Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2123: Princess is born

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Si Ling is a true friend of Sun Hao. Moreover, for Sun Hao, it can be said that he has paid a lot. If Zhu Ling really wants to protect his nephew, Sun Hao can’t really take the side.

Now Zhu Ling speaks, although there is still the suspicion of protecting the border animal husbandry, but the bitterness of the animal husbandry is inevitable.

Sun Hao nodded his head and said slowly: "This is the first thing. First, the frontier and the animal husbandry are forbidden. For five hundred years, you can't make it too easy. It's my frost and heavy water, and it will be closed for five hundred years."

Zhu Ling stayed for a while.

This is Sun Hao’s heart to rectify the border grazing. In the frost and heavy water, Zhu Ling has no way to fish out the border animal husbandry.

Sun Hao’s voice just fell, and Bianmu had already called Wang Wang: “No, Sun Boss, are you so embarrassed, are you going to freeze the dog? Your cold frost is cold and heavy inside, and you can’t move after you go in. , still five hundred years..."

Bianmu is barking.

Sun Hao said coldly: "Recall, it is eight hundred years."

Bianmu also screamed twice, and Sun Hao said coldly: "One thousand years."

When Bianmu suddenly turned his face in horror, he said that he was screaming, but his boss was too embarrassed.

Sun Hao saw that the animal husbandry was not called, and the mouth said coldly: "I will let Xiaozhang stare at you, don't want to sneak, and give me a thousand years."

Zhu Ling frowned and said in a low voice: "Xiaohao, for five hundred years, although the dead dog made a big mistake, it is also a mistake, and some credit is in it, a little less."

Sun Hao knows that Long Legling will be pleading, his face is slightly softer, and his mouth says: "Well, since Reiko sister said so, then implement the original plan and confine for five hundred years."

Bianmu’s head was pulled down, thinking about how he had to spend five hundred years in the frosty waters of the darkness, and suddenly he felt that the dog was dark and dizzy.

Sun Hao’s punishment did not end, and he said in a low voice: “You shouldn’t be too happy to be side-by-side, this time, if you’re not looking at your credit, plus the sake of Reiko’s sister, I’ve already dumped you eight. The block was suppressed in the Sumiyag tower."

The animal husbandry is extremely magical. The general means is really impossible. But if Sun Hao deals with it in a targeted manner, even if he can't finally destroy it, it is entirely possible to let him unload eight pieces and not close together.

When Sun Hao’s words came out, Bianmu was even more frustrated, and his heart was really scared. Sun’s boss was too embarrassed to know the weakness of the dog. He really wanted to make himself so concocted, even if he didn’t mourn, he also had no interest.

It seems that no one can provoke Sun boss.

The monks around Sun Hao looked at Sun Hao’s disposal of the animal husbandry, and his heart was not too tight. For many years, Sun Hao was very good to everyone, and he was very angry. Everyone was used to Sun Hao’s smile.

But today, everyone understands that Sun Hao does not get angry. That is because everyone has not touched Sun Hao’s bottom line. Once he has really committed the fault of angering Sun Hao, it is estimated that he will not be much stronger than Bianmu.

Shen Xiang severely punishes the animal husbandry this time. In a certain sense, it is also for everyone to see, and warned that he can not be forgotten.

Sun Hao’s Suzuki Air Tower has a huge territory, and the mortal monks in it have prospered, and these people around Sun Hao are equivalent to the managers of this world.

Moreover, whoever is behind, has more or less stood some huge family power, and no one can say that he is completely clean.

Sun Hao has always managed to clarify the specific things in the empty tower, but it does not mean that Sun Hao does not know.

As long as Sun Hao is willing, all the movements in the empty tower must not be overwhelmed by Sun Hao’s perception.

Sun Hao severely punishes the animal husbandry today. In fact, it is to warn the people around him. Some things need to be done within certain rules. They will exceed their own tolerance bottom line and will cause problems.

Warned the side of the animal husbandry, and knocked on the monks around him, Sun Hao said in a low voice: "This second, reward you with a hundred boards, you can let Long Legling perform."

Bian Mu sighed with relief and Zhu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief.

Only one hundred boards, or the master to implement, this should not have much problem?

However, Sun Hao said coldly and coldly: "This hundred boards must be played with the swords of the Taikoo, and every board must be crossed by all the stone blades."

