Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1888: Bone marrow jade cream

Sun Hao really does not believe that the corpse will have nothing, and the corpse is so difficult, it should not be nothing, how does its driving ability come from, how does its resurrection ability come, Sun Hao does not believe that there is no secret, think about it. Sun Hao thinks that the problem may be on the skeleton of the corpse.

The skeleton of the corpse is quite stable, and it has the posture of Sun Hao's unparalleled sword bone, which is difficult to be dispelled.

Sun Hao also seized the opportunity to use the giant spirit to break the army hammer continuously and quickly, and the strength of its infinitely hammering the same bone section over the spine more than ten times, which broke the spine.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is.

At the same time that the corpse spine was broken, it broke out suddenly and broke away from Sun Hao. The palms were gently gripped on their spines, and the broken spine was immediately healed again.

Sun Hao was slightly shocked. This corpse is very similar to his own criminal sorcerer. It is extremely uncomfortable to fight. It is extremely difficult to eliminate. The only difference is that the corpse does not have its own sorrowful and unyielding. Strong fighting spirit, playing, and not forgetting and tyrannical like his own punishment.

The square shield hovered, and Sun Hao continued to smash down to the corpse. At the same time, the gods swept away and swept the corpse to the spine that he had just broken.

The corpse roared and retreated, avoiding the square shield, and sticking out his claws. Among the ten fingers, he rushed out ten dragon-shaped qi, like ten swords, broke through the air, formed a sword array, and instantly blocked. Sun Hao’s room for advancing and retreating came to Sun Hao’s assassination.

After the punishment, the party shield slammed into the air and slammed into the three swords.

Sun Hao’s body swayed slightly, like a burst of blue smoke, flashing from the sword array and disappearing.

When it reappeared, Sun Hao had already completed the wind, and stood very fast behind the corpse. The hammer slammed out and slammed into the back of the corpse, and the force poured again on the spine that had just been picked up.

Hey, three consecutive sounds, the corpse has just received a lot of poor spine defense, and once again broken, this time, Sun Hao no longer hesitate, left hand punishment, the dry shield, disappeared, hold forward, hold tightly The spine of the corpse, the power of the real dragon broke out, and slammed outward.

At the same time, the right hand hammer, just right, when a hammer, fell to the end of the corpse spine.

The head of the corpse was swept away by Sun Hao, and the spine of the corpse was broken. Sun Hao violently pulled out of his body and slammed back.

The corpse who lost his head and spine, waving his fists on the ground, unwillingly rushed to Sun Hao a few steps, a bang, pushing Jinshan generally fell in front of Sun Hao, twitched a few times, but again I can't stand up anymore.

Sun Hao’s small face showed a bright smile.

Sure enough, the secrets of the corpse are in the spine on their backs, and as long as they remove their spine, they can't continue to do evil.

The spine in the hands of Sun Hao is extremely heavy, and he has it in his hand. He has the feeling of holding a steel rod.

Putting the two fractures of the spine in front of him, Sun Hao observed it with his heart and quickly discovered the clue.

Among the spine of the corpse, like the human monk, there is a spinal cord, and their spinal cord is unusual at first glance. Sun Hao looks at the inside with a broken bone and sees the blood that faintly reveals the golden light. Jade paste.

Sun Hao felt the moment of blood jade paste, in the soul of the gods, the eyes of the sorcerer's eyes have been automatically opened, revealing the desire for emotion.

At the same time, Sun Wu Dantian's Sumi condensate tower also revealed a desire for emotion, and Sun Hao did not expect that his own Mudan also showed a desire for emotion.

The eagerness of the three at the same time is very strong. It can be seen that this kind of blood jade cream is very big to help yourself.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao sat cross-legged and slammed the bones of the bones and slammed his mouth.

The blood jade paste rushed into the mouth of Sun Hao, and Sun Hao knew the movement. In the spirit of the gods, the sorcerer opened the belly button of the navel, vigorously sucked, and the blood jade cream fell into the mouth. Beginning to drive independently, Sun Hao refines the bone marrow blood jade cream while observing his own changes.

In less than a moment, Sun Hao stood up and showed a bright smile on his face.

