Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2130: Hao Anyi (3)

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Inside the small box, you can see at a glance.

Wan Huo witch Bai Jie made a thief look around, and spoke to Sun Hao, whispering: "French, what I told you is here, the employer left ten trades and put them into the box. Under the strange spatial attributes, these trades have entered the space, and only when the original yin appears, we have the opportunity to reproduce the trade."

Sun Hao looked at the small box and hesitated. He said, "Xiao Jie, we are doing this, it is not very good, it seems a bit unethical."

The waning witch vomited his tongue and said in his mouth: "This task has been laid down for more than 100,000 years. The cherished resources of cultivation are idle, but it is too wasteful. We think of ways to take it out, and it will be a benefit to future generations. Hey, those things, but everything is fine."

Sun Hao thinks about it, this is really the case. The monk who released the task still doesn't know how. If he delivers the original yin charcoal, these things are so silent in the dust of history. How bad it is, it is difficult for him. , take more than a few.

At this time, Sun Hao suddenly had another feeling, like this room, filled with spirituality in an instant, lived over and looked around, but did not find anything.

The blood-blooded witch whispered at this time: "French, speed, if there is no thing in the heavens and the earth, every time this room comes in, it will only be forcibly excluded if it stays less than a musk."

Sun Haoxin said that the spirituality that was just born turned out to be the case. He nodded immediately and asked: "Xiao Jie, are you ready?"

Bai Jie erected his own jade palm and said crisply: "Okay, husband, you can start."

This eternal blood witch is a husband, Sun Hao listens to the feeling is not a taste, but, in the real situation, she is really her own double monk, the spirit list is also registered, Sun Hao can not say that she is not right.

Silently shaking his head, Sun Hao’s wrists were shaken, and a piece of dead charcoal from the bottom of Satsuma was taken out.

When charcoal started, Sun Hao suddenly felt that the house was full of decay and corruption, and even if it was based on his current cultivation, it felt as if he was quickly deprived of life, and Shouyuan passed away unconsciously.

The dark passage was so powerful that Sun Hao’s golden light flashed, and the six-six gold body turned into a protective layer, covering the dead charcoal, and holding the charcoal into the box.

At the moment when Sun Hao took out the dead charcoal, the **** wall around the house suddenly trembled fiercely, as if the whole house was very excited and excitedly excited.

Hao Anyi, who has already been integrated into the house, has a huge wave in the heart, and the original yin of the heavens and the earth is really the thing of the heavens and the earth. He waited for more than 100,000 years and finally waited for the original yin of the heavens and the earth.

Sun Hao is also Sun Hao.

Unexpectedly, his chances fell on Sun Hao’s head.

It was tens of thousands of years since I was killed by a real woman, and it was Sun Hao who ran to put herself out. Now I have arranged for more than 100,000 years, and almost all of my deadly tasks have been given by Sun Hao. Found the transaction.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, who is worthy of Laozi’s affiliation, teaches him the yin and yang combination of Dafa, but it is really correct.

The fierce tremor of the house was regarded as normal by Sun Hao and the waning witch, and the two were now trying to find resources, not paying much attention to the walls of the house.

Sun Hao’s golden hand is holding a dark charcoal to the inside of the box.

On time, the box lit up, spinning, and there were ten options.

Ten trading items can be exchanged for Sun Hao to choose one.

At this time, the normal procedure is that Sun Hao said what he needs. After the auction house clicks, Sun Hao invests in the original yin of the world. When the auction house clicks on the exchange items, the box will naturally spit out the transaction and the transaction is completed.

Just as Hao Anyi is full of expectations, waiting for the transaction to be completed.

What made him stunned happened.

Sun Hao took the heaven and the earth's original yin in the box, and the blood-blooded witch flew a little on the box. Sun Hao threw a throw in the inside and the box spit out a red glow.

The waning witch took the red light.

However, at this time, Sun Hao’s hand was rushed back.

Holding the things of the heavens and the earth to shrink back.

