Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1879: Cognitive reversal

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With the open road, the team went up the river, but it was basically unaffected.

Although she is strange, but her mouth is a piece of wood, she keeps thinking: "You dislike me. If you run farther and farther, I won't say it, I won't say..."

The other monks also gradually tasted the taste, and the area inside the galaxy was upside down. It seemed that everything was abnormal. The situation was a bit strange. The dish was open-mouthed and the woman said with a low voice: "Everyone is more careful, don't just publish it. Yes, everyone is still careful, don't be too careless."

The monks in the ranks were stunned and began to ponder the taste. Everyone was quiet, followed by the small armor, silently and quickly moving forward.

After a while, the Panji found the topic and asked: "Small Master, can you ask a few questions?"

It’s really boring to run like this. Speaking and communicating, Sun Hao’s face is a smile: “Don’t be polite, what is the dragon girl, please advise.”

The dish is open to ask for medicine.

As soon as the dish was opened, Sun Hao suddenly knew about her level of pharmacy. It was worthy of being the descendant of the Panhe Grand Master. The platter should also have master-level pharmacy.

When the two of them talked and walked, the time was very fast. Soon after, the environment in front changed, the grassland became a mountain, and the Tianhe River crossing the grassland was flowing down the mountain.

The difference from the cognition of everyone on the mainland is that the ordinary river should be closer to the source, the narrower the river, but the Tianhe is completely different. The river actually grows bigger and bigger, flowing from the mountains, it looks beautiful. Great.

The mountains are covered with tall, unknown trees. In the middle of the forest, at first glance, all kinds of creatures are very prosperous. When everyone comes, they are shocked by a bird, some of them, not to mention attacking the team. The fire of the small fire rushed up.

Unremarkable, it is almost invisible to the naked eye, so that the birds that look fierce and incomparable are shocked, and U-turns quickly escape.

Walk along the river in the forest.

Not long after, we found a small spider web, a spider with a small finger size to hunt, and a bird with a goose size was entangled in the spider web, struggling, and was under the eyes of everyone. The spider took the cobweb and tied it up.

A small armor bravely rushed over to the spider.

The spider seemed to be scared. He opened his mouth and sucked his spider web into his stomach. He didn't go back and ran quickly.

Did not run far, head-on collision with a small flying mosquito, just under the eyes of everyone, the spider that should have finished the small flying mosquito has been caught by the little flying mosquitoes, torn into two halves, and eat fast.

The smaller armor than the little flying mosquitoes rushed up.

The little flying mosquitoes seem to have met the world and quickly escaped.

Walking along the way, everyone saw something completely contrary to their own perceptions.

For example, the big tree is actually rooted in the small wood vine; for example, the frog is actually in the top six; for example, the bee actually raises the bear to help him make honey...

I can't see it, I can't think of it.

Many phenomena have completely subverted everyone's cognition, and everyone has profoundly perceived that the monks who want to get the wind in the middle and the rain, the rainy monks, are completely in the forest, and the little guys are moving in the eyes. In the meat store, many small things are eyeing the five powerful monks.

If the armor is not small enough, and the number of hyperthyroidism raised by the small fire is still relatively large, and it can deter the surrounding small things, it is estimated that everyone has already fallen into a hard battle.

Moreover, according to the experience of the small leopard, everyone's battle situation is not necessarily better.

Among the gods and devils, the greatest danger may be the strange and unpredictable rule of law. Who would have thought that the team would encounter such a wonderful situation after entering the devil?

One ability, there is no use of the land, this suppression, even the bridesmaid can not be spared, it is estimated that at least the powerful power of the Witch King can have a way to circumvent this direct law suppression, repaired to a lower I have to follow the rules.

It is no wonder that the devil is absolutely fierce. There are all sorts of strange rules, so that the monks who come in are uncomfortable, even if you have the ability to play it out, you may fall directly into it if you are not careful.

Passing through the devil, you need more than just strength, there may be all aspects of ability, plus a little bit of luck.

In the area where the Galaxy is upside down, if a small fire happens to cultivate a large number of small armor, everyone's days will not be so good.

Of course, there are Sun Hao, even if it is a small fire, there is a way to pass this past, but by then, the way to cross the border is rather embarrassing, and maybe you have to show the wonderful launching ceremony.

To be small, Sun Hao thinks that there may be nothing smaller than the small priests of Bianmu.

At the scene, there are two women's ceremonies, such as women's rites and dragons and maidens. It is too unsightly to use the grazing moves. Fortunately, this guy has not seen the hidden halls, or else it is estimated that this time has already been Happily launched, this guy is the best performer, the **** is high, and everything can be done.

The team did not know how long it took to travel along the mountain.

The deeper the advance, the more and more small things that follow the ass, it seems to be a group of evil dogs, and it is a glimpse of a group of moving food.

The small fire sent several small armor, driving these voyeurs around the front and rear, protecting the team from moving forward.

About a month or so, things that made everyone very unexpected happened again. Everyone came to the source of Tianhe. However, the birthplace of Tianhe was not the top of the mountain, but the abyss. The entire Tianhe River did not flow from top to bottom, but just fell down. Come over.

Ok, everyone understands that this Tianhe is not normal at all.

I found the source of the Tianhe River and looked at the abyss that I don’t know how deep. Looking at the sky and the waves of flowers that rushed out of the abyss, everyone didn’t know what to do.

Standing in front of the abyss, the feast was calm and calm, and Sun Hao thought about it. Pangu and Gegeke frowned, and Geerda was well. This guy has no illusions about his own judgment. Anyway, he listens to the feast and swears. On the hill, you don't have to think too much.

After half a ring, the brideess raised her finger and lifted it up.

Sun Hao raised his hand and went down.

The women's rites were smashed, and Sun Hao raised his fingers and lifted them up. Then, up and down, raised a few times.

The bridesmaid understood and looked at the other monks in the team. He said in a low voice: "You are now don't think about anything, stand in front of the hill and let the hill kick you down."

The other three of the team nodded quickly, but they knew some joints, but, as the brideess said, they couldn’t think too well.

This kind of place, I understand that I don’t understand. If I don’t understand, I can’t understand it. That’s it.

The girl nodded and looked at the dish and said, "I am asking you a question now. You have to answer me without thinking, the speed is fast, the hill is ready..."

Pan Pan and Sun Hao nodded.

The bridesmaid slowly asked: "Small, do you think I should jump up or down?"

The dish is of course said: "Of course it is up."

Sun Hao flew up and kicked the girl's ceremony into the abyss.

The dish was horrified: "Hey, I should play up..."

When the words were not finished, Sun Hao flew up and squatted on her buttocks and kicked her into the abyss.

The bridesmaid and the platter squatted in the air and disappeared.

Gege Ke and Geer Damu were surprised and said that the big man in the hill is too playful.

Sun Hao didn't wait for them to talk, reached out and pulled out the wood in the grazing mouth, and asked: "Bianmu, what do you think?"

Bianmu Wang yelled: "You are going backwards, not right..."

The voice of Bianmu has not completely lost. Sun Haofei rushed forward quickly. The speed is fast and the power is so great that he can't make any reaction to Gege Ke and Gege Damu in front of Sun Hao. It has been promoted by Sun Hao. Qiqi rushed out of the river bank and went to the cliff.

The bodies of several people rushed out, and the air flickered and disappeared.

On the bank of the river, some small flying insects flew over and surrounded the direction in which everyone disappeared. (To be continued.) (九炼归仙..2525604)--(九炼归仙)

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