Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2056: Bohai Huyang

Sun Hao has participated in the auction of Chongtiancheng in Xia.

The auction site of Chongtiancheng gave Sun Hao the feeling of grandeur, especially when the giants and dragons came to the auction, the momentum was quite large.

In the middle of the virtual, Sun Hao has also been to the auction of men and women, but the auction site there is more normal, and not open-air, but indoors, the male and female witch monks are elegant and noble, holding in their hands Holding a ball, holding each other and saying hello with a smile, when the auction, the fire is not very big.

Now returning to the Terran, participating in the auction house in East Kunlun, gave Sun Hao a completely different feeling.

Chongtiancheng auctions the atmosphere, and the male and female witches auction elegantly.

The auction in East Kunlun is quite mysterious.

Inside the box, it is quite delicately set. On the three walls, there are ink landscape paintings, and there are dragons and phoenixes on the top, and the antique taste is coming.

However, the three walls are more infiltrating, and it is completely reddish blood. It seems that there is blood flowing slowly.

Right in front of Sun Hao, there is a small window where the monks can observe the auction through the window.

There are three futons in the room. There is a wooden coffee table in front of each futon. After the three come in, it is natural to sit down on the futon. The white-faced female whispered softly: "Three VIPs, Xuenu is very happy to serve you. I would like to ask three people what drinks are needed. I have spirits, blood springs, toon, and spirit tea..."

Sun Hao smiled indifferently: "Give me a cup of tea, right, is there an auction list?"

Xuenu gently said to Sun Hao: "Okay, a cup of Lingcha, adults, the list of auctions is on the coffee table. If the adults just order a few coffee tables, there will naturally be information that adults need."

Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing sat down around Sun Hao, Lushan asked for a cup of blood spring, Wei Xinbing asked for a glass of spirits and frowned and said: "Acne, you are too bloody, how to drink the stuff, let You don’t listen to the practice of yin and yang, and you will not listen to it. So sooner or later, you will be screaming and dying.

Lushan looked at Sun Hao and did not answer.

On the coffee table, three antique tea cups were automatically raised. In front of Sun Hao, it was a cup of Lingcha, but in front of Lushan, it was a cup of blood. Lushan opened his mouth and sucked it into blood.

Sun Hao picked up the teacup and took a sip of it. The gods swept the coffee table and found that the coffee table was really interesting. It was like a mirror, and there were many options, like drinks, Sun Hao’s information, inside. Have.

Sun Hao ordered the auction information, and a row of lists began to appear on the coffee table.

This auction of the Goremon Island is very high, and there are treasures that will appear in the robbery period.

Sun Hao swept away. Among the entire 100 auction items, at least five auction items caused Sun Hao's attention and interest. At that time, if the cost is not large, you can take a look.

Among them, the main purpose of Sun Hao’s coming, that is, the information provided by Xia Qingyu, the seed of the tree that will appear in the auction is ranked in the 87th place.

"Bohai Populus" tree species, a kind of tree that grows in the desert or in the Gobi, and can grow stubbornly without water.

Its greatest feature is that its survivability surpasses the conventional strength and can endure the drought of hundreds of thousands of years. It only needs a little bit of water to thrive.

You can also endure the living environment where the aura is almost exhausted. As long as there is a hint of aura, you can maintain your spirituality.

Even if there is no aura environment at all, Bohai Populus will be weakened into a tall poplar tree, standing firmly in the depths of the desert.

In the network of branches and veins, various kinds of tree species have been classified in detail. The classification method is also the third-grade and nine-level products of the ancient world. Among them, there are records of the Bohai Populus euphratica. The position is not bad, and it has reached the "human level top grade."

According to the records of the pulse network, the better requirements for cultivation have been achieved.

The basic requirement for the practice of pulse network refining is that Lingshu is a product, at least it must be a human-grade tree species. However, this kind of spiritual tree grows up in the veins of the monks and helps the monks. Not particularly big.

