Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1892: Master like a cloud

The silver-winged flying corpse roared and chased over to Sun Hao.

When the gods and grasses arrived, Sun Hao did not honed with this guy, his body swayed, and the wind slid away. The sky turned into a blue stream of light, drifting away at a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye.

The silver-winged flying corpse stood on the edge of his own nest, looking at the streamer that had already gone, touching his head, and feeling inexplicable.

This guy, nothing to run to fight with himself, he thought it was to fight for the ground, to fight for the right to rule, who knows, this guy just pulled out a few inevitable weeds to escape, it is inexplicable.

The silver-winged flying corpse did not catch up, which made Sun Hao a lot easier.

If it floats and falls to the ground, Sun Hao is still shaking the configuration bottle in his right hand.

The magical and powerful medicinal preparations are refining at the same time as the sacred grasses, and the success rate is the highest. At this time, if the silver-winged corpses are entangled in themselves, they do not want to refine themselves.

A few of the arrays were thrown out, and there was a thick fog around Sun Hao. The wrists were shocked again. In front of the simple configuration table, Sun Hao concentrated on the task and began to deploy the magical potion.

After a long time, Sun Hao picked up a reagent bottle in his hand, his face showed a faint smile, and said in his mouth: "This is good, the magic of the magical medicinal refining is successful, Xiaolan can finally be repaired."

After thinking about it, Sun Hao did not start immediately, but his wrists spurred, and another scorpion grass broke into the refining bottle and began the second refining.

After another half day, Sun Hao took the magical medicinal agent and showed a bright smile on his face.

On the shoulder of Sun Hao, Bianmu asked, boringly asked: "Boss, what is the use of this stuff? You look very happy."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The greatest role of the magical medicinal remedy is to make up for the deficiency of the soul. It can instantly increase the power of the spirit. If there is the power of the gods, once the gods encounter the war, or the soul is damaged, they are very powerful. Auxiliary, this is a powerful and powerful medicine."

Bian Wang Wang called: "Give me a bottle too."

Sun Hao took another scorpion out of the grass and continued to refine it. He said in his mouth: "Your spirit is sound and not damaged. It is pure waste to eat this. Don't mess, I will refine it." ”

Sun Hao is at hand, and there are only three paintings of the magical medicines of Shenmo Johnson and Johnson. The first two bottles have been successfully refining, and I don’t know what the luck of the last bottle will be.

After half a ring, a bang rang, a burst of blue smoke appeared in the refining bottle, and a layer of burnt black liquid appeared inside.

Bianmu Wang yelled: "Ha ha ha, refining failed, smelt into a paste"

Sun Hao shook his head slightly and put away the refining bottle. He said in his mouth: "The **** of medicine is against the sky, the share is self-determined, but it is forced to do so, and the animal husbandry, we need to go in what direction, I guess the Halloween Palace has been opened soon. But it is no longer a problem."

Looking at the right direction, Sun Hao put away his refining platform and the market, turned into a blue smoke, quickly swept away, and quickly went to the endless wilderness.

Within the spiritual room.

The old man’s eyes opened slightly and he said softly: “Is the **** magic strong medicine?”

After that, I closed my eyes and my face completely recovered.

Sun Haofei went away and quickly rushed to the road. At the same time, Gexu Wang had taken the team to the ground and stood before a huge ball-packed building.

The ball is not a complete prototype. In the middle, there is a building that rises upwards like a fruit stem. It points directly to the sky and carefully observes that the ball is like a pumpkin.

The pumpkin seems to have been hollowed out. From the outside, the hollowed out part is like this: "The true devil saved the world under the cover of the night, with the beat of death dance worshipping fear and death"

The font is ancient and does not know.

But when I saw this majestic and dignified pumpkin-like building on the ground, almost everyone understood the meaning of this sentence.

And this sentence is the symbol of the Halloween Palace.

Big pumpkin, true magic.

The Holy Palace is really alive and has not yet been opened.

The king of Gewang, with the team floating in front of a hollowed out big character of the big pumpkin, began to look around.

Gewang Wang is not the first one to arrive.

It is quite possible that the true demon is not the first race to come.

