Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2046: Elimination point

At this point, it is different from the previous one.

Originally, they did not pay attention to the monks of Kirin Court. Now they are always watching Sun Hao’s movements. They are still waiting for Sun Hao to come out and appear to be tall and apprentice.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Xiaohao’s kid got a bargain and sold it, but he still had to take it, and he wanted to go up.

Hey, the three floors of Kirin Court are not ready to enter.

This is the hero of the Terran, which is the place where the Terran celestial rites are buried. Some even fall to the outside. A glimpse of the will to return to the sacred spirits, if you want to enter the third floor of the Kirin Pavilion, hehehe, the ordinary Terran monks really can't.

Even if they are three, it seems that only Xiaohe has been there once.

Going up to the third floor of Kirin Court, you need a good time and a good place, and the three are suitable. The right place at the right time, the right person, can enter.

This kid, don't know the mystery, think he can go in?

With a sincere heart, Sun Hao stepped on the ladder of the third layer of Qilin Pavilion.

Just stepping in, suddenly, an invisible majesty rushed down from above, Sun Hao has a strange feeling, as if at this time, there are a lot of big powers on his eyes, staring at himself seriously, let yourself not lightly .

Sun Hao stood on the ladder and silently said: "You seniors, the descendants of the human race, Sun Hao, Sun Shenxiang, now advance to fit, need to find the secret period of the fit, look at the Kirin Court, and ask the seniors to release."

The above is still majestic, as if it is being examined.

Sun Hao smiled lightly, stepped forward and slowly stepped on the ladder.

The sky seemed to have blown up the wind, and the huge pressure came to Sun Hao.

The three monks on the sidelines were funny, and the boy dared to go to the third floor of the Kirin Court, and he would know it would be amazing soon.

Huge and invisible pressures came, and Sun Hao was waiting to drive the golden body to resist. Suddenly, a piece of purple gold in his mind flashed slightly, and the faint purple-gold light flashed lightly on Sun Hao’s forehead.

The huge pressure that came down from it touched the golden light, as if it had been smashed, and then retreated like a tide.

Standing on the second step, Sun Hao has a huge difference from the feeling just now. At this time, the third floor of Kirin Court still looks like someone is examining himself, but this kind of review is gratifying and brings a thumbs up. Brought up with expectations.

There is no such majesty, and there is more cordiality.

Sun Hao’s heart glimpsed and instantly understood.

A product of Zijin belt is a reward that he has gained in the creation of a worldly meritorious service. It represents the supreme glory and represents the human race.

And this may be the most important thing for the predecessor of the human race, Yingjie.

After those fallen, they can still retain the heroes of the predecessors who passed down the unicorns. They are undoubtedly very sensitive to the human race and particularly sensitive to the human race.

It may not be easy for others to enter the third floor of Kirin Court, but it is estimated that they can come in and learn from the practice of their predecessors at any time.

Feeling the will of the Terran sages for the sake of race, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with admiration, and stood on the steps, and once again, he was deeply prayed.

Sincerely bowing, Sun Hao has just stepped forward and walked into the Kirin Pavilion.

The three bystanders were once again dumbfounded.

Going up, the kid’s evil door went up incomparably.

Can you get the recognition of the sages and spirits? Go straight up?

Doesn't it mean that when you step into the third floor of Kirin Court, you need to take up the divination, bathe and change clothes, pray in earnest, and get the approval of the ancestors of the predecessors before you can enter?

This kid is confused and goes in?

Sun Hao’s steps seemed to be slow and fast. It didn’t take long for him to go into the clouds and went straight to the third floor of Kirin Court.

The three bystanders face each other.

The evil door is strange.

Xiao He sighed: "The third floor of the Kirin Pavilion, the heroes are actually going to the monks, no, this is too important, you need to report."

After that, crushing a melody, Xiao He said: "Adult, Zhong Xiaohao ran into the hero, what should I do?"

Soon, Zheng Yuanzi sent three more words: "Know it."

Without any instructions, he "knows".

Xiaohe is holding a musical note, and he is speechless. Is this still the style of the boss? It is very different from his usual life. Every time a human race has a big event, isn’t he personally disposed of it personally? Is this time?

Kirin Court is so big, he actually does not care, "know"!

