Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2087: Strong victory

Strong semiconductor? Zheng Yuanzi’s heart is filled with all kinds of different flavors in an instant. Sun Hao’s promotion of the fit is known to him, and his heart is more complicated.

On the one hand, there is a second fit in Zhongxu. His pressure is small, and the Terran adds another battle. He is happy.

On the other hand, the Terran has risen again, and he is a little jealous in his heart. He is afraid that this new fit will be forgotten and cause unnecessary disputes.

But now, the fit is actually practiced as a strong semiconductor. Zheng Yuanzi’s mood is a bit sour and sorrowful. It’s not easy for the Terran to fit together, but the Terran environment does not support a normal fit to continue practicing.

Although the strong semiconductor is a bit pity, but at least it has a good fighting power.

It is a pity that Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang’s law is golden.

To know that his Zheng Yuanzi has not been fully cultivated, it is only a prototype, and he does not dare to use it in this environment to fight against the enemy.

In the sky, two tall and unparalleled laws fought loudly, and the sky was raging and the momentum was rampant.

The three-party monk, in addition to Zheng Yuanzi is still entangled in the rubble, the other monks have stopped the battle, watching the war.

The old tree sneaked out and tried to capture the flying rainbow in the clouds. The Momo cable volley was waiting to fly over the legendary extension domain.

The air once again formed a confrontation.

The Morgan spaceship tried to sneak up on Masako, and Bai Chen and Liu Bo, who were also recovered, were in the air.

The two laws have not produced results, and no one wants to take advantage of the opportunity.

In contrast, the Morgan monks have more confidence in their bosses. The Momosotians are old-fashioned and powerful, and they are famous. In the process of the growth of most Morgan monks, they have never heard of the defeat of adults.

A few monks in the Terran are somewhat awkward, and their confidence is not very good. The high-ranking monks basically know the past of Sun Hao. They know that Sun Hao’s cultivation time is not long. It is very rare to become a strong semiconductor. Don’t think about it. Can fight.

However, with Sun Hao, the competition for the gas carrier will not be so big, and the loss of the Terran will not be so great.

The two law-related battles in the air, flying sand and stone, between the heavens and the earth, is a comprehensive test for the monks of both sides.

The persistence of the power of the Yuanshen, the persistence of the power of the true Yuan, and the severity of the weapon of the Fa, will affect the final battle outcome.

In all three aspects, no matter which angle of analysis, it should be that Momoso has the upper hand.

The tree man He Yutian is even using his brains. He will try to conquer the weak people and defeat the Morgans together, and then fight for the airship.

The law and the war fought for more than one hour, regardless of the top and bottom, playing hard to understand.

In the aftermath of the war, the stubborn pine trees of Dongtianzhi were swept away, and the Shuren monks were exposed one by one.

Fortunately, there are trees and people who have cleared the influence of the aftermath in time, and there is no huge fire in the forest. Otherwise, the whole cloud network Tianluo has become a huge fire cage.

Sun Hao’s face always has a faint smile, not a particularly urgent result.

This is the first time that Sun Hao has fought with the law and is still adapting to this powerful fighting style.

After another fierce battle, it is still difficult to divide up and down. Momo's brows are wrinkled, and the accumulation and tenacity of the other gods are beyond imagination, and they do not seem to have the upper hand.

How could this be? It seems that his own magical law has been a bit tired, and the other side is still alive and kicking, and the refining of a monk in the early days of integration will be completely beyond the self-cultivation level. How is this possible?

Regardless of whether he admits it or not, Momoso found that if he didn't want to do it, the law would be defeated. If so, then it would be a bright trick.

A long scream in the sky, Momo Suotian blasted: "The martial arts of the magical law is also good and weak, the kid, I let you see the power of the law."

The heart is free to move, and the dragon chopper circling in the air, smashing out nine huge dragons, roaring and flying, forming a huge battle array, rushing over to the three heads and six arms.

Fawu, a powerful French martial art, in addition to the ability to play the combat power of the law, can also call the power of the law to form their own special combat capabilities.

The coming of the Kowloon is the powerful weapon of the dragon knife. Momoso used this trick to defeat the opponent's strong phase.

