Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2093: Shenwei Gai Shi (3)

No matter what you can do, you can't expect anyone in the world.

The Shuren and the Morgans plan to draw the Terran Airship, and originally thought that they must win the game. All they need is to be on the sidelines.

The opening form is also very good, the Terran has been firmly suppressed, and it will be a serious injury and death.

No one thought of the turning point.

The reason why the Qiyuntianship will be in the world is that the human race has been rising rapidly, representing the irresistible trend of the Terran.

In the midst of it, it has its own will.

Sun Hao came forward from the Wanli Songhai.

The six golden figures appeared on the scene, and the magical law appeared in the world; the golden silkworms in the world were fierce, and the tree was turned off.

Fight the Morgan Protoss again.

With one enemy and two, they resisted the two major companions and powers, and when the Terran repaired it, they squeezed a sweat.

The battle was firmly in the hands of Sun.

A headless warrior, cut Momo Somatian did not fight back, like a sparrow, flying all over the sky.

A supernatural power, continuous fighting for ten days, and pressure on the Momo cable days with the extension of the domain.

And when everyone thinks this is the strongest battle of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao told them by fact that he has a stronger means.

Zhang Liujin holds the incense sword, arbitrarily rushing into the extension domain-class flying ship. The spacecraft's bodyguard array is regarded as nothing, Sun Hao is invading, Mosuotian's big waves and the sky, but also the six-gold figure Does not have any impact.

The golden golden body is hand-held with a streamlined agarwood.

Unbeatable, he entered the Tuoyu spacecraft, killing the momentum and chasing Momosol.

When the battle evolved to this time.

All Terran monks have been completely shocked, and at the same time, they have fully understood. After the First World War, the Chinese people are afraid that they have embarked on a completely different era, fearing that they have entered a period that is completely incomparable.

What does it mean to be a monk who can force the early stage of the fit?

It means that in the next few years, the Zhongxu Terran will continue to be brilliant, and it will develop rapidly. It will no longer be a dream.

It means that the Terran will be well-received and the people will admire.

Of course, it is likely to mean that the Zhongxu people have embarked on the battle for the Quartet and the war.

One will be a million bones, and the great can be born.

If you take a finger and count it, if Sun Haosun Shen Xiang can advance to the middle of the fit, then there are several hundred thousand years to let Sun Hao develop the human strength.

As long as Sun Hao can go further, he may be able to take the lead in Zhongxu and become an absolutely powerful existence. At that time, in addition to the races of the Qiyun Tianshi and the races that are guarded by the spirits, who Dare to block the human race.

The human race monks, looking at each other, saw the excitement, passion and desire in each other's eyes.

The beautiful faces of the two goddesses even appeared blushing and imagining.

Single solitary sword, into the extension of the spaceship, chasing Momo Suotian, Sun Hao this brave fighting stance, this kind of male heroic, really makes the opposite **** happy.

The Tuofei spacecraft is huge and the hull is very large. Sun Hao and Momo Suo are chasing and slashing, playing fiercely, and the hull is enough for them to move.

However, a powerful attack broke out within the body of the Flying Sword, and the impact was enormous.

The powerful energy flow of the two large-scale combined powers has produced tremendous destructive power. The main body of the flying ship is struggling under the constant impact wave attack. On the flying ship, many defensive forces are relatively poorly constructed in the impact of energy waves. Underneath, the iron juice burnt like a fire is generally soft and destroyed.

Many of the Morganic Protoss in the construction were unclear and suffered from the shackles of the fish and were killed in the aftermath of the two mighty wars.

On the extension of the spaceship, Sun Hao shot unscrupulously, every move is quite fierce, and there is no need to consider whether it will be accidentally injured.

Momo is a passive battle, can not keep hands, simply can not care so much, or else it is self.

In the heart, he hated Sun Hao, but Momo was unable to help.

Quickly, half an hour of intense attack and defense, the Tuoyu spacecraft has been shaken by internal and external double blows.

In the eyes of Sun Hao, the cold flashed, and he sighed in his mouth: "Suo Tiandaoyou, Tuoyu Feiship can no longer give you shelter. Today, you are in danger of escaping and giving me a break..."

The golden hands raised the agarwood sword, and Sun Hao’s body leaped and jumped, his hands jerked down, and the man slammed upside down in the air.

