of him, and the place where he stood in the master was replaced by a blood-blooded witch.

As soon as he climbed up, Lushan said: "The killing of the devil has seen the eternal blood."

Bai Jie giggled: "In the future, you have to call my teacher, family, not so polite."

Lu Shanxin said when the **** king became his master? Can not help but hesitate, said: "He is the king of God?"

Bai Jie giggled: "The king of God has become your master's second room, my two husbands, well, this thing you know, I will go to the two husbands to report good news, hey, through the mirror, Xuantian magic clothes, this time earned big..."

After I finished my body, I disappeared.

Lushan stood in the same place, the second monk of Zhang Er couldn’t figure it out, what was messy, is the **** king not a man? How did it become a second room, but it was a second husband, I don’t understand.

The emotional intelligence of the masters is really as messy as ever.

This is awkward, Lushan said completely drunk. (To be continued.)

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