In front of the Halloween Palace, there have been no fewer than 20 teams, most of which have recognized the king.

When Gewangwang stood still, not far away, a dragon head with a big head, the tall and powerful dragon monk smiled and said: "The Witch King does not come innocent"

The male and female witches and the dragons have a good relationship, and the male and female witches have a dragon branch. The understanding of the two ethnic groups is not unexpected.

Gexu Wang smiled and stood up straight, quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "The Dragon King is more and more strong, and the cultivation is becoming more and more advanced. The trip to the Halloween Palace also requires the Dragon King to take care of one or two."

The dragon king looked up and laughed: "Let each other, everyone will take care of each other."

At this time, several monks around the king of Gexu gradually restored the real body, and the disc slammed on the dragon king, and said crisply: "Xiao Xiao met the dragon king."

The dragon king touched his beard and smiled at his face: "It’s not bad to be distracted."

After seeing the Dragon King, Ge Xuwang’s eyes glimpsed a little, looking far away, and saw a few white monks who had their wings and floated.

Joe Dan stood in this group of people.

Because of the fighting world, the flying people and the male and female witches began to succumb to evil. Qiao Dan saw the emptiness king and made a cold laugh in his mouth: "The male and female witches are really a big squad, the witch king and the female ritual, and they are present at the same time. It’s amazing, but if you’re not careful, the two are in the Palais, and it’s not a big mess for you.

Gexu Wang did not speak.

The bridesmaid replied with a cold and cold sentence: "To each other, the two six-winged flying people of the Flying People are planted in the Halloween Palace, and your flying gods are afraid that they will collapse."

Another great monk of the Flying People is waiting to speak, and suddenly, he turned to the direction of the Ge Wang, who had just entered.

Five light shadows, like flying.

Just in front of everyone, slowly turned into an entity, a monk wearing a bronze fang mask in the middle of a cold smile, said the yin test: "There is really neat, the king did not come late? How? What are you doing with this king? Do you want to fight now?"

The monks who came earlier did not pass their heads.

Dragon King 熬 哈 哈 哈 哈 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : “ “ 不 不 不 不 不

"Old bugs, everyone is half a catty or two", the king of death is sullen and said: "You are not better than me. I am a person who is shouting, and your dragons are not seen by people, but different. The fact that we are not dead are the enemy of others, and your dragon is the treasure in the eyes of others,"

Dragon King touches his beard: "I don't want to die, my heart is good~ Unfortunately, I won't stand in your camp. If there is a chance, I would like to swallow a few little devils to taste it."

The King of Undead did not continue to temper with the Dragon King, and strode forward with his own team.

Wherever he went, the less powerful race could not help but stand far away.

Until the position of Gewang Wang was almost side by side, he suddenly stopped and looked at the front of Gewangwang. The bronze horn mask swayed a few times, and his voice was low and said: "But the real magic Luoyue face?"

Not far from the front of the virgin king, it seems that there is a voice in the real demon who is always shrouded in the fog. The voice of the man and the woman is low and said: "The king of the undead is really good, it is indeed this seat. ""

Undead king said in a low voice: "True magic Luo Yue, true magic Luohe, true devil Luo two, the real demon is really good, three true devils come to the world, swaying the Holy Palace, it seems that this time, you have It is a must-have."

Luo Yue did not answer, but in the real magic camp, a clear voice came out: "Luo Lan, the younger generation, I have seen the King of Undead."

The mask of the bronze fangs of the Undead King was slightly shaken, and his mouth said: "It turned out that the princess was face-to-face, disrespectful and disrespectful."

While saying that, after the true demon, it is a place that is slightly ahead of the position of the flying people, the male, the witch, and the dragon, but it is arbitrarily acknowledging that its strength is slightly inferior to the true demon.

The scene settled down, no one spoke, and the distracted monks carefully looked at different ethnic camps, trying to judge the opponent's foot and increasing the chance of survival for the upcoming Halloween tour.

Within a few days, there were no fewer than 30 ethnic teams on the scene, and there were no fewer than 20 solitary monks. Each of them occupied one side and quietly waited for the opening of the Holy Palace.

No one dares to move around freely. To be continued ^

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