Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2049: Witch god

It’s just that the errors caused by different cognitions have caused a big fight.

Hao Anyi just wants to double-education. When it comes to Tianling mainland, there is no problem at all. The yin and yang combination method he taught is actually the technique of the Emperor's Avenue. As long as it is used well, it is very helpful to the monks.

Goodbye Wei Xinbing, Sun Hao does not have the narrow view. If you don’t meet, you will call and kill, but you will have more understanding.

Compared with Hao Anyi's experience, there are many ethnic rules that make Sun Hao stunned.

Not to mention other, it is said that the grass poison people, they are ethnic hospitality, are poisons, the higher the level, the more toxic, the poisonous guests are green and that is the highest etiquette.

It’s incredible to go to the Terran to see it here.

There are also male and female witches, in fact, there is a racial habit, and Sun Hao is also very uncomfortable.

The witches are relatively independent, they have the right to raise male pets, and the habits of the human race are very different.

For example, the unicorns of the celestial beings, their custom is child-raising, and some small unicorns that may grow into human figures are raised from a young age to cultivate their feelings. Once they have successfully turned into a singularly beautiful woman, they can easily enter the door. It is.

The most outrageous is that some fish people, hermaphrodites, and their own mating marriage, people can not imagine.

In a word, after the Zhongxu, the more people who came into contact with the virtual world, the more weird people saw, and Sun Hao gradually became strange.

The virtual world is a place where many ethnic groups are accustomed to integration. You can't force others to act according to your world outlook and outlook on life.

No one can do it.

Xia Qingyu did not go to the Witch God Palace, but it was not afraid of things, but she really did not like the Witch God Palace, and she would rather stay away from it.

Sun Hao followed the two landlords Lu Lu and Wei Xinbing and flew to the Witch God Palace.

On the road, Lu Shan gave Sun Hao a detailed introduction to the origin of the Witch God Palace and some basic features.

The Witch God Palace is the holy land of the East Kunlun Mountains. It is an important holy place for the Terran. It has no relationship with the Wu people that Sun Hao has contacted.

Moreover, the meaning of this witch **** representative is also fundamentally different from the witch genius that Sun Hao knew before.

Witch God, come from the beginning, from "Gao Tang Fu", in the legend, a human race, the Yunmen Gate, dream of the goddess of the goddess: "When you are in the sun of Wushan, the high hills of Yin. Dan is the cloud, 暮For the rain, pilgrimage, under the balcony."

Wushan Yunyu refers to the power of the gods and the goddess, the heavens and the earth meet, generating rainfall, which in turn makes the grain harvest, the people rich, and the human race strong...

The Witch God Palace is also famous for this.

In fact, in the eyes of the Western Kunlun monks, the Witch God Palace has another name called "Stained God Palace."

The Witch God Palace in the eyes of the righteous monks in West Kunlun is the sorrow of humanity, Hu Tianhu, dirty and unbearable land. The so-called witch **** is actually a god.

Liu Bo, the head of the Eastern Kunlun Devil, was praised by the Eastern Kunlun Devils as the King of the King, but the West Kunlun Corrector usually called it "the **** Liu", meaning that this person's character is really inferior, to the "stained The point of slag.

However, Sun Hao can see from the expression of Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing that the two of them actually did not evaluate Liu Bo very badly.

In addition to the words, they all hint at Sun Hao. At present, the reason why the East Kunlun can have such a stable overall situation is that the **** Liu Gong is indispensable and cannot be killed by a stick.

Sun Hao is very puzzled about the attitude of these two people. How do these two guys seem to be afraid that they will not ask the innocent, directly take the look of the **** Wang Liu Kaidao, do they have such a hegemony?

If you are really an unscrupulous Lord, will you follow the low-key behind them to the Witch Palace?

If you change another fit, you may go straight to the Witch God Palace to show your existence.

The Witch God Palace is very different from the Kunxu Palace.

On the side of Kunxu, it is a combination of various buildings that form an imaginary palace floating between the clouds.

The Witch God Palace is truly a huge palace building.

The nine majestic mountains are like the Kowloon holdings. They are gathered from nine directions. In the middle of the nine leading faucets, a majestic Tiangong is built. This is the Witch God Palace.

