Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1881: Who can be the smallest (2)

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Bianmu Wang screamed: "Oh, bunny, bridesmaid, you have become such a cute bunny, it is so unexpected..."

Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and he couldn’t help but think of the rabbit’s cold jade. It’s very likely that the female rite is a figurative yin rabbit, and the avatar becomes a rabbit. Her body shape is really much smaller and safer. .

The bunny's face showed a humanized smile and a soft smile. The voice said softly: "Okay, everyone starts, and each means the means, the smaller the better, the hill you stay until the end."

The distracting power, especially the monks at the peak of distraction, basically have some powerful means. In the traditional cultivation experience of the male and female witches, most of the distraction period will choose the five gods and the gods. Advance between seven points.

That means that most of the on-site monks should have several incarnations, and there may be smaller bodies.

Under normal circumstances, the incarnation of the incarnation is relatively secret, the monks generally do not easily show people, but now, the environment needs, and then the scene is self-family, the bridesmaid also took the lead in taking out the housekeeping skills, other monks will no longer hold on, Ge Da Dam said: "I will come first..."

The wrists were vibrating, and there was a ball in the hand. The same way as the bridesmaid, it turned into a very strange one, with an apple head, only one foot tall, looks like a woman. The ceremony is much smaller.

Seeing the funny shape of Geerdamu, Bianmu laughed and cramped, and said with a sigh of relief: "Laughing the dead dog, laughing at the dead dog!"

Ge Damu does not have a general knowledge of dead dogs.

Gegeco is also a typical witch warrior, but the way to transform is quite different.

He didn't use his own ball to transform, but he really changed himself. He should have used his own incarnation technique and turned into a river eagle slightly larger than the little rabbit, standing proudly on the wasteland.

As he ran up, he found himself more sturdy than the river eagle, and he was very proud.

The second turn of the disk is the last one.

After a while, there was a white-footed four-legged lizard on the ground, which was a little smaller than the rabbit. Looking around, especially looking at the sun and the mountain, Sun Hao, a pair of small eyes, Full of curiosity.

Bianmu was very curious, leaping from Sun Hao's shoulder, standing in front of a few powerful powers, looking down a few small points, proudly screaming: "Wang Wang, now, I am becoming a priest." Boss, with me, I promise you to eat incense, drink spicy..."

The bridesmaid does not have a general knowledge of the dead dog. The little rabbit has a soft smile on his face. He looks up at Sun Hao and whispers: "Hill, it’s up to you, you try to get smaller, it’s not good, you can spin around, don’t enter It’s too deep.”

Sun Hao smiled and nodded, stretched his hand and slid the ear of the animal husbandry, put it on his shoulder and began to shake his body.

Sun Hao has completed the seven-soul soul. According to the truth, the best incarnation of the death meta-magnetism is actually a ghost, because the ghost itself has the attribute of death. After the incarnation of the ghost, Sun Hao is not afraid of death. Yuan magnetic.

However, the soul of immortality is more unsightly and taboo in the imaginary. Once Sun Hao is not dead, it is estimated that these companions will be slightly uneasy even if they don’t say anything in their mouths.

Sun Hao can also choose to invade the golden silkworm, and the body shape after the incarnation may be much smaller than the pure white lizard.

However, after Sun Hao thought about it, he concealed his ability to invade the golden silkworm, but decided to take the effect of the "small" of the **** of the golden silkworm.

Every time Sun Hao’s body swayed, it became smaller. It was less than a moment’s effort. The tall and strong body quickly became the same level as the male and female witches, which is the true human form of Sun Hao’s body. This form Sun Hao did not spend any effort, because this was originally Sun Hao.

At this time, Sun Hao began to really reduce the small.

Just like the funnel on the ground, Sun Hao's huge body shrank away from the ground.

The magic is that at this time, Sun Hao's shoulders of small fire and side animal husbandry, along with Sun Hao, according to the proportion of Sun Hao's reduced body, still stand on Sun Hao's shoulder, follow Sun Hao together to narrow down.