Yes, my baby box was cheated of a transaction, a little bit of a sense, Hao An Yi suddenly knows, was cheated, it is a Fengqi fire leaf paulownia.

In the hiding wall, Hao Anyi is a bit dumbfounded.

This is also OK!

I originally thought that the transaction process was seamless, and it was actually matched by the dogs and men. Did you fool a trader?

Hao Anyi expressed his conviction. If he didn't see it with his own eyes, he really didn't know that such a ridiculous thing would happen. Damn, the descendants of the human race actually deceived the head of the ancestors. What is this?

Hao Anyi was stunned.

Next, Hao Anyi saw what it means to be mean and shameless.

The waning witch turned her hand to give the phoenix fire phoenix to the grandson, and spit out the tongue: "Fortunately, don't insult, husband, if you don't want to lose the original yin of this world, we can stop it, if you want to continue to replace it. We will continue with more things, but the more difficult it will be, the more difficult it will be."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Nature is to continue to replace, I can not take the things of the predecessors, it can be cheap, pure deception is not my own."

Hao Anyi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this kid is not the bad guy of Wei Xinbing. If Wei Xinbing is not good, he will take advantage of the heavens and the earth.

The waning devil smirked and said: "Master, the more you take, the more the predecessor loses, and you say that it is cheaper, hehe."

Sun Hao shook his head and said: "You are wrong. It is said that what is needed is the most precious. What the predecessors need is the original thing of the heavens and the earth. If you can get the original yin, thanks to it, it is for him. Things outside of the body, and once they are not available, that is the essence of difference."

On the wall, Hao Anyi thought of it, it’s not bad, it’s this reason. For Laozi, the things of the heavens and the earth are everything, more important than anything else. I think of it, Hao Anyi thinks again, Grandma’s, wrong, obviously Deceived the baby, how do you still think that Sun Hao is a kid?

What went wrong?

The heart is thinking so, the blood-blooded witch said with a smile: "French, I want to replace that Xuantian magic robe, can you help me with the third overall order."

Sun Hao looked at the box and found that there were ten replacements on the box. Seven of them were seen at the auction site, and three of them did not appear in the historical mission. Among them, there was Xuantian Moxi.

Slightly think, Sun Hao said generously: "Xiao Jie, you helped me this busy, so, the second pick change the Xuantian magic robe, the third pick for my choice, fourth You will come with you until you can't change things."

The **** witch, Bai Jie's eyes are sparkling, and the mouth is gently "hmm" and said: "The husband is really good, it is not too late, we will continue."

Just in the eyes of Hao Anyi's stunned attention.

The second replacement was completed, the good guy, his own baby box and cheated a baby, Xuantian magic robe also changed.

Dogs and men are also very well matched, and their baby boxes are completely unresponsive. If you don’t want to pull a few, is it necessary to have this seat personally go into battle?

I really want to see if you can lie to a few.

In the third case, Sun Hao hesitated a little during the Mahayana Dan and Yiqi Sanqing.

Sun Hao’s current cultivation has reached the middle of the fit, and it is time to plan for his advanced Mahayana, but at the same time, the three-in-one technique can help the secrets of Tian Tianji and Luo Pengfei to be independent.

Which one is better?

In the end, Sun Hao still chose a three-in-one technique.

When the Wanxue witch handed a simple wire-bound book to Sun Hao, Sun Hao knew the sea, and Tian Tianji and Luo Pengfei squinted and looked at it.

Luo Peng said in his mouth: "I still have a conscience."

Tao Tianji said: "You and I help Xiaohao to fight for him to get the Mahayana Dan. The sooner Xiaohao Xiu is promoted, the sooner you and I will get out of trouble."

This time, Luo Pengfei did not object, nodded and agreed.

The second trade item of the Wanhui Witch chose the Xuantian Lingbao Tongtian Mirror, and it was collected with joy.

At this point, the baby of the ten transactions was actually taken out by the two men. The Hao Anyi in the wall was already unable to sit still. I was thinking about how to shoot, and I could not let the two juniors continue. (To be continued.)

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