After that, the gods moved, and in the second floor of the yard, the white pear blossoms of the little fairy pears fluttered in the sky, and a strange sword was lifted by the petals.

Looking at the big sword, the priest yelled in horror: "No, Sun Boss, you take this fierce sword and shoot me. When a sword comes down, you have to rest for decades to recover. Sun Boda, Bianmu knows wrong, you do well, don't shoot me with this fierce sword..."

While saying that the dog's paws wiped his tears, it was a miserable.

Zhu Ling said nothing, and Sun Hao said coldly: "No, long legs, if you can't go, let the two hairs come."

Wang Yuan has not spoken yet.

Zhu Pang has already picked up his sleeves and volunteered to stand up. He said in a loud voice: "I am coming, I am coming, playing a big dog, I am the most suitable, willing to help, hey, side animal husbandry, I have to take the sword... ..."

After that, Zhu Pang jumped up and grabbed the fierce sword.

The side of the animal husbandry was on the ground, a nose and a tear, Wang Wang shouted: "Sun boss, Sun boss, look at the loyalty of the side of the animal husbandry, this hundred big board even if it is, no longer dare after the animal husbandry And I won’t dare anymore..."

Sun Hao was unmoved and sipped coldly in his mouth: "Give me a fight."

Zhu Pang took the fierce sword in one hand and lifted it with one hand. He was ready to go. This guy knows that he is not dead and grazing, and he has made up his mind to let the animal husbandry rest for decades, and his body is dazzling, but it is really good.

The side of the grazing shivered, the fear in my heart was abnormal, and my mouth groaned: "Dead, dead, the dog is finished this time..."

At this time, just as Zhu Pang was about to fall, the second layer of the condensate empty tower suddenly came with a "wow" sound, a very crisp child crying, this sound is very crisp, the entire second floor Everyone can hear it clearly.

Sun Hao’s face is slightly stunned.

On the second floor, Xuanyuanhong’s slightly weak voice came out: “Xiaohao, Xiaocao Xinsheng, it’s not good to see blood today, and this board of the animal husbandry is free.”

The priest was on the ground and slammed.

Zhu Ling kicked it.

Bianmu immediately reacted, and his mouth screamed: "Congratulations to the boss, He Xizheng, I like to add a lot of money, the real woman is kind and kind, the world is admired, the grassy princess is mighty, and the beast will become your guardian dog..."

In the voice of Bianmu, Xuanyuan’s red face was slightly awkward, and a little baby girl wrapped in a red silk appeared outside the gate. Behind her, she followed Xiaoxiao, Hey, Linger, Xiaohuo and so on. Sun Hao’s guilt.

It can be seen that they should all be waiting for the little princess to be born.

The grass is the name of Xuanyuanhong who gave the girl in the belly of her mother. After shouting a few times, she widened her eyes and looked around curiously.

In Sun Hao’s heart, he felt the difference slightly. According to the truth, Xiaocao was born, and according to his cultivation, he should have been able to sense it.

Why did the grass come out so suddenly? This child, it seems that he does not follow the common sense, and he gives himself a surprise when he is born.

The time of birth is also just right, let Xuanyuan red sell a side of the animal husbandry, it will not be Xiaohong's old gentleman Wei Ling works?

These thoughts flashed in an instant, and Sun Hao’s heart was replaced by surprises. This is Sun Hao’s body as a monk, and he truly saw his descendants born in this world.

The body shook a little, and Sun Hao stood next to Xuanyuanhong. He took the grass and hugged it. His face showed a bright smile. He said, "Small grass, grass, come, let you be good." Take a look and see if our grass looks like me."

Next to Sun Hao, the monks said in a loud voice: "Congratulations to adults, they are happy."

Zhu Pang shrugged and put the Taikoo Sword in the petals of the pear flower. He also said loudly in his mouth: "Congratulations to Xiaohao."

Although the grass has just been born, but the pregnancy is decades, near the mother, may have been able to perceive many things outside.

After seeing Sun Hao, the small face showed a bright smile, and the mouth moved a few times, and it was vaguely, and it was actually called "Hey."

Sun Hao couldn't help but surprise him. He said to her people: "She is screaming. When she was born, she knew that she was screaming."

Beside the animal husbandry, he said loudly: "The little princess is talented and clever, and when he is born, he can speak and speak, and save the dog and his life. That is the real **** of heaven." (To be continued.)

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