It is regrettable that the kind of idealization that I would directly put Sun Hao under his guise in the darkness of the heart, and in less than a moment, Sun Hao has completely become smaller than the white rabbit. Dwarfs.

While Bianmu and Xiaohuo still stood on Sun Hao’s shoulders, it was too small to be small.

The edge of the animal husbandry was a bit dejected at the moment, so the abominable Sun boss, actually reduced himself.

The bunny woman lowered her head and looked at the villain Sun Hao with curiosity. The mouth said: "The hill is really a means. It is no wonder that it can return safely from the poisonous death zone, bringing back the unrelenting active fire, but it is a small one." It’s interesting. I didn’t expect the tallest and largest hill. When necessary, it can become the smallest hill. It’s amazing...”

The little lizard, the little apple, and the slightly larger river eagle also showed amazed expression. This big barbarian can actually become smaller than himself, and it is still the kind of means that can’t see the traces. Barbarian is inconceivable!

Especially the women's ceremonies, but also let a few distracted powers in the heart of a slight surprise, smashing poisonous dead domain safely back, bring back the undead active fire, this time, the meaning of the woman's gift is worth playing, is it not? Telling everyone why the ranking of the hills is so high?

Oh, oh, after coming in the magical field, although the cultivation of the big man does not seem to be very powerful, but the means are endless, it is indeed worthy of respect.

However, at this time, watching Sun Hao, a few strange-shaped monks have an idea in their hearts. The big man of the hill is so strange, it looks awkward, but it is absolutely pretending, big!

Bianmu’s dejectedness will not exceed three interest rates. At this time, he has recovered his strength. Looking at the monks around him, he began to scream: “Interesting, interesting, look at what you are now, laughing dogs, rabbits, lizards , River Eagle, Apple... This lineup, actually swaying the devil, really laughs at the dead dog..."

The small Sun Hao’s face still has a thick smile: “The hill is a mystery. It should last for a long time. I hope that I won’t drag the team’s hind legs. I’m ready, I don’t know how to go in. What else is there?"

The bunny woman’s face showed a dignified expression: “The last point, everyone needs to keep in mind, that is, you can’t do it without trying to do it. Even if you do it, try not to make a big move. The more the monk’s real thing is, the more powerful it is. The more chance you have to get attached, remember?"

The difference between the wilderness and the previous two scenes is that everyone's strength has been completely preserved, including the ability to vacate. Once it encounters a major war, it is much more active, but the rite is now telling everyone, but it is not easy to make a big move.

It is very important to remember this point, otherwise it will be quite bad once the killing is happening is stared at by death.

Several people said at the same time: "I understand."

The little rabbit nodded, and the two big ears pulled down. The brideess naturally turned his ears over and said, "Yes, Gegeko, you are a water attribute monk, you should practice the ice attribute spell, then, if Once someone in the team is chased by death, the best way is to freeze him with ice-blocking, which can isolate the inductive pursuit of the death magnet and win a vitality for the companion."

Sun Hao’s heart is moving, the ice attribute spells, he will also be a few, maybe, the key moments can also help a little busy.

River Eagle Gegco calmly nodded: "Under the subordinates understand, adults are assured, I know what to do."

When several monks negotiated and were ready to go on the road.

Bianmu stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder and Wang Wang shouted: “I remembered, I remembered, the little guys on the Tianhe River, it’s like your current state, it’s not, those guys are The monk gave it a change. I said how it feels so strange. It turns out that it is so..."

Among the ranks, all the monks couldn’t help but look at each other with a shocking expression on their faces.

Look at yourself now, imagine the state of the Tianhe, everyone suddenly understands, perhaps, this dog is good, those small animals, it is likely that the young monks who fell in the dead meta-magnetization.

Everyone's heart can't help sinking.

Will you become one of them?

At this point, the small fire whispered in Sun Hao’s heart: "Brother, I found a problem."

Sun Hao: "What problem?"

Small fire: "There are a few small armored owls left in the Tianhe area, forgetting to take it back." (To be continued.) (Nine refinery to the fairy..2525604)--(九炼归仙)

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