Brushing, four swords in a row, bringing up four huge swordsmanships, falling down to the top of the domain.

These four swords, crossed out, swordsman, formed four beams of different colors in the air, far away, just like a huge "meter" word down.

These four swords, a sword blue, swordsmanship seems to have waves rolling, the sea roaring, is Sun Hao's sword of the sea.

These four swords, a sword black, swordsmanship contains a savage, murderous, is the sword of Sun Hao's killing.

These four swords, a sword gold, swordsmanship broke out in the sky, fighting infinite, is the sword of Sun Hao's fighter.

These four swords, a sword, and the swordsmanship seem to have a whistling wind, the wind blade is boundless, is the sword of Sun Hao's eight winds.

The "meter" type swordsmanship fell from the sky.

The four swordsmanships are extremely fast, screaming from the sky and squatting on the extension of the hull.

The huge hull instantly appeared in a large m-shaped figure.

A huge figure of rice that traverses from above the hull and rushes out from below the hull.

A word of rice, through.

The huge extension of the spaceship, not much more, was unloaded eight.

The sky was burning and exploding, and the eight large hulls dragged long black smoke and fell from the air.

After being destroyed, the Tuoyu spacecraft was forcibly destroyed.

The extension domain-class spacecraft was unable to resist the late-stage combat power, but it was destroyed in the case of a late-coming battle. It can also be seen from the height of the two combined strengths.

Momoso days escaped Sun Hao’s attack. When he looked back, he suddenly discovered that his own extensional spacecraft had been forcibly degraded in the air. Suddenly, his heart was wide and his eyes sparkled with light and began to think about his own retreat.

On the hull of the eight flying pendants, many Morganic Protossmen flew out, like a small fly, was alarmed from a stinky mountain, and fled in horror.

However, Sun Hao made up his mind not to stay alive, and naturally he would not let them escape easily.

In the eyes flashed merciful, Sun Hao said lowly: "You friends all the way to go."

In the voice, in the sky, a huge gold-plated giant stick shrouded the hull of the entire Tuoyuan flying ship, and it fell into the sky.

With a bang, eight hulls were smashed on the ground by a stick, and the Morgan monks, among them, were also smashed by a stick.

The earth trembled, the sky shook, the huge sounds, the deafening, the huge shock wave, rushing out from the place where the stick fell, the ground, like a spider web, cracked.

The eight hulls of the extensional spacecraft were deeply embedded in the surface.

On the ground, in the dust, it seems to be able to see the dark red of the blood.

Sun Hao’s eyes were firm, and the gods knew that the magical law and the fighting of the sticks were in one fell swoop. They were high-pitched, bouncing, and bombing... and they smashed seven or eight sticks in a row.

The ground has pulled out a deep trench, and the Tuofei spacecraft, together with the surrounding mountains, has been deeply plunged into a large section, becoming a sturdy valley.

Looking down, I can't see any traces of the spacecraft. I only see the re-solidified, solid soil layer.

Momoso floated in the air, his eyes were amazed, and his heart was stunned.

The sinister Terran Kid, thousands of Morganic Protoss, was completely ruined to the bottom of the earth, and was smashed into patties, set in the earth.

Flying all over the Momo Soda’s heart screaming away from the squad, the movement was a little slow, and he was swept by the corpse of the corps, and spit a blood, flying a hundred miles to avoid the successive The coming of the storm.

Kill the extension domain.

Sun Hao, Shen Xiangjian, pointed to Momo, and said softly in his mouth: "The Morgan and Shenxiang have a little private holiday, and today they will pay homage to my ancestors in the spirit of heaven."

At the time of the Tianling continent, Sun Hao received the two major inheritances of Xuanyuan and Xiong's ancestors. The proud and sacred sacred spirits and the three flavors of the baby fire, both inheritances have great help to Sun Hao's practice. For Sun Hao, he has cultivated the foundation of cultivation.

There is Xiong Shi, who has the grace of art in Sun Hao.

In the imaginary Qilin Pavilion, Sun Hao received the inheritance of his ancestor's "Aoyu Bafa".

It can be said that the ancestors had a half-teacher friendship with Sun Hao, and the Kirin Pavilion obelisk recorded that the ancestors were generous and embarrassed in the battle against the enemy Morgans.

This is the private grievance that Sun Hao said. (To be continued.)

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