The entire East Kunlun, with the Witch God Palace as the core, spreads out along the majestic mountains of the nine dragons.

The powerful Terran Monk monks are evenly distributed outwards according to the strength of the nine dragon veins.

Lu Shan and Wei Xinbing have been practicing to the middle of distraction, and they are very young and become the real upstart in the Witch God Palace.

Stepping into the Witch God Palace, Sun Hao discovered that both Lushan and Wei Xinbing had their own exclusive palaces, and they also attached a lot of power to their men.

The palace inhabited by Lushan is called the Palace of Killing.

The palace inhabited by Wei Xinbing is very tacky, and the name is King Kong.

It seems that Wei Xinbing’s status in the Wushen Palace is more than that of Lushan. The size of the palace and the attached monks are much higher than Lushan.

Killing the magic palace is a murderous temper, but King Kong does not fall to the palace but it is a rouge.

Sun Hao chose to live in the Killing Palace, and Wei Xinbing was more evil when he saw it. He was not happy with Sun Hao.

I lived in a huge, killing palace that was much bigger than the amazing Jinghua City that Sun Hao saw in the past. When I saw the monks who worshiped Lu’s summit, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly sighed.

Unconsciously, have you reached such a height?

Are one of your own disciples already sheltering thousands of monks? Think about it, it’s true.

Lushan has also become a distracting power, qualified to lead a palace in the Witch God Palace, and naturally has the ability to let people around him have a better cultivation environment.

In fact, the Yaotai Peak on the side of Xia Qingyu seems to be also in this pattern. Many women are sheltered under the wing of the rain and climb the avenue.

There are all kinds of palaces in the killing palace. The huge palace even becomes a small society. There are trading markets in the streets, alchemy areas, special performances, and even own large auction houses.

Killing Lulu has its own killing Guards, which is responsible for the continuous maintenance of the Killing Palace. It has its own killing corps, which is responsible for the external warfare during the war.

From the faces of the soldiers who killed the Magic Corps, Sun Hao can still see pride, honor and belonging. It can be seen that this is a division of war.

The strength of the entire killing palace is definitely more than the Lingtian swordsman countless times.

This is the reality, there is a huge difference between the virtual and the virtual.

In the Kunxu Palace, Sun Hao did not wander around, even Yao Yaofeng of Xia Qingyu had not been to, but directly entered the collection of relatively small, well-managed collections, so that the feeling of this Not very deep.

Nowadays, when he is stationed in the Killing Palace, Sun Hao feels a little different after his advanced fit.

Unconsciously, my side, my own periphery, many people, knowing or not knowing have a relationship with themselves, this may be the typical characteristics of the Terran, and what? .

There are still two days to go to the large auction of the Witch God Palace. Since Sun Hao came over and did not intend to idle, he directly proposed to Lushan and Wei Xinbing to go to the holy place of the East Kunlun.

The East and West Kunlun have their own inheritance.

And each has its own merits.

The way of collecting books is also very different.

The collections in the West Kunlun are divided into different categories, the imperial emperor, the three cabinets and one room, so that the younger disciples to find opportunities.

Everything is on the bright side.

The East Kunlun side is completely different. The collection here is exactly one.

Simple and straightforward, all the inheritance of all the books is a book "Xuantian Magic".

The tall Wushen Palace top, a dark magic book, that is, "Xuantian Magic", pay a certain contribution, the monk can get the opportunity to open the magic, what you need, you give the magic.

Then, after taking a certain price, the monk can get the training he needs from the magic.

To be precise, the Xuantian Magic is a powerful innate spiritual treasure that has produced a spirit. The monk wants something with him, that is, exchanges. Moreover, he only earns no compensation. For so many years, I don’t know how many practices are stored. The skill.

The Xuantian Magic Code is very strict. It is difficult for ordinary monks to approach the real Wushen Palace, but it is qualified to go to kill Lulu.

Leading Sun Hao to the sky, the two flew straight to the top of the Witch God Palace, the highest house on the cockroach, floating a book that seems to be only half a foot wide, two inches thick, one foot long, black skull cover.

Books floating in the air, it seems that there is no abnormality.

But with the heart, Sun Hao feels that his front is not a book, but a dark, like a whirlpool that pulls the human will. (~^~)

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