That's it, wait, see if Zhong Xiaohao arrives at the third floor of Kirin Court, can you gain something? If this kid really got the third layer of inheritance, then Xiaohe would like to see if the boss will know. "".

Sun Hao set foot on the third floor, and the entrance is a circular mound with a height of about two feet. Each of the mounds is covered with layers of green moss. The shape of the entire mound is very ancient. .

In front of the mound, there is a heroic monument, a width of one foot, a height of four feet, a sedan hanging ear, a mighty heroic monument.

On the inscription, there is a biography of the monk, and the inheritance of the monks.

This is the hero of the Terran monks.

A monk who can enter a heroic sorcerer has a great contribution to the human race, is loyal to the human race, and is a master of great power.

Their inheritance is hard to come by.

Their inheritance, every occurrence of one, is enough to alarm the emptiness of the human race.

Sun Hao stood quietly in the same place, and his knowledge was swept away. It has been seen that the minimum monk of the heroes here has also reached the point of great distraction, and at least half of the heroes of the heroes are left behind by the fit.

The number of life-long powers of the fit and the power is calculated in 100,000 years. It is very difficult to appear one, but it is not enough to accumulate the history of the hundreds of millions of years.

Even if it is a fit and a big energy, it can't stand the eroding of time. There are many great powers that have to regret to stay in the heroes before the longevity of Shouyuan, go out and fight hard, and more powers go. Return.

Some of them have escaped from the unyielding will, in this heroic shack, guarding the Kirin Pavilion, guarding their inheritance.

Putting his own clothes on his right hand, Sun Hao knees down in front of the heroes and puts his hands forward: "You predecessors have done their best for my people, God is returning to heaven and earth and the spirit is not scattered. Please accept the descendants of the younger generation, Sun Haosun, Shen Xiangyi. ”

Respectful decapitation, Sun Hao once again said: "You seniors, Aquilaria, come here, want a heart and body or God and body to practice the method, but also ask the seniors to enlighten."

Among the records of the Shiguange on the third floor of the Kirin Pavilion, the inheritance requirements here are quite demanding, and the predecessors who have passed down the inheritance are quite individual, one is not good, the monks who come in will be empty-handed, the best way is Speaking of what you need, if you meet the relevant requirements, Kirin Court will naturally give the answer.

If not, I can't ask for it.

After Sun Hao finished speaking, hundreds of heroes slowly turned themselves up. It is best that a moss seems to have dried up. The heroes who broke in the layers of the mound appeared in front of Sun Sun Hao bowed his heart and said, "Thank you for your predecessors."

This stood up straight, went forward, crossed the knees before the tombstone, and observed the inscription.

The master of the tombstone, the extension of the 瀚, the brilliant record of life, the rise of the next virtual, with the heroes of gold to break into the emptiness, a lifetime of war, countless, practice to the middle of the fit, for the Terran extension of 100,000 miles, guarding the Terran territory more than 100,000 years, the end Because of the exhaustion of Shouyuan, it was impossible to enter the late stage of the fit and sit in the Kunming Pavilion.

Because it is sitting, it has more inheritance, and at this time, it is one of the ones that Sun Hao came to ask for this time. The soul and the body of the body are "into the soul."

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and began to comprehend.

On the tombstone of the heroic scorpion, there is a burst of blue brilliance, like a small sun, shining in the entire unicorn pavilion. The three floors are like seeing the clouds and seeing the sunrise, bathed in a water blue, beautiful and beautiful. brilliant.

The three onlookers said in their hearts: "There is a big deal, and big things are going on. The three floors of the Kirin Pavilion are open, and the mid-sports can be passed down to the present world. It’s awful, and it’s incredible..."

Xiao He thought, boss, I don't believe that you can still hold your breath now.

The three-story inheritance of Qilin Pavilion can not be seen once in the millennium. Every time it appears, the fit and the power are rushing to collect the apprentices. In this period of time, the human race is a guardian of the fit, but no one is robbing him of his apprentice. Do not believe that Zheng Yuanzi will not be tempted.

A phonograph hit the past, and Xiao He whispered: "Boss, Zhong Xiaohao got the mid-term inheritance of the Qilin Pavilion hero."

After a while, Zheng Yuanzi’s angry voice passed over: “Are you stopping? I am in alchemy. In addition, you didn’t understand what I mean? The important thing is said three times, I know, I know, I know." (To be continued~^~)

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