Today, I don’t believe that the human race can stand up.

The three-headed six-armed sacred magical weapon in the hands of the stick, the sound of Sun Hao broke out in his mouth: "It's good."

Driven by the power of the Yuanshen, fighting for a thousand miles, the morale of the three-headed and six-armed law.

Driven by the power of the Yuanshen, Dou Tiancun circling became a huge mirror, and the fighting stars were moved out. The violent attacks of the nine Golden Dragons were transferred one by one, hitting the air and bursting with brilliant fireworks.

The real element is fully driven, and the power of the gods is fully driven. The three hands of the six-armed six-armed magical system are held on the stick, waving the stick, bringing the golden light, and slamming forward.

Fighting the sky.

This is the first time that Sun Hao has taken the law against the law. In front, he is really familiar with the law.

In the Momosotian, Sun Hao learned a lot, and really understood that the fighting style of the Tiantian three is originally the French combat skills.

When the battle broke out, the sky suddenly showed a scene, and the golden light broke through and turned into a big stick. It was like a broken bamboo and killed the Cyclops.

The huge power is shrouded in the Cyclops, and the Cyclops seem to be suddenly stunned by the gods.

A one-eyed look reveals amazement.

In the hands of the dragon knife sternly across his chest, picking up a knife shadow, trying to resist.

The golden stick is everywhere, and it is ruined.

The knife light meets the morning sun like ice and snow, and instantly melts. When the sound is heard, the dragon knife is spotted by the golden stick.

Hey, a series of crit sounds, and the Doojin Golden Stick is directly inserted into the Cyclops chest, and smashed directly from the bottom up.

With a bang, Doosan Jinguang rushed out from the head of the Cyclops.

In the huge one-eyed eyes, the incredible eyes flashed through the sky, and the body of the Cyclops standing on the ground began to explode. In the rumble, the fireworks exploded and floated in the air.

The tall and mighty three-headed six-armed gods are in the air of a whirlwind, and the huge club head is on the day of Momo, the golden light, the gods and the world, and the imposing manner is shrouded in the body of Momo.

Momo's mouth was sullen, his eyes were full of horror, and his body was awkward, barely standing, and looked at Sun Hao unbelievably.

How is it possible that his own magical law is directly defeated, which means that the power of the other god's magical law is far beyond himself.

The three-way monks are a little bit worried.

From the outbreak of Momoso to Momoso, it was forced to be defeated. It came a bit fast, and it was very unexpected. It was particularly shocking.

This looks like a young man who is too young to be a monk How can it be so powerful?

The battle of magical law, the descendants of the human race, unexpectedly, won out.

Others are in a daze, Momo is not going to be.

Although the war situation will change like this, Momosotian does not want to admit it, but the fact is that it is so fast, Momoso takes a leap and floats on the top of his own spaceship. Sun Hao’s magical law.

Momo Soma reacted, and he was standing at the speed of his brother. He whispered, "Big brother, is it okay?"

Momoso shook his head slightly and looked at the fighting gold stick. He said in his mouth: "Old tree, for the sake of the present, or you and me, or else no one is a human opponent."

Speaking this time, with his departure, Capricorn can be weakened by Zheng Yuanzi.

Zheng Yuanzi finally recovered a certain combat power and also said aloud: "Old tree, if you know the overall situation, you will help me to destroy the Morgans, the seeds, and everyone can discuss."

On the legendary top-of-the-range airship, the old tree looked at Sun Hao’s tall, three-headed six-armed arm. He said in a loud voice: "Suo Tianxiong, help me stop the Terran, how do I first collect the airship?"

The strength of the three ships in the virtual, it is able to enhance the racial strength, the gas can be able to fight against the fit monks, and the Momo cable days have the strength to speak with Sun Hao as long as they have the extension of the Tianyu class.

The old tree is still the weakest, and hopes to refine the gas-shipship to enhance its own strength and to qualify for tripartite dialogue.

Momosol has not spoken yet, and Sun Hao said in a faint manner: "The tree people give you the last chance. You are now out of time and you don't want to give up the reason for killing."

So strong? The old tree stayed, and Zheng Yuanzi also stunned, no longer talking, let Sun Hao deal with it. (To be continued.)

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