At least people can get a good blessing effect.

It is better to have a person-level product. At this time, all kinds of tree species have begun to have some unique abilities, which can help the monks in some way.

For example, when Bohai Huyang and Sun Hao cultivated in Dantian, once they formed a network in the body of Sun Hao, the toughness of Sun Hao’s body will be greatly enhanced in the future. Sun Hao can be as extremely dry as the Bohai Populus. When the aura is extremely exhausted, it can survive tenaciously.

Don't look at the Bohai Huyang is just a top-level product, as if the level is not high, there are two levels of land level and heaven level above the people level, but Sun Hao knows that today's cultivation world is vastly different from ancient times.

Many ancient treasured species have become legends now.

Sun Hao asked Xia Qingyu to help find the tree species. Xia Qingyu must be very careful, but in a few years, this is the first time that the tree species information has been used together. It can be seen that, in modern times, it is only rare that the species of Lingshu is very rare.

Sun Hao has always attached importance to the foundation. If you can get a better tree species, it is best, but it is estimated that the tree species are already very difficult to obtain. It is already very good to find the human-grade product.

Mainly in the vein network, there is also a way to strengthen the spiritual tree in the body. At that time, in the process of self-cultivation, he can continue to improve his quality. When the grid construction is completed, the spirit tree itself should It can also be promoted to the level of the prefecture, which has a good auxiliary effect on itself.

Judging from the auction position of Bohai Huyang, the status of this auction item is not low or low. Among all the auction items, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized one. It is estimated that it is not a special cultivation family or a special-purpose monk. The demand is not very big.

After reading Xia Qingyu's actions to collect tree species, it is relatively hidden, and it does not make the world known. Otherwise, the tree species of the East Kunlun Wanxue Demon Island will not be like this.

The auction item of the tenth place is a bit interesting. It is a rare elixir. In the hands of Sun Hao, it can be used as a treasure for the refining of the monk. It depends on the age of the elixir and the extent of the spirit. .

There are also two or three items on the back, which are quite interesting. One of them is hidden in many auction items. It is unremarkable. Wanweimo Island is not very high in positioning, but as far as Sun Hao knows, this If the auction item is really the same name in ancient times, it is worth the price.

No hurry, Sun Hao quietly waited for the auction to start while drinking tea.

The monks who participated in the auction gradually came, and Sun Hao began to look at the scene of the entire auction site.

The light of the entire auction site is a dark dark red, carefully observed around, Sun Hao found that the auction site is likely to be built in the **** lake of Wanxue Island, surrounded by a dark red, like a mirror The walls, looking far away, can also see the blood flowing slowly.

In addition to the box, there is a huge auction hall underneath, facing the central auction platform on all sides, centered on the platform, and the gentle **** extends to all sides. Each gentle **** is actually composed of slowly flowing blood.

One by one, the futon floated on the blood, and there was a single coffee table in front of the futon. The monks who came to the auction floated on the futon and sat in front of the coffee table, quietly looking forward to the beginning of the auction.

Sun Hao observed the the monk sitting on the futon body is moving slowly, that is to say, the position of the auction monk is slowly changing.

There is not much sound in the entire auction floor, which is quite depressing.

What surprised Sun Hao was that this high-ranking auction actually reached a large number of monks, far beyond Sun Hao’s expectations.

The ranks of the Terran in the virtual are relatively high, and they are placed in the top 100, and there is a fit.

However, the overall strength of the Terran is not particularly strong. There are no more than 30 dissident monks, and there are more robberies, but only a few hundred, not a thousand.

And most of the monks should be practicing in retreats. There should be not many people who reasonably believe in the auction.

But now, the number of people in the entire auction site far exceeds a thousand, reaching more than 2,000 people.

Only the more than two thousand robbers over the monks, the reason is that there are more than one ethnic monk in the race, many of whom are foreign monks. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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