The bone marrow blood jade cream in this corpse body is only the size of a thumb. After refining, it seems that the help of Sun Hao is not very big, but seriously understand the changes in the body, but Sun Hao’s heart has a surprise.

For the body of the body, the bone marrow blood jade cream is just a powerful complement to the death of the magnetic ray. The magnetic ray can stimulate the body to be finer and more solid, but after the fineness and solidification reach a certain level, There will be a lack of space and become more rigid.

However, the bone marrow blood jade paste has solved this problem well. The biggest role of jade cream is to enhance the activity and flexibility of the body, which can make Sun Hao's body more flexible and allow Sun Hao to withstand more magnetic Condensation of rays.

If you want to say something simple and straightforward, it is that Sun Hao’s past body is extremely powerful, but it is just a flesh.

After refining the death of Yuan magnetic, Sun Hao’s body appeared the first wonderful change, that is, Sun Hao can use his powerful rays to make his body more fine, which is equivalent to Sun Hao’s space in the body, and then Also automatically generate new body to fill in.

Refining the death of the meta-magnetic, Sun Hao's body may be equivalent to the previous two or three physical coincidence.

Now, after Sun Hao further refines the bone marrow blood jade cream, this coincidence doubles again. Sun Hao simply compares it. Absolutely, as long as he has enough blood jade cream, the strength of the whole body will be stronger than the original. The most primitive flesh is more than ten times more superimposed.

This is a milestone in the physical body of Sun Hao.

The help of blood jade cream to Sun Hao is also reflected in the second aspect. After refining the blood and jade cream, Sun Hao found that his body's bones have also been greatly affected. Like the flesh, the unparalleled sword bone can also get superimposed bone. The opportunity for density.

Moreover, Sun Hao can still feel that his bones have become more flexible after absorbing blood jade cream. Some strange movements that could not be completed before may not exist in Sun Hao here. Sun Hao’s overall skeleton, It seems to have become a piece of soft armor, flexible and tough.

This is the great help of the bone marrow blood jade cream to Sun Hao.

Of course, there is only a small piece of blood jade cream, and the help for Sun Hao is indeed limited. Sun Hao needs to continue to go down and collect.

It didn't take long for Sun Hao to do the same, killing the second bone demon. This time, Sun Hao guided the blood jade into the wooden Dan.

After half a ring, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

Mudan absorbed the blood jade cream, as if the change was not very Hao carefully observed the realization, only to find out that above the wooden Dan, the vivid tree pattern seems to have more branches, which is more tall. Some.

The trees on Mudan are produced by refining the branches of the tree, and I don’t know what kind of effect this blood jade will have.

Sun Hao’s original understanding is that the pattern on his own Mudan symbolizes his own spiritual roots, but now it seems that there is a slight deviation.

Or is it that the wood-and-wood roots represented by the wooden sacred pattern may continue to be strengthened, or the pattern on the wooden dan is not a spiritual root.

Moreover, from the current changes, it is not the possibility of a spiritual root, because under normal circumstances, if the roots change, then the five elements of Sun Hao's body will respond accordingly.

However, the refining of the blood jade cream, the five elements of the wheel of the spirits did not move at all, it seems that the Mudan pattern is another flaw.

Seriously thinking, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he may have made a habitual mistake in the past. For a long time, Sun Hao has always regarded Mudan as his own foreign property of wood. But now, I am afraid that after I have rotated my roots, I will generate it. Wood property foreign matter is not a wooden Dan, but it is very likely that it is the root of the tree, the pattern formed on Mudan.

If this is not the case of Sun Hao refining blood and jade cream, I may not think of this truth.

Mudan is indeed powerful, but it is the root of Sun Haomu's attribute cultivation. However, the formation of Mudan, but the relationship with the five elements of the wheel is not very big, but the result of the accumulation of the annual ring wood, the root of the tree is the real result of the wheel From this perspective, I am afraid that my wood property is still in an undeveloped state, and I don’t know what great power it has.

Soon after, Sun Hao also harvested a third blood jade paste, this blood jade cream, Sun Hao invested in the Sumi condensate empty tower. (To be continued.)


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